Ipstenu (Mika Epstein) (@ipstenu)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Locked Out of Forum!



    locking – Closing a topic so no one can add to it.

    pinning – Setting a topic ‘sticky’ so it’s always at the top of the topics lists

    Those are pretty standard terms for forums.

    In reply to: BBpress/WP integration



    The admin page on your WordPress side (www.mysite.com/blog/wp-admin/options.php) should be the same userid / password you use to administer wordpress.

    In reply to: New forum layout



    I’m partial to without the break, if there’s no color change.

    Back to this theme, there’s something wonky with how the code markup shows apostrophes …

    ' is not the same as ‘

    In reply to: New forum layout



    The bb image was really small on mine, I like that third one, but yeah, when you’re shooting for 80×15, it’s hard to get something CLEAR :)

    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page



    I think it’s best we say its… Not fit for purpose.

    Well that entirely depends on your purpose.

    I agree with many of your points but you can make them of many other (if not all) bb sites. The majority of sites look similar because of usability. People are used to things working a certain way, and they expect familiarity (which is how many many people out there define ‘usability’). That’s why car design doesn’t change much. It’s not perfect, but people like it. That’s why people cried bloody murder over OS changes from Windows 3.1 to XP, but they got over it. Change is hard for users to accept. They don’t want to learn how to drive, again, they want to get on the road and talk about STEAM, damn it!

    Yes ‘easy’ integration with your WordPress site is a misrepresentation at this time. But the rest? That’s all perception and usage. You CAN redesign the hell out of a bbPress site. If you want to. The base code IS customizable, there ARE a lot of plugins. These are facts. What you do with the options is up to you, though.

    I don’t think bbPress is perfect, but after spending years trying to mesh my site with other forums out there, I’d rather have this than them.

    (Steam is a joke from http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting which is my favorite thing ever)



    Avatars – They are in there by default, as Gravatars, they’re just turned off.

    As for BBcode … Eh. Given that this is a spin off of WordPress and WP uses HTML and not BB code, I see why they chose not to.

    In reply to: New forum layout





    You’d have to copy all your bb_ tables to a new database, so (this is theory) you could export them AND your wp_users table (obviously as a copy).

    Make a new install of bbPress (rather than try to undo everything you did to integrate), then import the old data.



    What bozo problems are you having?

    You may not need to yank everything out. I think you should be able to just turn off the plugin and move on, but obviously if you’re having specific issues there’s something more to it.

    In reply to: plugin: seo meta



    The website doesn’t exist anymore.

    Check this thread: https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/is-bbpress-seo-friendly

    In reply to: New forum layout



    Hold down shift and refresh. WHAM it’s wide screen (I thought I was loosing my mind yesterday).

    I like it :)



    Oh, so true! So true! That’s what she keeps me around for ;) nice new Gravatar, BTW.



    Oh, eh, that’d do it! I flipped mine to Granny Mode (sorry, _ck_, it’s what I use for my gran with glaucoma) and I reproduced it. Huh. Better check my layout for that too!



    I don’t see any ads (and I block them too).

    Immelody, I would suggest making the border around the login info boxes (for name and password) darker. I almost missed where they were and wondered how people logged in :)



    FF3 on XP looks perfectly fine for me too.

    In reply to: Users with no role



    It may not be integrated, you realize.

    My site has the same design on WP and BB, but I only did a bit of login-sharing (I wouldn’t call it integrated personally). It’s not that hard to replicate layout from WP to BB. I think it took me about 15 minutes.



    No, you have to explicitly go there to get that info. Hidden feature.

    About the salts, I’d replace the ones you put in the files with the ones from the webpage, but I don’t think it hurts anything, as the ones in the file will override the ones in the webpage.

    In reply to: Plugins Locations



    You need to create the folder :) You’ll have these folders on the root of your forums:




    mzimmers, point your BROWSER (not an FTP) to yourdomain.com/wp-admin/options.php

    Like mine is http://jorjafox.net/blog/wp-admin/options.php

    And it is documented where these are on the WordPress Side, which is how I knew :)



    If I add

    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');
    define('COOKIEPATH', '');

    to my wp-config file, I can’t log in at all. But other than that, yes. Those directions are mostly the same as these, except for the sitecookie hack.



    Go to yourdomain.com/wp-admin/options.php and look for auth_salt and logged_in_salt.

    Add these to your BB Config:

    define('AUTH_SALT', 'VALUE');
    define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'VALUE');

    In reply to: uninstalling 0.9?





    Admittedly, I couldn’t get BBPress-Live to work (I wanted to include recent forum posts on my WP front page), but I figured it may be worth a shot :) Good luck!



    Okay, I did some testing of

    $bb->wp_home = 'http://ipstenu.org'; and $bb->wp_home = 'http://ipstenu.org/bblog'; and ffft.

    So. This doesn’t really bother me much, since I don’t mind people double-logging in. It’s only annoying in the realm of I hate when code doesn’t work right! :)

    WP 2.6.3, BP 1.0-alpha-2


    // WordPress cookie integration speedup
    $bb->wp_siteurl = 'http://jorjafox.net/blog';
    $bb->wp_home = 'http://jorjafox.net';
    $bb->cookiedomain = '.jorjafox.net';
    $bb->cookiepath = '/';
    $bb->authcookie = 'wordpress_DELETED';
    $bb->secure_auth_cookie = 'wordpress_sec_DELETED';
    $bb->logged_in_cookie = 'wordpress_logged_in_';
    $bb->admin_cookie_path = '/forums/bb-admin';
    $bb->core_plugins_cookie_path = '/forums/bb-plugins';
    $bb->user_plugins_cookie_path = '/forums/my-plugins';
    $bb->sitecookiepath = '/';
    $bb->wp_admin_cookie_path = '/blog/wp-admin';
    $bb->wp_plugins_cookie_path = '/blog/wp-content/plugins';
    // End integration speedups


    // Cookies
    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.jorjafox.net');
    define('COOKIEPATH', '/' );

    I’ve also tried with no cookie settings in my wp-config. Right now it’s commented out. It’s sharing the admin cookie, since I can get into WP-admin if I log in with BBpress, but I don’t show up as a user (if I go to make a comment, it gives me the screen anon users see). If I log in via WP, I’m only logged into WP.

    In reply to: uninstalling 0.9?



    Delete the files, remove any bb* named tables in your DB (I’m assuming it’s a shared with WP db, so you don’t want to whack the whole thing), upload the 1.0alpha and carry on.

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