iftomkins (@iftomkins)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @iftomkins


    Good answer! Thanks, Andre. I’ll wait patiently. :)



    Thanks Andre. Why do you think it will fix itself? And have you heard of a release date for those versions? Thanks!



    In the Settings > Forums integration of BuddyPress, it seems like the Forums are not set up. When I first set up the forums and buddypress, the only way i could get it working was to install bbpress separately. Whenever I tried to “install sitewide forums” through that page, it wasn’t successful. Now when I try to install sitewide forums, it wants me to install bbpress all over again. Is there any way to manually make BuddyPress aware of the bbpress install? Thanks so much!



    Oh no! Now I’m having the problem of the redirect after Deleting/Trashing not working Properly. I started a new thread here https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/redirect-after-deletingtrashing-a-topic-not-working?replies=1#post-96309



    Yay! Ok, I tweaked your solution and got it.

    First, I installed Justin Tadlock’s Members plugin.

    Next, here are the roles that made it work for me, with the goal achieved of only having Edit and Trash options available.

    (I removed “moderate” capabilities and added “edit_others_topics”)











    And even though you’re giving them capability for other peoples topics, it still only lets them edit/delete their own. Yesssss!!!



    Hi! I’m a little late on this one. Using bbpress 2.0 but the above code still kinda works. When I add it, I get the edit button, but no delete button. Any tips? I want all users to be able to edit and delete their own posts. Also, I’m confused whether assigning someone the role Forum Participant vs. Subcriber has anything to do with it, but I’ve tried both. Here’s the code I was using from above:

    function delete_own_post($retvalue, $capability, $args) {
    if ($capability=="delete_post") {return bb_current_user_can( 'edit_post', $args[1]);}
    return $retvalue;
    add_filter('bb_current_user_can', 'delete_own_post',10,3);



    Ok! I found a solution that works for me. It’s using the bbPviews plugin, in tandem with the GD Custom Posts and Taxonomies Plugin I bought, which creates the bbPress custom fields. Here’s a tutorial I made on on my website: How to filter topics by bbpress custom topic fields.



    Ok! Gave up on the shortcode and found a better solution using the bbPviews plugin, in tandem with the GD Custom Posts and Taxonomies Plugin I bought which creates the bbPress custom fields. Here’s a tutorial I made on filtering by bbpress custom views on my website!



    i’d love to know, too! :)



    Yes! I very much want to use bbpress template tags within wordpress theme files. I tried it and get an error. I know the bbpress 2.0 codex will come out soon, and maybe that will help. But in the meantime? Thanks!



    Having the same problem. I can log in to wordpress, and I’m logged into bbpress. And if I log into bbpress, I’m logged into wordpress. BUT, if I log into WordPress, I cannot log out through bbpress (it just reloads the page). I have to go back to wordpress, and then click Log out, and then come back into bbpress, and click log out again in order to be fully logged out.

    However, if I log in through bbpress, then I can log out of bbpress. It seems that the logout function from bbpress is not connecting with wordpress.



    thanks guys, just what I needed. I’m creating RSS-driven email lists through mailchimp, so those unfamiliar with RSS can subscribe easily to each forum topic they choose.

    Then using CK’s code to get the forum ID, showing the proper email signup form for each forum page that corresponds with that forums’ RSS-driven campaign on mailchimp.

    <?php global $topic;
    $current_topic = $topic->forum_id;
    echo $current_topic;
    if ($current_topic==2) {

    Maybe someone else will find useful? It’s a bit labor intensive to set up, but I couldn’t figure out a better way to let people subscribe to individual forums.



    Found a solution that worked. Looks like it had to do with the Inove bbpress theme I am using. When I replaced password-reset.php from Inove theme folder with password-reset.php from the Kakumei folder, the password reset now works just fine!



    Found a solution that worked. Looks like it had to do with the Inove bbpress theme I am using. When I replaced password-reset.php from Inove theme folder with password-reset.php from the Kakumei folder, the password reset now works just fine!



    I’m having a similar issue. The password reset email is sent, and received, but when I click the link to reset the password, it just returns to the registration page. It doesn’t take you to a place where you can type in a new password, and it doesn’t send a 2nd email with the new password either.



    I’m having a similar issue. The password reset email is sent, and received, but when I click the link to reset the password, it just returns to the registration page. It doesn’t take you to a place where you can type in a new password, and it doesn’t send a 2nd email with the new password either.



    I’m having a similar issue. When I log in via WordPress first, then I go to bbPress, it tells me that I’m logged in, and the Admin link is visible. But when I click the admin link, it just returns to the same page, and doesn’t go to the dashboard.

    To get around it, I log out of BOTH WordPress and bbpress, then go back into bbpress and log in as Admin. When done in this order, I’m able to click the “Admin” link and access the dashboard.



    I’m having a similar issue. When I log in via WordPress first, then I go to bbPress, it tells me that I’m logged in, and the Admin link is visible. But when I click the admin link, it just returns to the same page, and doesn’t go to the dashboard.

    To get around it, I log out of BOTH WordPress and bbpress, then go back into bbpress and log in as Admin. When done in this order, I’m able to click the “Admin” link and access the dashboard.



    Thanks, Zaerl. I followed your advice and modified the error reporting. I just replaced

    error_reporting( E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE );



    I know this could cause some headaches later on, but I’m not sure exactly how to make it specific, and in what way to modify the reporting. It definitely works, though!



    Thanks, Zaerl. I followed your advice and modified the error reporting. I just replaced

    error_reporting( E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE );



    I know this could cause some headaches later on, but I’m not sure exactly how to make it specific, and in what way to modify the reporting. It definitely works, though!



    I also wanted to stop the categories from displaying ‘0’ on my front page. I followed CK’s advice and edited my theme’s front-page.php file.

    I changed

    <?php forum_topics() ?>


    <?php $cat_topics = get_forum_topics();
    if ($cat_topics > 0) {
    echo forum_topics();
    else { echo ' '; }


    <?php forum_topics() ?>


    <?php $cat_posts = get_forum_posts();
    if ($cat_posts > 0) {
    echo forum_posts();
    else { echo ' '; }



    Thanks @fel64! Even a few years later it’s still fresh and delicious–works like a dream.

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