Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Can admin but not browse to forum
Ah shouldn’t have assumed it was htaccess. This is from an earlier post:
500 Internal Server Errors are usually either related to your .htaccess file or to your file permissions:
Here’s a number of reports from users who ran into similar issues – it was usually resolved by one of those two solutions:
Maybe try the permissions angle? Or if not, you could browse the 500-error tag for other possible approaches…
In reply to: Can admin but not browse to forumAt first blush, I’d guess that it was an issue with your htaccess file. Did you set one up?
In reply to: help, comments link to bbpress now, not comments!Just did some research for ya – looks like this issue can be caused sometimes by problems with htaccess files:
Is it possible that when installing bbpress, the htaccess file was changed and that caused some of these issues?
In reply to: help, comments link to bbpress now, not comments!Hmm, maybe post the code to the part of the template where the problems are occurring? We can look for potential conflicts with bbPress code…
In reply to: Ugly error on main pageWhat settings did you use at the top of the Hidden Forums plugin?
If you leave the settings as is (the same as when you downloaded the plugin), does it still throw an error?
In reply to: Ugly error on main pageTry creating a new role with this plugin (v 1.0 compatible)
Then use this plugin to set it up so that your new role always has access to all forums:
That way, you don’t have to disable registration… new users won’t be able to penetrate the hidden forums, no matter what.
In reply to: Ugly error on main pageHmm, what exactly is your goal – are you basically trying to limit access to a select group of users, and require them to be signed in to access all forums?
In reply to: help, comments link to bbpress now, not comments!Maybe try posting to the WordPress forums?
Unless there’s a connection to the bbPress install that I’m missing…
In reply to: Ugly error on main pageThat plugin is only certified to version 0.8… it’s possible it’s not compatible with version 1.
Try disabling the plugin and see if the error goes away?
In reply to: help, comments link to bbpress now, not comments!What is listed under WordPress address (URL) and Blog address (URL)?
Also – what code in your WordPress template are you using to generate those comment links?
In reply to: Ugly error on main pageAre you integrated with any other installs?
Also – was this working at some point, and then recently stop working? If so, what changed just before it stopped working?
In reply to: help, comments link to bbpress now, not comments!It looks like those links are pointing here:
a href=””
Did something change with your WordPress Address URL here?
In reply to: Ugly error on main pageHmm, I don’t think so.
The error message mentions kakumei in /bb-templates/ – that’s usually not called unless a file is missing from your active theme. Is the default Kakumei your active theme?
In reply to: Ugly error on main pageYou posted once before about modifying your login:
Is it possible something was changed with your login code or templates?
In reply to: Bulk action bozo deleteHey kernow – I believe you can select everyone who has never posted and delete them… make sure to back up first!
If you have feature requests for the plugin maker after using it, I’m sure you can catch their eye with a comment on the plugin page!
In reply to: Plugin active only in certain forumThere’s rumors of a wiki-based codex coming up after bbPress 1.0 goes gold!
Hopefully that should help with documentation…
This tag plugin looks somewhat similar to what you mentioned:
But there are reports of bugs with it. I’m guessing the plugin only works in .8 and .9 versions – tags completely changed in version 1.0, so that may be the issue. Still, might be worth studying the code for inspiration!
In reply to: WordPress access to bbPress Functionslegg-my-eggo – I totally agree that basic functionality should be easier to call between the two platforms! Pulling content back and forth between WordPress and bbPress… sharing header/footer/sidebar templates… that stuff should be a lot more seamless, and hopefully it will be over time.
Deep integration does have its own set of problems. _ck_ mentions two of them here:
Two huge strengths for stand-alone (simple) integration over deep integration are:
1. your forums can be still running even if your blog is temporarily down (or visa versa)
2. speed/performance – deep integration will crush a shared server if you get a surge in visitors
Anyway my personal sense is that if you can avoid deep integration, you’re probably better off that way. But if you absolutely need it, it’s possible… but only in one direction. It’s up to WordPress to decide if they want to offer deep integration of bbPress – I guess some of us could post over at the WordPress forums and ask them for it?
What kind of filters are you looking to run on the Latest Discussion plugin? Maybe we can find a way to mod the plugin to be more flexible… and remove your need for deep integration!
In reply to: How to change next users id?This is definitely related to the phpbb3 to bbPress conversion.
The AUTO_INCREMENT gets set really high by the conversion script, to avoid userID conflicts.
Previous users have reported fixes here – hope one of these fixes work!
Please let us know how it goes.
In reply to: WordPress access to bbPress FunctionsHey guys – there are different levels of integration between WordPress and bbPress (these definitions are from Sam):
* User database integration – Sharing of user data tables with WordPress
* Cookie integration – Sharing of login cookies with WordPress
* Deep integration – Including the WordPress codebase (PHP) inside bbPress to allow use of WordPress functions inside bbPress
bbPress supports all of these (although cookie integration between some versions wasn’t supported until user plugins were created fairly recently).
I think what was asked was reverse deep integration, so to speak? Where instead of normal deep integration (allowing you to call WordPress from inside of bbPress), it would work the other way around (where you could call bbPress from inside of WordPress).
I think that’s where Sam is drawing the line re: integration, although I could be misunderstanding. He’s definitely said recently that he’s supporting normal deep integration (allowing users to call WordPress functions from inside of bbPress), so all deep integration isn’t off the table. My guess would be that it’s easier for Sam to program bbPress to support WordPress… than to demand that WordPress engineers program in full deep integration for bbPress.
Incidentally, I pull bbPress discussions onto my WordPress using the Latest Discussion plugins and it works great!
In reply to: Bulk action bozo deleteYou might want to check out this Mass Delete Users plugin:
I don’t think it supports a bozo selection, but it sure makes batch deleting users a lot easier!
In reply to: Search Option How to EnableYou can add the search form to your frontpage using the instructions here:
The Super Search plugin (with Advanced Search options) appears at search.php, and will be linked from your search results page – as it is at ck’s demo site:
Hope that helps!
In reply to: WordPress + BBPress Integration on Different DomainIf you’d like to integrate the cookies across different domains, definitely install bbPress .9 and not 1.0! That Cross Cookie plugin doesn’t work with v 1.0…
Good luck!
In reply to: WordPress + BBPress Integration on Different DomainIf you are on bbPress v.9, then you just got very lucky – this plugin by _ck_ just came out that does exactly that, if both installs are using the same users table:
In reply to: Plugin active only in certain forumHere is some code I use in my header.php, to add a class to an li if you’re inside a particular forum:
<li <?php if ( $forum->forum_id == 170) {echo 'class="x-chosen"';}?>><a href="/board/announcements">announcements</a>
Maybe something similar would work for you? Good luck!
In reply to: cannot enter admin areaDo you know the userid of the keymaster account you’re using now? If so, you should be able to edit this plugin to restore your access: