Forum Replies Created
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 Video Embed Plugin?
Yep. They are just posts, after all.
I promise if you are using BuddyPress 1.5 and bbPress 2.0 in an unmodified, vanilla installation, they work seamlessly together once you decide which forum setup to use. You can even use both of them, like I have setup at, provided you change the bbPress 2.0 slugs in Admin > Settings > Forums.
If you need support for your site specifically, please make your own topic so you do not pollute other peoples conversations with your questions.
In reply to: Safari hilidaysNo.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 plugins?There is no bbPress 1.5. Are you confusing it with BuddyPress?
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – Theme CompatibilityI can’t be the only person looking to theme this for their site.
Clearly you’re not, and no one said you were. You are however one of the few having trouble getting it to work. Because of that I’d appreciate if you open your own support topic to get help for what you need rather than pollute this topic for everyone else.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 plugins?^—boom
In reply to: some sections won't use templatesIn reply to: some sections won't use templatesSo by removing all of the Genesis actions, bbPress is able to do what it needs to without any kind of conflict? Seems pretty straight forward. I could transform your code into a bbPress 2.0 core patch, but I’d be flying blind not having a copy to test with.
I would literally be taking exactly what you have and making bbPress load it like it does the Akismet and BuddyPress extensions.
Regarding: 2, bbPress allows for easy customizing of its slugs, so you can prevent them from colliding. Admin > Settings > Forums
Regarding: 3, Site Tracking is only visible on Network Activated installations of BuddyPress. Otherwise it is on by default.
In reply to: Problem with this forum…. loginCache related. Looking into it.
In reply to: WangGuard, Answering questionsSince WangGaurd is for bbPress 2.0, it should be in the WordPress plugin repository so bbPress 2.0 users can download it via the WordPress dashboard.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – Theme CompatibilityEverything in bbPress and BuddyPress is coded using the WordPress actions API. There is absolutely no reason to modify any core files to do what you want to do. There are plenty of examples on how to accomplish what you need on the WordPress codex, and even in the bbPress code itself.
Before you start chopping out pieces of core code, try to understand why it’s there. If you have questions on a specific piece of code in bbPress, open a new topic and I’m happy to explain why it’s there.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 Video Embed Plugin?Would not be difficult to turn on WordPress’s existing oEmbed functionality.
This was by design to avoid querying each forum for it’s children on each page load if it didn’t have any children.
The ‘_bbp_forum_subforum_count’ post meta only contains a count of public forums, as returned by bbp_forum_query_subforum_ids() which uses bbp_get_public_child_ids().
Now that forum status is baked into the query filter, this kind of check could probably use a rethink. Go ahead and open a ticket and I’ll look at it for 2.1.
In reply to: Implementing RSS FeedsSince it looks like you are not using pretty permalinks, you’ll want to append “&feed=1” to the end of any of your existing bbPress URLs. “&feed=rss2” should work also.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – Theme Compatibility@enderandrew – I can’t accurately guess at what’s wrong. Try again?
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – Theme CompatibilityI’ll probably come up with a bbPress Skeleton theme/plugin, to show off some of the flexibility. It’s possible to write a custom “bbPress Pack” that would totally override the default bbPress theme layer, without it even touching your current theme. I think that’s the ideal setup really, one where you can kinda “bolt on” parts of a website without needing to move files around here or there.
In reply to: bbPress 2.0 – Theme Compatibility@woodwardmatt: Thanks for the kudos.
The theme layer is complicated because there is no easy way to create a new type of content in WordPress without the theme supporting it.
Originally you *had* to use a bbPress theme (bbp-twentyten) but that was only so I could build something out of nothing. Once I had a theme, I made shortcodes that use individual template parts so things could live anywhere and still look the way the theme looks. Lastly, I built the whole abstraction layer that used the shortcodes to output content where it belongs without you needing to do anything about it.
The thing is, there is only one bbPress 2.0 theme in the world right now, and it’s the one that comes with bbPress 2.0. I’m not opposed to including more theme’s in core, but I think it’s someone else’s turn to make the next one.
To your request: Currently impossible. Plugin updates delete the parent folder and recreate it with new contents. No way to avoid it getting wiped out.
To your reason: Makes sense, and if we want to make more bbPress themes for core, we can. Then you can pick which “style” of bbPress you want inside your existing theme. Advanced developers still get the flexibility they desire. Win/Win.
Payment: Delicious
In reply to: Forum Homepage and sub forums problemThere is no file named bbp-template.php.
I’d also suggest not editing any core bbPress files. Your changes will get wiped out when you update bbPress.
In reply to: some sections won't use templatesCurious what the bug is also. Paste a link in here and I’m happy to see if there is something I can do in bbPress to fix it.
You’ll want to get familiar with how template parts work. The reason there are so many is bbPress uses them to make the shortcodes work correctly.
The file names themselves are fairly verbose, and at the top of each file is the name of the file, which is a fairly clear indication of what it does.
When we get some documentation setup here, I’ll post up a list of the files and what they do and why.
In reply to: Implementing RSS FeedsAdd /feed to the end of any bbPress 2.0 url.
In reply to: permalinks?Link me to your site. The breadcrumb is designed to avoid duplicates, so it shouldn’t be happening like that.
The permalinks are working the way that WordPress is designed to make them work. This is actually the same way that bbPress 1.0 has worked since the very beginning.
In reply to: bbpress 2.0 Change "Oh Bother" message ??
Look in the files that start with “feedback”
In reply to: forums listDo not modify the core files.
If you don’t like the way it looks, you can change it by creating a custom theme and passing different parameters to the bbp_list_forums() function instead.