John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Works for me. Can anyone else confirm this?



    That would be nice, and I’ll most likely research something similar to this after 2.0. The problem is there is no way to add an additional theme path check on top of the parent theme and the child theme locations. Even then, that doesn’t make the single-, archive-, and page- templates match the HTML structure of your current theme, which means manually editing them anyways.

    As annoying as it is to add theme support for bbPress and not have the files there, that’s also the easiest way to communicate ability between theme and plugin. If you add theme support for post thumbnails, and then don’t use post thumbnails in your theme, you just don’t have post thumbnails. :)



    That would be nice, and I’ll most likely research something similar to this after 2.0. The problem is there is no way to add an additional theme path check on top of the parent theme and the child theme locations. Even then, that doesn’t make the single-, archive-, and page- templates match the HTML structure of your current theme, which means manually editing them anyways.

    As annoying as it is to add theme support for bbPress and not have the files there, that’s also the easiest way to communicate ability between theme and plugin. If you add theme support for post thumbnails, and then don’t use post thumbnails in your theme, you just don’t have post thumbnails. :)



    What version of bbPress are you using?



    What version of bbPress are you using?



    Check out the Theme Compatibility sticky topic, and confirm that you’ve followed all the steps correctly.



    Check out the Theme Compatibility sticky topic, and confirm that you’ve followed all the steps correctly.



    Sorry; I don’t understand the question. bbPress won’t move any files for you on its own. You mentioned that you’ve physically moved files (hopefully you copied, and did not remove them from the bbPress folder.) By putting

    add_theme_support( 'bbpress' );

    in your theme, you’re telling bbPress “I don’t need your help anymore and I have everything under control.” If you didn’t copy all of the files correctly, then bbPress won’t know what to do. :)



    Sorry; I don’t understand the question. bbPress won’t move any files for you on its own. You mentioned that you’ve physically moved files (hopefully you copied, and did not remove them from the bbPress folder.) By putting

    add_theme_support( 'bbpress' );

    in your theme, you’re telling bbPress “I don’t need your help anymore and I have everything under control.” If you didn’t copy all of the files correctly, then bbPress won’t know what to do. :)



    Since you’re manually adding theme support to your existing theme (as opposed to letting bbPress do it for you) you’ll need to move the other single/archive/page template files from bbp-twentyten into your existing theme too.



    Since you’re manually adding theme support to your existing theme (as opposed to letting bbPress do it for you) you’ll need to move the other single/archive/page template files from bbp-twentyten into your existing theme too.

    In reply to: Where is the importer?



    Are you already using deep integration of some kind? I imagine we should wrap things in _exists checks just incase, and bypass the bb-config.php check if so.

    In reply to: Where is the importer?



    Are you already using deep integration of some kind? I imagine we should wrap things in _exists checks just incase, and bypass the bb-config.php check if so.



    Neat. I definitely like the bbPress forums better. :)



    Neat. I definitely like the bbPress forums better. :)



    You could just as easily put some code in the sidebar.php of your theme to show/hide whenever you want it to. Contextual sidebars are an oft requested WordPress core feature too.



    You could just as easily put some code in the sidebar.php of your theme to show/hide whenever you want it to. Contextual sidebars are an oft requested WordPress core feature too.



    @jarledb – Eventually bbPress will be on GlotPress, which will enable easier crowd sourcing of translations.



    Will look into getting into GlotPress soon.



    Will look into getting into GlotPress soon.

    In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – FAQ



    I don’t think it’s too long. There are numerous long term infrastructure decisions to be made before creating an entirely new missing section of a live site. I understand your sense of urgency, but I need you to trust that it will happen when it can happen. :)

    Developers should have plenty of documentation within the bbPress code itself; it’s all properly phpDoc’ed with great examples on what the functions do and how to use them. If you’re curious how to do something, take a walk down

    In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – FAQ



    I don’t think it’s too long. There are numerous long term infrastructure decisions to be made before creating an entirely new missing section of a live site. I understand your sense of urgency, but I need you to trust that it will happen when it can happen. :)

    Developers should have plenty of documentation within the bbPress code itself; it’s all properly phpDoc’ed with great examples on what the functions do and how to use them. If you’re curious how to do something, take a walk down



    @rofflox – Can you create a trac ticket with some steps to reproduce? When you add theme support, it should start pulling files from your active theme, and not the default templates anymore.



    Wow neat. :)

    The _insert_ style functions will happen before 2.0 gets released.

    Any chance you can host this in a file somewhere rather than having a large code block?



    Wow neat. :)

    The _insert_ style functions will happen before 2.0 gets released.

    Any chance you can host this in a file somewhere rather than having a large code block?

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