John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

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  • @johnjamesjacoby



    I just realized this topic was for WP2.8, and I’m talking about WPMU2.7.1.

    In reply to: TalkPress suggestions



    I think I’ve been salivating for 10 months waiting for this. :)



    hempsworth, if your only problem is not being able to access the bbPress admin panel, then you’re experiencing the last little bits of a cookie issue. Check the paths, domains, and hash’s of your cookies, and make sure that all of them are getting dropped from both sides.



    I’m able to integrate WP2.8 and BBP1.0 without this.

    The settings put out by the Integration plugin are not REQUIREMENTS, they are RECOMMENDED. Basically automated guesses based on your wordpress/bbpress configuration. I can’t say I’ve integrated any two sites in the exact same way, as the cookie and domain setups are almost always different between installs, so it requires some trial and error to get them lined up.



    Thanks Sam. I’ve yet to try this, but I will tomorrow and will let you know how it works. I suspect probably better than I could ever do on my own. :)

    My guess, is this works if bbPress is installed in a directory off the WordPress root called “/bbpress/” ?

    Does this mean that some/all of the code above goes into the WordPress .htaccess file to prevent it from taking over, or does it go in the bbPress .htaccess file?



    Whoops… Need to remember to switch out of WordPress support mode! Totally my fault.




    <?php if (is_user_logged_in()) {
    <?php } ?>



    All of the manual -config.php file changes are “recommended settings” and should not be considered “required settings.”

    It will still take some trial and error to sync the platforms up, and some educated cookie viewing to make sure each platform is dropping the same cookies with the same hosts, paths, domains, and hashes.

    My advice is to make sure that the cookie, key, salt, path, and domain related manual entries into your -config.php files are mirror images of each other, and then start modifying from there if one platform drops a cookie differently than the other.




    Once bbPress goes 1.0, I’ve got a write-up in the queue that will go on and I’ll give to Sam also to put here. I’m going to do a walk-through and probably put it on also. Trent and I had talked about joining our efforts together a few weeks back, but I think we’re both waiting for bbPress1.0 to drop.

    The only reason I haven’t put anything official out there yet is the process has changed 3 times in the past 3 months and I’d prefer not to add any more info to the mix that will potentially be out-dated before it’s even cited as a valuable reference.

    Half the reason there are the questions there are, is because there are 10 different ways to do it, and none of them are correct for every installation/version of each application.

    I’ll try to talk to Sam tomorrow on IRC and see if there are any cookie/login/session changes due for bbPress before 1.0, and if not I’ll set something up ASAP.



    This isn’t that difficult, and there are many sites that have been doing this for months now, including my own if you excuse my defense. :)

    Glad to see someone is taking charge of this however. Best of luck to those guys. :)



    This will be fixed with 1.0 of bbPress. Problem is that the get_locale call gets triggered by WordPress when using deep integration.

    I submitted a trac ticket about this a few days (weeks?) ago and talked to Sam via IRC about it. He’s aware of it and it’s on his radar.

    I suspect that checking for deep integration and hooking into the locale filter will be the only way to do it without forcing it through a new bb_get_locale function.



    vhosts works fine. Eraticdance, it has to be a mismatch in the paths and cookies somewhere. Might end up to be a trial and error process adding, removing, and modifying your -config.php files, but that’s all I can really suggest as different hosts and setups all require different settings.



    So what cookies do you see when you login through bbPress?

    What cookies do you see when you login through WordPress?

    What are the differences? Either you’re missing a hash, or your host is wrong, or the path is off. Something is missing.



    Correct. Delete those out of there.

    I’ve noticed that the trunk doesn’t like existing users also. I’ll probably post a ticket in the trac about it this morning.

    In reply to: looping installation



    Just noticed this with the current trunk myself.

    For my particular installation, it looks like the forum didn’t get put in the DB. No forum in bb_forums forces bbPress into install mode.

    Can you open up phpMyAdmin and verify if you have any forum in your bb_forums table?



    Sounds like you need to sync up all of your salts and keys, and check out the cookies that get dropped from both sides when logging in.

    Remember you will still need the bbPress Integration plugin on the WordPress side to drop the bbPress cookies.

    The way I do this, is to use Firefox, login through WordPress, and look at the cookies. Then delete them. Login through bbPress, look at the cookies. Which ones are missing from either side? Which information doesn’t match? That will be your clue to getting them synced up.

    Once you know what you’re looking at, this process shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes.



    Wish I could be there, but unfortunately I’m stuck in Miami.

    Good luck and have fun Sam!



    Delete the keys from your wp-config.php file, and login to your admin panel.

    You should get a message at the top with new keys to add to your wp-config.php file.

    Take those keys, add them to your bb-config.php file with “BB_” in front of them.

    Report back?



    mcmc, the title of your topic says bbPress and WPMU, but your question is about BuddyPress.

    If you’ve got a BP question, head on over to and ask us over there. :)






    I think BuddyPress is the best modification for bbPress. ;)



    It’s also happening at Has been for about 3 weeks that I know of.

    I know I’ve read somewhere since I noticed it, that the Akismet team is working on reducing false positives with a new adaptive algorithm of some kind. Sorry I have no more details than just a partial memory that I could be fabricating at this point haha…

    Anyhow, I can confirm this is happening on our end also.



    Awww Jeeeaaaah…. :D



    Even uses deep integration, so I think that for right now, the only way to tightly integrate the two platforms is to use deep integration.

    Maybe tomorrow there will be a universal theme directory, and underneath that will be buddypress themes, bbpress themes, and wordpress themes, with wordpress mu sub themes for users.

    There are ways that you can make a plugin for one application to mimic what the other application does, but for things like the BuddyPress buddybar, there’s no way to load that without loading the BuddyPress classes and functions, and you can’t get that info without the WordPressMU classes and functions on the ready.

    Basically different strokes for different folks.



    Flies only live for 15 days; females for 26 if they’re lucky. We probably want people to stick around for a little longer… ;)

    Opinion: What *Press needs is some visual and code consistency to re-align everything back to the basics of what made WordPress awesome in the first place.

    Opinion: Right now all the automattic apps look and feel like totally different programs, but lets be honest… On the surface, bbPress is basically WordPress without topics being able to have multiple categories; On the surface, BuddyPress is basically the user-profile area that phpBB has had for 6 years but arranged to tap into the MU way of thinking. Under the surface the code and the methods are totally different, but the end result is pretty close to existing webware.

    Opinion: The only thing left for automattic to do is a shopping cart, which we can take a bunch of osCommerce experience from and apply to WordPress methods pretty easily if automattic ever wants to venture into the e-commerce market.

    Opinion: From a developers perspective, trying to keep up with and remember all of the WordPress, WordPressMU, BuddyPress, and bbPress classes and functions and ‘isms is getting really, really hard…

    Defense: PLEASE don’t get me wrong… It’s also exhilarating, exciting, totally 150% fun, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world, but holy crap lets sit back and look and say that there a whole meta ton of a lot going on lately…

    Matt, do you have an ulcer by now? Because I think I might... Ha! :D

    Defense: And hopefully I haven’t made myself out to be a total ass here; I hope that TalkPress helps to accelerate the .org thought process behind integrating both the user portion and the template portion of these awesome apps together in a more transparent way… Including my forum into my blog would be pretty killer. :)

    Round Up: With BuddyPress 1.0 on the horizon, bringing the social networking abilities that people usually make plugins for WordPress and bbPress to emulate, *Press automatic applications really do stand to evolutionize the way that people use the internet in a major way…

    Summary: I for one am totally pumped to see what TalkPress looks like and works like… When a new version of *press comes out, it’s like Christmas morning to me and I download it and poke my head around the new code and find all the cool new little additions…

    Please don’t hit me for my long winded and slightly off topic response. Probably wouldn’t expect anything less from me now would you? :D

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