Forum Replies Created
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – FAQ
The docs are just static WordPress pages for now. We’ll switch it eventually.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – FAQThe docs are just static WordPress pages for now. We’ll switch it eventually.
In reply to: Developers: New Trac and SVN URLsTrac should be using your login. You won’t be able to login to the SVN.
In reply to: Developers: New Trac and SVN URLsTrac should be using your login. You won’t be able to login to the SVN.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – conditional tags?Thanks for moving this here.
Check the /bbp-includes/bbp-general-template.php file; there are a ton of _is_ functions.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – conditional tags?Thanks for moving this here.
Check the /bbp-includes/bbp-general-template.php file; there are a ton of _is_ functions.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – Updates@MelloMoose – Can you please start your own support topic and not post personal help requests in this one? Thanks. Once you do I’ll delete your posts here.
@LPH2005 – Since the stable tag isn’t numeric yet, it’s likely that it won’t trigger the update notice until it goes gold. I’ll look into it though.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – Updates@Cor – What theme are you using? Those appear to be WordPress core errors, and I’m not immediately sure how bbPress would cause those to happen.
In reply to: Translating to spanishThanks guys
@VanDuch – Private and Hidden forums perform extra capability checks, and hide the contents of those forums from profile pages, widgets, and anyplace forum content is available. This was a bit complicated to pull off, so if you find any bugs I’m happy to investigate and fix.
In reply to: Translating to spanishThanks guys
@VanDuch – Private and Hidden forums perform extra capability checks, and hide the contents of those forums from profile pages, widgets, and anyplace forum content is available. This was a bit complicated to pull off, so if you find any bugs I’m happy to investigate and fix.
In reply to: Building plugins for the bbPress 2 WP pluginYes, you’ll want to make them as WordPress plugins that specifically hook into bbPress actions and filters.
There are tons of places where things can be overridden, and it shouldn’t take long to learn the hierarchy. Everything inside the php files is documented pretty well, and eventually that will get moved over to this site with a codex.
In reply to: Building plugins for the bbPress 2 WP pluginYes, you’ll want to make them as WordPress plugins that specifically hook into bbPress actions and filters.
There are tons of places where things can be overridden, and it shouldn’t take long to learn the hierarchy. Everything inside the php files is documented pretty well, and eventually that will get moved over to this site with a codex.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – UpdatesYes it is possible. The shortcodes you want are most likely…
When bbPress 2.0 officially launches, there will be an interface for these hidden shortcodes.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – UpdatesDo you have a physical /forums folder at the root of your installation? If not, is there anything else strange happening that you can report?
In reply to: Importing from bbPress StandaloneI updated some of the verbiage and changed a few of the behaviors of the importer from bbS2P to being in core. It needs some heavy testing. This kind of data migration is not something that should be taken lightly, so let’s get it polished up for when 2.0 goes gold.
In reply to: Importing from bbPress StandaloneI updated some of the verbiage and changed a few of the behaviors of the importer from bbS2P to being in core. It needs some heavy testing. This kind of data migration is not something that should be taken lightly, so let’s get it polished up for when 2.0 goes gold.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – UpdatesbbPress 2.0 beta 1 is now available in WordPress extend for public testing.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – UpdatesHaha! A beta will be in the WP repo when you wake up tomorrow.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – UpdatesWhat happens if you wrap that code in a proper code element?
No worries about posting security stuff here. Live and learn.
I’m going to put up a sticky post here with more clear directions, and when/where to do what/why.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – Updates@jvanclute – I deleted your posts because they are security related. The way it works now, is if you are the site admin you have the unfiltered_html capability, which allows you as a trusted site administrator to post whatever you want to. What you described isn’t allowed for non-admins.
I’ll look through things again and probably incorporate more aggressive filtering, even for admins.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – UpdatesFirst pass at RSS2 feeds is now in the plugin. Surprisingly, not as easy as I thought they were going to be, so be sure to test these. They are accompanied by 2 new settings options to control the per page count of their RSS feeds.
Starting to run out of room in the theme to put links to feeds, so still working that out. Until then you can access topic/reply feeds by appending “/feed” or “/feed?type=reply” to single topics and forums.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – UpdatesIt’s come up a few times now, where people have been using
add_theme_support( 'bbpress' );
incorrectly. As a result, I’ve added some extra checks and failsafes to make sure that even if you incorrectly report that your theme supports bbPress, it will still fall back to the theme compatibility files. This kind of change is pretty late in the game, so be sure to update your installations and report if anything breaks.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – UpdatesThey don’t. Gravatar. Or use BuddyPress if you need real profiles, images, etc…
In reply to: BB Plugin – Link and theme issues1. Change the forums base to something else. I am running it perfectly fine over at by changing the base to ‘discussion’
2. The reason for the double ‘forum’ is because your root slug is ‘forum’ and the forum slug is ‘forum’ and you’re choosing to include the root slug.
3. Don’t remove the forum slug.
Widgets should work anywhere you have a widgetable area. Since your theme is mostly custom, you’ll want to research how widgets work, insert your sidebar, etc…
In reply to: BB Plugin – Link and theme issues1. Change the forums base to something else. I am running it perfectly fine over at by changing the base to ‘discussion’
2. The reason for the double ‘forum’ is because your root slug is ‘forum’ and the forum slug is ‘forum’ and you’re choosing to include the root slug.
3. Don’t remove the forum slug.
Widgets should work anywhere you have a widgetable area. Since your theme is mostly custom, you’ll want to research how widgets work, insert your sidebar, etc…