John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Sounds like a bug. Can you create a ticket in our tracker so we can research this further?



    _get_ functions do not echo, so you’ll want to use




    RC 1 due out tonight, with lots more little audits and fixes. Thanks to everyone for testing and feedback. :)



    You should get this into WordPress Extend. If it works as advertised, it could be quite popular.



    Oversight. It used to work as part of the WordPress Tag Cloud widget, but that behavior may have changed.

    Will fix for 2.0.



    This is a known issue, and one we’ll be fixing in the coming weeks. :)

    In reply to: Optional Avatars



    You can turn avatars off completely in your WordPress Discussion settings. :)



    bbPress 2.0 comes with support for user profiles, yes.



    So… A few thoughts on this as of today. My opinion on this is probably easily swayed, but it’s what I think now so I’m gonna roll with it… :)

    So topics and replies, are already hierarchical to each other; replies are children of their topic. Forums by their nature are meant to be focused topics of discussion. It’s possible that topics can grow very large in size, but the intent is to keep the conversation fairly linear. Any forking/branching/nesting of conversations most likely belongs in a separate topic.


    Since we’re using custom post types, we still have the whole comments API just laying around WordPress that we’re not using. If, you /really/ wanted to have threaded discussion, you could add comments to the post_type_supports for replies, and build a theme to make it work. This would allow all kinds of neat extra usages for comments that are semi-conventional to blog posts. Use comments as reply feedback, use them as “Like” comments, use them for hidden moderator notes, etc…

    Lots of fun ideas come to mind. :) Comments were also the natural choice FOR replies, just like taxonomies were the natural choice for Forums/Categories, but since they all lack revisions, attachments, taxonomies, etc, I opted to use another post type for them and leave comments for plugin authors and developers to play around with.



    The ‘native’ text is an artifact from setting the eol-style. Not supposed to be there, and I’ll likely put out a Beta 3c to remove them. Super weird.

    I’ll look into the pagination of favorites. Last I checked it was working just fine.



    Looks fine to me.



    Wow that’s annoying. Somehow my eol-style:native decided it was a good idea to modify the content of the files.

    Fixing and packaging 3c. Really sorry about that.



    @zhonghao – What version of WordPress are you using? Sounds like you’re using 3.0.


    was introduced in 3.1, so it should be available.

    That error won’t happen as a result of a BuddyPress conflict. Matter of fact, the two plugins should play nicely together. They have been both activated and running at for some time now, with no issues.



    This is noted in a few places here already in the past few hours. Download Beta 3b to fix this.



    @zamoose – Beta 3b normalizes some function names from Beta 2, based on feedback from confused users trying to find the right functions to use. If you previously moved the bbPress bbp-twentyten templates into your custom theme, you’ll need to do that again with Beta 3/3b. No other structural changes are going in before 2.0.



    The forum index bug is fixed already here. I’ll package up a Beta 3b today to address it.



    Cool thanks for reporting. Any idea what role the users are that are having the issues? Are you able to post topics and replies as a site admin?



    @Patrick – Just audited the usage of bbp_get_reply_url() and bbp_get_reply_position() and made some changes. I’ll be sure to test paginated reply subscription notifications before pushing out RC1.



    Sorry about that everyone. Typo in the template parts. Fixing asap.

    <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/content', 'archive-forums' ); ?>

    …should be…

    <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/content', 'archive-forum' ); ?>

    …as seen here at the trac revision.



    @bradsucks – Topic tag behavior seems to be hit or miss since Beta 1. I’ve added some extra logic into the permalinks to check for conflicts with any other slugs or permalinks. Check your forums and permalinks settings, and see if there are any notes about conflicts. There can be some collisions with blog post tags if you have your topic-tag slug set to “tag” and are choosing to not include the forums archive as the root of all forum permalinks.



    @Fartlek – The Akismet integration was largely contributed by cnorris23, and Nightgunner5. Props to them :)



    If you’re not a developer, the time it would take you to learn how to integrate multiple versions of bbPress/WordPress with cookie sharing would most likely not be cost effective.



    Happy to oblige. :)



    Also added Akismet integration to Beta 3. If you have the Akismet plugin for WordPress installed, bbPress 2.0 will now just piggy-back it, and work without any additional config.



    Those of you with custom themes where you’ve moved files around may need to move files one last time, as some changes to the theme compatibility routine and template structure in Beta 3 (based largely on user feedback) have shuffled things around a bit.

    If this is you, you’ll want to back up your custom template files (so you don’t lose your edits), copy the contents of bbp-twentyten into your theme (like you did before), then go through the changes and make sure everything is working the way you want it to.

    This will be the final theme compatibility change in 2.0.

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