John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Don’t use “add_theme_support()” unless your theme actually supports it. :)

    add_theme_support() doesn’t automatically add bbPress support to your theme, but the opposite – it tells WordPress and bbPress that your theme already supports bbPress. If you don’t have a /bbpress folder in your theme full of bbPress template files, then your theme does not support bbPress.

    There isn’t a core updater yet, but there will be soon. These questions are all answered numerous times in the sticky topic at the front of these forums.



    Don’t use “add_theme_support()” unless your theme actually supports it. :)

    add_theme_support() doesn’t automatically add bbPress support to your theme, but the opposite – it tells WordPress and bbPress that your theme already supports bbPress. If you don’t have a /bbpress folder in your theme full of bbPress template files, then your theme does not support bbPress.

    There isn’t a core updater yet, but there will be soon. These questions are all answered numerous times in the sticky topic at the front of these forums.



    @Rick – Can you create a new topic with these questions please? They are starting to pertain specifically to helping you with your site, and not with bbPress. Thanks :)



    @tooltrainer – Possibly, but not for the first release. The way WordPress handles this is by pre-saving drafts, which means we’d need to build draft support into user profiles too. Not impossible, but would need to be thought through.



    @Daily Anarchist – Your theme doesn’t use a conventional WordPress header, and it’s missing the appropriate call to


    which is how WordPress themes load dynamic content in the


    of the page.

    There is also no reference anywhere in your source to a wp-content folder, which is where your theme and any related plugins should be loading from. With something that’s this outside of the norm, you’re going to run into lots of incompatibilities with many plugins as you go. I’m actually pretty happy that bbPress looks as good as it does considering there’s no CSS applied to it at all. :)

    As a general note going forward to everyone, if you have site specific questions please post up new topics and tag them ‘plugin’ so that we keep this sticky focused on the bbPress plugin, and not supporting your sites. Thanks :)



    I’ll do my best to keep things error free going forward. :)

    Feeds are coming soon too, so be on the look-out.



    I’ll do my best to keep things error free going forward. :)

    Feeds are coming soon too, so be on the look-out.



    They will be treated as normal WordPress plugins, that need to built to hook in to bbPress specifically. Similar to BuddyPress plugins.



    They will be treated as normal WordPress plugins, that need to built to hook in to bbPress specifically. Similar to BuddyPress plugins.



    @tooltrainer – unrelated, and fixed. Try the latest revision. :) Was a bug with subforums, categories, and topic/reply counts.



    @tooltrainer – unrelated, and fixed. Try the latest revision. :) Was a bug with subforums, categories, and topic/reply counts.



    @CrownOfMars – Try the latest revision and let me know if it’s fixed for you. Was a regression from fixing something else.

    @Rick Lewis – You haven’t started over, because you still have a custom theme. It looks to me like you still have

    add_theme_support( 'bbpress' );

    in your custom theme, even though you don’t have any bbPress files in your custom theme to actually provide bbPress support.

    Using the add_theme_support() method is what tells bbPress not to use its own internal files, and just let WordPress do its thing and figure it out. In that case, bbPress will follow the normal template hierarchy for WordPress (archive.php, index.php, etc…)

    So you either…

    1. Copy the bbPress files out of the bbp-twentyten folder into your custom theme and use the add_theme_support() method, which allows you to use page templates.
    2. Don’t move anything, don’t add anything, and use shortcodes and adjust your CSS as needed.
    3. Create your own completely custom method of handling bbPress, which is possible to do but way more work than it’s probably worth doing unless you need something *really* tricked out.



    @CrownOfMars – Looks like depending on how your forums are setup, that WordPress is doing some canonical redirecting. I’ll see what I can do to prevent that from happening here.



    Can you all try the most recent revision, and see if that fixes it for you? I think there’s probably a cleaner way to handle some of this, but I’d like to let this sit for a few days and see how it’s received.

    The limit is finding what circumstances should be prevented completely, and what should provide some kind of specific user feedback. The question is enough to make me want to eventually write some kind of legitimate permissions based access feedback; something that works similar to a 404.php but for access errors. No time to get this in before beta though. :/



    Can you all try the most recent revision, and see if that fixes it for you? I think there’s probably a cleaner way to handle some of this, but I’d like to let this sit for a few days and see how it’s received.

    The limit is finding what circumstances should be prevented completely, and what should provide some kind of specific user feedback. The question is enough to make me want to eventually write some kind of legitimate permissions based access feedback; something that works similar to a 404.php but for access errors. No time to get this in before beta though. :/



    @CrownOfMars – There is no need for a ‘/forums’forum’ page, and it should be redirecting to a 404 page, using your 404.php template file. Because a forum is of the post type ‘forum’ that’s how WordPress knows what kind of content to serve up, what template to use, etc…



    Confirmed on a fresh installation. Working on a fix.

    This is me, apologizing… with a fix! :)



    Confirmed on a fresh installation. Working on a fix.

    This is me, apologizing… with a fix! :)



    Nothing really. It’s mostly for the AJAX of the favorites and subscribe links, which work perfectly fine without it.



    Nothing really. It’s mostly for the AJAX of the favorites and subscribe links, which work perfectly fine without it.

    In reply to: Running alpha-2



    Nice! Looks like some of the counts and ‘last active’ info are off, but those will recalculate themselves as people create new topics and replies.

    In reply to: Running alpha-2



    Nice! Looks like some of the counts and ‘last active’ info are off, but those will recalculate themselves as people create new topics and replies.

    In reply to: Moderation queue



    Without knowing anything about coding, it’s going to be almost impossible. :)

    You can learn to program though; once you do that, the sky is the limit. :D

    The soon to be released bbPress plugin for WordPress will allow something like a moderation queue pretty easily, but it would need to be built.

    In reply to: Moderation queue



    Without knowing anything about coding, it’s going to be almost impossible. :)

    You can learn to program though; once you do that, the sky is the limit. :D

    The soon to be released bbPress plugin for WordPress will allow something like a moderation queue pretty easily, but it would need to be built.



    Not an idiot, it’s just new and uncharted territory. I’ve coded a lot of little subtleties into the plugin that will come out as time goes on. Pretty much anything you want to do with it, you should be able to do. If you find a limitation, I want to fix it. :)

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