Jim R (@jim-r)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @jim-r


    At this point, I”m more interested in the layout and if I need to port functions over from the stand alone bbPress than CSS. The CSS I can handle, just didn’t want to have to do it all.



    It would be super if there was a way to have layout options. :-)

    How tough would it be to port over the layout? Is the code similar enough in terms of functions?



    I haven’t installed it yet, but is there a simple way to get the layout of this forum?

    I appreciate your help with the recent build.



    I’ve tried the shortcode for the index page, and it’s not taking me to my forum.


    I’m trying to use the plugin version.



    It looks like my “members” in bbpress can’t post. Users with other roles can.



    So are we saying the bbPress as a WP plugin is close at hand?

    And if that is the case, is THIS an example of it or close to it?



    Deep integration has never worked with my theme, and I’ve had a couple within this topic look at it.




    I’ve seen this mentioned before. Am I missing something? Because I do have www with no problems.

    Once I removed the www from the settings, it all worked.



    I moved from an SMF forum, using SSI to distribute content through a handful of PHP pages. Making any theme changes was a nightmare. I was introduced to WordPress in the summer and loved it. I spent a month looking for a good forum that I obviously wanted integrated, but that was not easy. I found bbPress and was very disappointed it wasn’t more easily integrated. In fact, in the beginning, I couldn’t get it to work.

    (side note) GerikG was one who helped me a lot, and the odd thing was I was doing everything properly, but as we troubleshot the issues, we found a simple mistake, there can’t be a www. in the URL’s. (/side noate)

    I’m four months into WordPress, and I have switched forums twice. I came back to bbPress with the assumption it would eventually be more integrated with WP.

    To me, someone who isn’t much on the coding side but understands it a little, the WP / bbPress integration isn’t an issue of whether it’s a plug-in or separate. It must be about these features right out of the box:

    1) Unified login.

    2) Theme / navigation integration

    3) Post / Tag synchronization

    4) Widget integration

    As a code novice, I could never understand how these issues weren’t present out of the box. (Much the same as I don’t see how WPMU could be born separate from WP code.) It’s not like the people who designed these products are dumb, so maybe there was a reason for it that made sense to them, but as someone coming into it just never made sense.

    Other things it should include, and to my understanding this would be inherent in any PHP based system, the ability to handle WP conditional and template tags. Admin integration would be nice as an option. In my case, I would use it. I know the plug-in makes it possible, but a simple setting would ask, “Would you like to use bbPress admin panel in your WP admin panel?” That would come with an obvious explanation of what bbPress is.

    All of that said, without a strong opinion on plug-in vs. stand alone, if the above features are ready to go out of the box, I’m not sure why it couldn’t remain stand alone. But again, I’m a complete code novice.

    I mean my gosh, with the PHP widget and Widget Context, I can do just about anything to my WP pages. It’s very nice. No reason bbPress can’t be that simple too….for users. (wink)



    This is what they said, but he wasn’t the support guy who fixed it:

    It appears that they added the correct rewrite rules for WordPress to resolve the issue with the permalinks this can also by done from the WordPress admin under Permalinks.

    My new issue with this plug-in is trying to get it to NOT create a new bbPress post every time I edit a WP post.



    My host took care of that issue, but now I’m getting this from the plug-in:

    Not allowed: [bbPress part] Invalid anonymous user id



    Chris, great advice. The key isn’t just adding the statement, but the whole IF Loop. I’m sure you knew that, just being explicit for those like me who need further explanation when they don’t see it right away.

    Now I have to match it up theme wise…I’d dig the gray background.




    Where do I put that?



    They don’t come up automatic, which is why I’m posting. It’s probably theme related, but there doesn’t seem to be much in my theme dealing with that other than calling functions from a core file.


    Right now I have hashes in place of the numbers, just messing around. : )



    Yes ashfame…THAT!!! That’s what I want. : )

    I’m using the guangzhou theme, as it best matches my WP theme. I’m just trying to find the part of the cod where I can manipulate that. Then if I need helping making sense of the code, I’ll be back, but at least I’ll try it on my own. : )

    I have added a Link Category menu from my WP to my bbPress menu if anyone is interested. It’s from the WP template tag system. If anyone is interested in that.



    I’m using 1.02 and will take a look, ashfame. : )



    No…on the front-page, right when you enter the forum, it lists all the boards/forums. I have Parent Categories set up, and in the column of Topics and Posts there are zeros listed. I’d like those to just be blank instead of zero.



    Ok…after further testing and striking out, here is what a guy helping me and I have found out. We go through the ‘deep integration’ process, requiring the wp-load.php file in bb-config.php. Then we change all the bb_get_header(); with get_header();. That passes through the Hybrid News header’s style information but not the navigation.

    When you link directly to the front-page.php, it shows the whole header, which is navigation, a banner ad I have in the header, everything. The same applies when you link directly to any of the affected pages in bbPress. However, it stops executing from there. So you just have the header and that’s it. There aren’t any errors showing up either.

    So using my limited knowledge of PHP and my only slightly more developed since of deduction, one thing we can think which is different is we are bypassing:

    path to bbpress / index.php

    Here is that code:




    $bb_db_override = false;
    do_action( 'bb_index.php_pre_db' );

    if ( isset($_GET['new']) && '1' == $_GET['new'] ) :
    $forums = false;
    elseif ( !$bb_db_override ) :
    $forums = bb_get_forums(); // Comment to hide forums
    if ( $topics = get_latest_topics( false, $page ) ) {
    bb_cache_last_posts( $topics );
    if ( $super_stickies = get_sticky_topics() ) {
    bb_cache_last_posts( $super_stickies );

    bb_load_template( 'front-page.php', array('bb_db_override', 'super_stickies') );


    This has to be easy (for those who really know PHP and WP). Right? Sadly, I’m not that kind of guy. It’s a bummer to have this kicka$$ WP theme and not have it be able to merge thematically with bbPress.



    Now…we can at least state between the require code and the get_header();, it works on an otherwise blank page. So this can’t be a WP template issue. Using just the following:


    I get this: http://www.hoosierhoopsreport.com/wp-test.php

    That works as it should. When I put the code in the bbPress template (the require code in bb-config and the get_header wherever bb_get_header is, it doesn’t work.



    Justin is saying to ask everyone over here. It’s like the old days when Adobe products weren’t meshing well with Windows 95. : )

    With the exception of a few layout issues, it’s it appears the header and footer are carrying over. I’m willing to dig into those on my own, considering the number of files it involves, after I know the navigation and other functionality also carry over. Mostly just wanting to focus on getting the navigation to carry over.




    I banged my head on this issue over two clean installs. Then Gerikg suggested that you need to make sure your URL in bbPress doesn’t include the ‘www’. Check that in your General settings.



    Yes, confirming, Gerikg’s post. It’s working just fine.



    I have followed all of the steps for sure, at least to the best of my ability to recognize.



    Still not working. I’ve cleared my cache and cookies, then restarted my browser. : (



    I have followed all the instructions above, including creating my own secure_auth_salt, which is just a slightly altered version of one of the other salts, which I copied to both my WP/bbpress integration settings in bbpress as well as my WP options data table (since there isn’t a secure_auth_salt setting).

    In other words, it all matches, but it doesn’t work.

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