Forum Replies Created
You’ll want to look at the _insert_ functions in:
- includes/topics/functions.php
- includes/forums/functions.php
- includes/replies/functions.php
You’re going to need to build a custom migration tool, since bbPress Forums are not conventional taxonomies and terms. You’ll most likely want to write a new converter tool; there are several located in includes/admin/converters/.
In reply to: BBpress not showing sub-forumsI don’t see any forums on your site at:
In reply to: bbPress 2.2.1bbPress 2.2.1 is out to address some of the major user-role issues.
In reply to: Fix for users of s2member and bbPress 2.2bbPress 2.2.1 is incoming, to fix this bug.
In reply to: Avatar feature on user profile is messed upThis is not a feature of bbPress. You’re likely using a Local Avatars plugin, and will need to style it to fit your needs.
In reply to: Can't Post New TopicI was hoping to get the “New Topic” button to work on the main forums page (this may not be bbPress as it appears (non-functional) without bbPress being installed.)
I’m confused about what you’re trying to do now; or what the actual problem is you’re having.
Thanks for your help, though, John! I really appreciate you taking some time to look into this.
No problem. Does this mean you fixed it, or it’s still not working correctly?
To clarify, you want something similar to the way works, where there is a “Create New Topic” button/link, that takes you to a dedicated page where users can create new topics?
In reply to: Fix for users of s2member and bbPress 2.2My first guess is s2member hooks in too late, or some other plugin is loading the current user way too early in the stack. bbPress doesn’t perform any of those actions until it expects WordPress to make them happen naturally.
If the current_user is loaded before the ‘after_setup_theme’ action is called (because of an is_super_admin() check, a call to current_user_can(), etc…) bbPress fails gracefully, and waits until it’s time. If S2member waits until init to add its roles, or if the WP_Roles array doesn’t include the s2Member roles by the time ‘after_setup_theme’ has fired,
will get called, loading the current user, and bbPress will map the roles accordingly.Another possible problem is bbp_get_user_role_map() not mapping custom roles; it only maps to WordPress core roles. A possible fix to bbp_set_current_user_default_role() would be to array_diff() editable_roles() vs bbp_get_dynamic_roles(), loop through them, use the map where it matters, and use the default role otherwise.
In reply to: Fix for users of s2member and bbPress 2.2@nerrad – yes please, a trac ticket would be great.
To clarify, you’re saying that s2member does not add itself to WordPress’s editable roles array, using WP_Roles->add_role() ?
In reply to: Can't Post New Topic- Delete your “Forums” page
- Delete it permanently from your trash
- Turn off BuddyPress’s forums component
- Visit /forums/
In reply to: bbp_clean_post_cache() problemSweet. Thanks. Happy to help.
In reply to: Fix for users of s2member and bbPress 2.2Any idea why bbPress’s bbp_set_current_user_default_role() function isn’t working?
In reply to: Author MCE brokenThey are already aware of the issue; I have this fixed in the next version of Jetpack already. 🙂
bbPress purposely forces the editor into ‘teeny’ mode. You’ll need a plugin to change that, which is possible to filter out.
In reply to: php option valueMakes sense. Best of luck!
In reply to: Can't Post New TopicAre you using group forums, or do you want site wide forums?
In reply to: bbPress 2.2.1@rossagrant – it already tries to do that, via: Settings > Forums — Auto role —
“Automatically assign default role to new, registered users upon visiting the site.”
Basically, that bit looks for users with no bbPress role, and automatically gives it to them (without interfering with existing WordPress roles.)
I think the problem comes from having modified the bbp_participant role previously in the database, and bbPress not using those modified caps any longer. (Just a guess.)
bbPress moved away from “editable roles” in 2.2, since plugins like s2member and Members allow for manipulating bbPress’s roles in such a way that safe updates to bbPress are pretty much impossible; the moment we change our capability mapping, this all blows up.
Going forward, bbPress uses dynamic, secondary roles, that won’t interfere with any other capability or role on the site. I.E. a user can be a forum moderator and a blog editor, or a blog admin and and a forum participant, or no role on the blog, and a key master in the forums.
This type of setup is best for 95% of installations, but anyone that’s relying on roles in the DB are currently stuck (like we see here.)
One possible solution is to just let your database roles override bbPress’s dynamic roles. You can unhook most of those functions, but I don’t think that’s advisable for the long term, because you’ll lose any capability updates going forward, leaving some users in limbo when new features are introduced.
In reply to: Can't Post New TopicThe UI on BuddyPress’s end hasn’t been updated yet. If you have bbPress installed, and are using it to power your group forums, the BuddyPress forums component should be completely turned off.
It’s possible there’s an issue with BuddyPress 1.6 in this regard, but there wasn’t in my testing. I’ll take another look around.
In reply to: Author MCE brokenMaybe related to Jetpack 2.0. I’m not able to duplicate this issue with just WordPress and bbPress installed.
In reply to: bbPress 2.2: All forums now return "Page not found"Will there be a core solution for this with bbpress?
If its a bbPress bug, then yes. It’s likely an issue with bbPress using multiple user roles, and it being a foreign concept to most other plugins.
In reply to: php option valueCan’t tell if this is spam or not. It doesn’t sound like it has anything to do with bbPress.
There’s a plugin already; something to the effect of Advanced TinyMCE.
Easily enabled with a small plugin or filter. I’m sure someone can chime in with a solution here.
In reply to: bbPress 2.2: All forums now return "Page not found"Sounds like the problem is s2Member using set_role() which wipes out all roles a user might have.
Basically, s2member is not compatible with users having multiple roles.
Tried emailing you a few times, got bounced back.
In reply to: bbPress 2.2.1@rossagrant – Not yet, need to write something up soon though.
In reply to: bbPress 2.2: All forums now return "Page not found"There’s a topic in the S2Member forums that explains how to fix this. This is related to having customized roles and capabilities setup that bbPress isn’t looking in the database for any longer.
It probably sounds and feels counter-intuitive now, but the new roles and capabilities in bbPress 2.2 are actually intended to prevent these exact problems in the future. The forums roles and caps in bbPress 2.0 and 2.1 weren’t very cooperative, so everyone rolled their own.
Now that we’ve dialed it in, everything you’ve customized isn’t playing nicely anymore.
Unclear exactly what the *best* solution is for everyone, since every installation is different. Anyone want to volunteer to give me a peek into their installation and let me toy around?