John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Regarding the migration script, it’s a super high priority item, but the plugin core needs to settle before it makes sense to start building that bridge. By the time the plugin officially launches, there will be a migration script included.



    @gswaim – I can assure you bbPress as a WordPress plugin is no ground-hog day (although that is one of my favorite Bill Murray movies.) There’s more activity in the bbPress trac over the past 2 months than there has been in the previous 18.

    Evidenced by:

    Matt and I have shared a similar interest in having forum integration inside WordPress since 2008 when I first started using WordPress and bbPress regularly. The bbPress stand-alone can be deeply integrated with great success into WordPress. is a great example of how they can play nice together, as are and All of the support forums use bbPress with shared user tables and dedicated themes to make them look the part.

    But, I’m with you in that it just isn’t as turn-key simple as it could and should be.

    Regarding Tadlock’s plugin, he volunteered an early iteration of his code to me which helped confirm I was on the right track and give some ideas on how to do a few things I hadn’t finished yet. So his forums haven’t fizzled, they’ve been merged into bbPress so he doesn’t need to bare the burden of supporting another large library of code, and instead he can contribute back to it when he has time or needs something specific.

    Regarding my job with Automattic, progress slowed because every new employee does a 3 week training session with the Happiness Engineer team. It just so happened that my 3 weeks ended as the holiday season began. Not due to lack of importance, just not-so-good timing for writing code. :)



    @tieptoep – The alpha will probably not have a migration script from stand-alone to plugin, but we’ll more than likely put it in the plugin extend to engage a larger audience.



    No. The only version that is publicly available for download (using the red tab in the upper right hand corner) is a standalone version of bbPress that does not require WordPress to work.

    The version that is currently in development is a plugin for WordPress, which will require WordPress first.



    No. The only version that is publicly available for download (using the red tab in the upper right hand corner) is a standalone version of bbPress that does not require WordPress to work.

    The version that is currently in development is a plugin for WordPress, which will require WordPress first.



    @PaulMike – Not long now thanks to the efforts of GautamGupta. We’re going to be using it on a few community sites soon, so probably expect some kind of alpha in the next few weeks. There will be an official blog post to announce it when it’s time.



    My rule regarding trac vs forums, is that the forums are traditionally for support and confirmation of an issue occuring, and the trac is for when bugs appear that can be duplicated and/or you have a suggested code change. You can even drop enhancement requests in the trac if you have a really neat idea, even better if you have a patch to match it.

    Core developers live and breathe by the trac. If it isn’t in there, it doesn’t exist. It’s our diary of development, and without it our lives would be much more difficult. The trac is less social, and more developer speak. The forums tend to be a little more relaxed.

    With WordPress 3.1 almost in its third release candidate, we can expect it to ship really, really soon. That said, it makes sense to drop 3.0 support and focus on 3.1. I’ve made sure we’ve stayed compatible with 3.0 this entire time, but it’s time to focus on the version of WP that the bbPress plugin will see the most use on.

    Thanks to everyone that’s been testing on 3.0 installations. If you *really* want this to be 3.0 compatible, definitely open trac tickets and contribute patches to keep that support alive.



    For bugs where you’re comfortable creatIng a trac ticket, save yourself the work and don’t worry about cross-posting it here. We get email notifications on all trac activity, so we see them there right away.



    Yay! :) Thanks for the kind words.

    Gautam has definitely been doing an awesome job, so huge props are deserved. :)



    Yay! :) Thanks for the kind words.

    Gautam has definitely been doing an awesome job, so huge props are deserved. :)



    Wow that’s awesome. Great work!



    All for doing the weekly chats again. The rest of the little .org type stuff will come along soon too.



    Thanks! More to look forward to too. :)



    The recent WordPress security upgrade (regarding kses) wasn’t 4 hours from initial contact to release, but you’re right to say that having more eyes and developers did help to expedite the testing.

    Needless to say I wasn’t personally accessible to work on this until I was back from holiday, so it is me dropping that ball and not being prepared. I’ll take that responsibility even if no one expects me to. :)

    Honestly, the reminders get a little repetitive, but only because I get them from a few different places. Open source development is kinda like having 1,000 bosses, but I’m used to it and take pride in having people be worried about the state of things.

    I’ve got pretty thick skin and don’t take things personally. So, no worries. :)

    Another personal hurdle was learning exactly what the procedure is to actually push out a release of bbPress. Having never needed to do it yet, and having the only person who has in the past few years (Sam) not immediately at my disposal, it took a few days to get me setup and ready to be able to do it.

    The trunk and 1.0 branches are fixed. The 1.0 branch is ready for a release. I am going to do the 0.9 branch tonight, do some testing, make my first deployments, and look forward to things hopefully going smoothly for releases tomorrow or this weekend.

    I’m not new to bbPress, but I am new to the logistics. Don’t fret, I’m a fast learner. :)



    The recent WordPress security upgrade (regarding kses) wasn’t 4 hours from initial contact to release, but you’re right to say that having more eyes and developers did help to expedite the testing.

    Needless to say I wasn’t personally accessible to work on this until I was back from holiday, so it is me dropping that ball and not being prepared. I’ll take that responsibility even if no one expects me to. :)

    Honestly, the reminders get a little repetitive, but only because I get them from a few different places. Open source development is kinda like having 1,000 bosses, but I’m used to it and take pride in having people be worried about the state of things.

    I’ve got pretty thick skin and don’t take things personally. So, no worries. :)

    Another personal hurdle was learning exactly what the procedure is to actually push out a release of bbPress. Having never needed to do it yet, and having the only person who has in the past few years (Sam) not immediately at my disposal, it took a few days to get me setup and ready to be able to do it.

    The trunk and 1.0 branches are fixed. The 1.0 branch is ready for a release. I am going to do the 0.9 branch tonight, do some testing, make my first deployments, and look forward to things hopefully going smoothly for releases tomorrow or this weekend.

    I’m not new to bbPress, but I am new to the logistics. Don’t fret, I’m a fast learner. :)



    The trunk is technically 1.1, so both the 1.0 branch and 0.9 branches also need fixes, which means they both need testing. There is also another critical bug that’s cropped up that I’m working on currently, to get them both in under the same security releases.



    The trunk is technically 1.1, so both the 1.0 branch and 0.9 branches also need fixes, which means they both need testing. There is also another critical bug that’s cropped up that I’m working on currently, to get them both in under the same security releases.



    I’m in a tough spot with regards to internet access until I’m home from holiday on Jan 3; home or not, getting updated versions of 0.9.x and 1.0.x out asap is my top priority.



    I’m in a tough spot with regards to internet access until I’m home from holiday on Jan 3; home or not, getting updated versions of 0.9.x and 1.0.x out asap is my top priority.



    The bbPress plugin will use the existing WordPress user account, with nothing extra needed.

    BuddyPress integration will be extremely easy, although BuddyPress will need a few small changes to help it along. :)

    In reply to: HIde Sub-forums



    Hi ONEWAY. You might have better luck asking this question over at

    As a brief hint, if you want to pick which forum your ‘groups’ forums are under, you need to set that with a code change in a file called ‘bp-custom.php’. This is considered advanced usage so you’ll want to snoop around the BuddyPress code for the constant that defines the forum_id where they go.

    In reply to: HIde Sub-forums



    Hi ONEWAY. You might have better luck asking this question over at

    As a brief hint, if you want to pick which forum your ‘groups’ forums are under, you need to set that with a code change in a file called ‘bp-custom.php’. This is considered advanced usage so you’ll want to snoop around the BuddyPress code for the constant that defines the forum_id where they go.



    Changed to resolved and closing since this issue is fixed.



    Changed to resolved and closing since this issue is fixed.



    This is fixed in the bbPress trunk. Give it a go and be sure to report back any more issues. :)

    Thanks for bringing this up!

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