Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Login-form including register-form?
Sure, just go edit your theme
In reply to: BBPress and BuddyPress all working without loginsPratik, those BB_ definitions should be in your BB-CONFIG file, not your WP-CONFIG file
Move ’em over and try again.
My original post is simply trying to understand *what* makes one of these forums systems better than another (pro/cons).
I’ve said this many times before: It all depends on your needs in a forum.
I’m not trying to avoid the subject, I just think it’s SO subjective that there is no answer. _ck_’s needs are different from mine, mine are different from yours. We may all have some things in common, but not all. Make a list of what’s important to you and then go find a forum that fits the bill. There is no one answer that forum A is better than B and they’re both better than C but worse than D except if you want to do foo and bar … You see how that gets weird?
I didn’t like Vanilla when I tested it, and I certainly didn’t find it easy to integrate with WordPress. In fact, their Single Sign On page says it’s still in Beta.
Also most apps talk like their competitors don’t exist not to be mean, but because it quickly turns into bashing and no one likes that. The beauty of open-source is that anyone can do anything with everything
In reply to: Limit width of images in ALLOW IMAGES plugin?Did you try it with CSS? You shouldn’t need a plugin with this.
This should cover it, it’s what I’m using and I’ve had no more page borking:
post.img { width: 600px; overflow: hidden; cursor: pointer; }
You may need to adjust width as needed.
In reply to: Broken my-templates folderWhat permissions do you have on your wp-templates folder?
In reply to: BBPress Plugin versionBecause bbPress isn’t a plugin, it’s a stand-alone application.
In reply to: Limit width of images in ALLOW IMAGES plugin?Try CSS instead
Set the max-width for
to what you want, and possible make it overflow: hidden as well.In reply to: Can I use the forum as a page in WordPress?This is just a custom theme.
You could do it by making either a page with a redirect to the forum, or just a link to the forum in the header, and then theme your forums to look like your site.
All the cool kids do it
In reply to: Edit register.phpWith the 301? It just kicks you over to WP. If you’re logged in, it still asks you to register, which is odd, but that’s on the WP trac (it’s supposed to say ‘Hey, you’re logged in, welcome!’)
In reply to: Login does not work after successfull install?I’m sorry
That is the ONLY time I’ve seen that error. I mean, you can’t login, so clearly you have no plugins activated to be causing that.
In reply to: I want hide tagsRead this:
See how in step 1 it says to make sure you have a
folder?You’ll be putting
With a header in
like this:/*
Theme Name: The name of your cool new theme.
Theme URI: Your theme's url. Maybe it's the blog post you wrote about it.
Description: Describe your theme here. You can be nice and say something like "Blues and Greens in a two-column format" or enigmatic and say "The river here is only waist deep".
Version: Always number your releases. Please only use numbers and decimal points (yes, we broke our own rule).
Author: Author of the original theme,
Author URI: and his or her url.
Ported By: Name of the person who ported the theme to bbPress (if applicable),
Porter URI: and his or her url.
*/Under that you’ll put your custom CSS like
topic-tags { display: none; }
post-form-tags-container { display: none; }In reply to: Edit register.phpWhy not just redirect any calls to register.php to your WordPress site via .htaccess?
Redirect 301 /forums/register.php
Redirect 301 /forums/bb-reset-password.php reply to: Login does not work after successfull install?FYI, use the backtick (see the note below the post message box) to post code.
And … as I predicted, I can’t see if you have a blank line after your
In reply to: Login does not work after successfull install?You can try, but even if you did, I’m pretty sure I’d never see if there were blank lines or extra lines below and above, would I? That’s the bi**h about debugging this
The only ticket on this even says blank lines are the cause:
In reply to: i'm confused about mysqlIf the user is visible in the bbPress forum panel, then it IS added in SQL. It’s possible your host is just hiding it somewhere you can’t see.
In reply to: Login does not work after successfull install?In WordPress that error is almost always caused by spaces or blank extra lines in your config file.
The same is, generally, true of bbPress. Please read the link above to make sure that when we talk about spaces, we’re both talking about the same thing
In reply to: How to delete a post ?No, bbPress 1.0.2 is released. 1.1 is being built.
I’ve see the +2 more. It’s been that way since v 1.0-rc1.
I’d suggest turning off Ajax. That one seems likely, but it’s a stab in the dark.
The . should be there.
Your Keys and Salts on bb-config are prefaced by ‘BB_’ right?
Though … your cookiepatch is wpm. Is this WordPressMU?
Go over your wp-config and bb-config installs and make DAMN sure they’re talking to each other. Check the DB name and password. Go into your SQL db and make sure that bb_ and wp_ are in the same database. When you login, look at the cookies in your browser and see if anything jumps out about their similarities or differences. Triple check your KEYs and HASHes, and I’d even go so far as to reset them. Can’t hurt, can it?
bbPress should integrate nicely into whatever template the blogger is using. It should be that simple. Am I missing something???
bbPress integration is user integration, not full fledged theme integration. Even if you use Deep Integration methods, there will be a need for manual jiggery.
As for the login issues, double check your cookies and hashes between your wp-config and bb-config files. Clean out all of YOUR cookies and your browser cache and check again. SOmetimes, it’s just that simple.
In reply to: WordPress and bbPress Integration ErrorsCookies and caches.
Flush ’em all. Manually delete if you have to.
It may be easy, but please remember folks have lives and this is a free, volunteer, support forum.
URL please?
In reply to: Login does not work after successfull install?Gee, I’m terribly sorry that the people volunteering their time for no compensation had their own lives to take care of. Take a deep breath. Okay? Good.
What version of bbPress is this? I’m assuming 1.0.2, but let’s be sure.
What version of PHP and SQL are on your server?
While we’re at it, Windows or *nix server?
Any blank lines before
or after the last?>
in your bb-config.php file?In reply to: I want hide tags