Ipstenu (Mika Epstein) (@ipstenu)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @ipstenu


    You can change the post.php template page to make the avatar link to the profile.

    I have it so the name links there and it works fine.

    <a href="/forums/profile/<?php post_author_id(); ?>"><?php post_author(); ?></a>

    As for the URL not updating, this is fixed in the Trunk build, but I don’t think it’s made it to the alpha yet. See https://trac.bbpress.org/changeset/1930

    In reply to: WordPress 2.7 options



    Now, all this aside: I still can’t figure out why people want integrated logins, why they have users that both post to a blog and post in a forum. But, I don’t ask why.

    On the blog, I (and my editors) post news stories of interest to the community. On the forum, everyone posts whatever. I use the same ID to moderate them all.

    I suppose eventually I’ll end up with BuddyPress for some level of community, but right now people who want to chat with friends about like subjects hit the forums, people who want to comment on the news. It fits :) I agree this doesn’t fit every site, but y’know, that’s the beauty of the intartubes.

    I can’t understand the benefit of cross posting the same blog post into the forum, personally :) I kind of see why people want to, but I’m not convinced it’ll work.



    Did you dump your Safari cookies?

    Also what version of Safari (I’m assuming on a Mac and not Windows, but… that may matter actually).



    I go by software, honestly. You can make a blog look (and act) like a forum and vice versa, but at the end of the day, they are different softwares with different requirements and different results when do certain actions.

    What you’re describing isn’t a blog or forum anymore, though, it’s a community and you may want to look at something like BuddyPress, which is based on WPMU and integrates forums (I think… I haven’t tried it yet, though I have poked at it a little).



    FYI, this only lists 4 posts but is FREAKIN AWESOME! :D

    In reply to: Problems logging in



    Also – Try deleting all your cookies and dumping your cache. Firefox 3 has some weird quirks about cookies that forced me to do the purge recently to get everything working again.



    Heh :) Politics are a different beast all together in terms of readership. BUT to be constructive:

    SALON (political left)

    – Blog posts are presented like forum topics here: http://open.salon.com/cover.php?view_sort=recent

    – The authors’ blogs are listed here: http://open.salon.com/people.php

    Actually that’s just a blog. It’s probably a WPMU sort of blog, but it’s ‘presented like forum topics’ because that’s their design. A very straightforward one at that. That’s it. Same with Pajamas, actually. Which I find a much nicer design, as I prefer blogs to give a little excerpt hint at what’s to come.



    Flip back to the default themes and see if the problem persists. If no, it’s the theme. If it persists, collect the following:

    1) bbPress version

    2) Plugins

    3) WP version (if integrated)

    and report back! :)




    And yeah, that is a pill! You should be able to tweak it with CSS to put in a special layout if you can detect Eeepc … What browser does it use?



    For one, bbPress isn’t a WordPress plugin.

    It should be in it’s own folder outside of the WP structure.



    Sumit1988 has it right.

    yokima, how did you share login with MediaWiki and bbPress/Wordpress?



    I think it’s less chicken/egg and more apples/oranges.

    Different people like blogs than like forums, and topics in blogs rarely are formatted in the way you would for a forum. Your mileage may vary, of course, but a beautifully crafted blog post, in my experience, is a tl;dr post on a forum. Not to mention the SEO implications :/



    In your bb-config:

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_econome'; // WordPress table prefix. Example: 'wp_';

    In your wp-config:

    $table_prefix = 'wp_econome_'; // Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!

    Looks like you’re missing an underscore in bb-config.

    Also try changing this on your bbconfig: $bb->sitecookiepath = '/starteconome/blog/';



    Go to bb-admin/options-wordpress.php

    Scroll down to Manual bbPress config file settings

    Copy that stuff into your bb-config.php



    I’m assuming you’re talking about something like this:

    Joe and Jane have blogs on your MU site.

    Joe posts ‘My life’ in Joe’s Blog.

    Jane posts ‘My dog’ in Jane’s Blog.

    Both posts appear in the forum ‘Blogs’

    The problem I see with that is, eventually, Joe and Jane may post the same title and goof things up. Regardless, you’d have to make either a plugin to post from WP for each blog post, or to suck posts in from BB. Neither method would be perfect I suspect.



    You may want to ask that at the WPmu forums. I think it’d have to be a plugin on the WP side to port the posts to a forum.



    Do you have any plugins?

    What version of BB do you have and is it integrated with WP?



    Oops! My bad :) When you said

    Would a BB version be helpful?

    I didn’t re-read the whole thing.



    Regarding anomaly #1, WP standard does have both URL and site URL, so that’s kinda ‘WPmu is bad’ in this instance.

    About the rest … MRH. I’m a little lost. Yes, please do tell us what BB version you’re using :)



    Try forcing in the // WordPress cookie integration speedup stuff.



    Yes, you just have to redirect everything from WP to BB. I do that on my site.



    FYI, this works in trunk now:


    Tom, is your bad email an account that’s being used by someone else? Can you change it to ‘foo@bazoo.com’?

    In reply to: delete user



    Version of bbPress?

    Integration with WordPress y/n?



    Thank you! I’ll hold up on 1.0-a6 for now :) Any idea which plugins will bomb? I know you made a million and a half of ’em, but I’m curious to know which ones you know will break, which ones you think will break, and such.



    First, you can’t use bb .9 with WP 2.6. It won’t work right becuase they changed login stuff (I’m vague cause I need more coffee). So you have to use bb 1.0-alpha6 with WP 2.6 (or 2.7 etc).

    If you don’t have a SECRET_KEY that’s okay.

    What you MUST have are:

    wp-config         bb-config


    It’s okay that your KEYs are in the options page. You can set those in wp-config.php if they’re not already there. Which I think they should be.

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