Halo Diehard (@halo-diehard)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @halo-diehard


    Just got an email there was activity in this thread, and it got me over here to share:

    This morning I put an animated smiley under my profile information at the bottom using this plugin! Didn’t know if you could put images in the text field option, but you can, at least with my setup, haven’t checked default theme, etc.

    I tested it with both bbCode, which I have active through a different plugin, and html.



    So far, so good! But is it supposed to show the label if the user hasn’t put anything in the field?

    Also, something maybe to note in the description (if you haven’t already): In the Profile Fields, the Base (Primary) group has a primary, required label and field that it allows you to edit and rename, but it appears that is always the user’s “nick name”. There was confusion when I was testing because I’d originally put that one as “Gamertag” when testing, and all of a sudden everyone was showing their username the same as their gamertag. At first I thought we still had a problem, but then I figured it out.

    It looks great!

    Now if you’re feeling really ambitious you could include the option to add the @mention automatically, so it pulls it from the users’ profile. I certainly don’t think any but a teensy fraction of my forum users will make the effort to set it themselves, but at least I’ve got mine now with the help of your plugin! πŸ˜€

    Awesome work, and I hope someday to be able to get in and play around with plugin code.



    To add to the above post, I just tested with default theme and all plugins of except bbPress, BuddyPress and bbp buddypress profile information and the issue persists. Just wanted to rule out any conflicts, since I hadn’t done the first rule of testing plugins.



    Ok, I created the second Label with the same name and it does the same thing.

    Then, just as a test, I created another Profile Field with a different name, “Gamertag2”, labeling it in the plugin. To further test, I created a separate Profile Group and made another Profile Field in there, “@mention”. I went into the plugin and labeled that as the fourth one. All the labels show up under the profiles, but none of the info, even though everything is checked to show in the plugin.

    It would be SO awesome to have this work. I searched for quite awhile today to find something, and found a thread by Jacob Jacoby from like five years ago talking about integrating BuddyPress and bbPress profile fields! So it’s well overdue to have something for non-coders, and that would be sweet for it to work.

    I’ll keep testing whatever you ask, so just let me know how I can help.

    Edit: I kept it all set up, so you can see it at the same link above.



    Hello guys! Happy to find this thread, and more than happy to help πŸ™‚

    I have a running site and have just tested this. The Label is showing, but the user-entered information for the label is not.

    As you can see in the following link, the label is “Gamertag” and if you scroll to AddiCt3d 2CHa0s you will see no gamertag (item) listed, even though it is filled in the profile field.

    In settings I was very careful to check and see if there were any spaces, and even that the first letter was capitalized, etc. in both the Name in the plugin and the Name in the BuddyPress profile field and it still won’t work. In settings I’ve elected that both the Label and Item are to be displayed.

    Here is an url so you can check it out: http://www.halodiehards.net/forums/topic/hd-shorts/

    I am using the most current versions of WordPress, bbPress and BuddyPress.

    Let me know if I can be of any more assistance!



    The double avatar was fine, because there were two instances on that page that were calling for the avatar; If there were more posters there could be two different avatars there.

    The only problem I saw was that they were too large on the one page and it was nerfing your layout. The code I gave you above worked when I tested it, what was it doing that wasn’t working for you? If you have Gyazo or some other way to show a screenshot, that would be helpful, since you are still playing with it and it’s changing when we go to look.

    My opinion is that the larger avatars looked great in the other areas of your forum, and that you only needed small avatars in that one spot so that they didn’t make your layout look wonky.



    Hmm… not sure what’s going on here. Have you tested it on a default theme?

    My avatars were not doing that the last I checked. I’m pretty sure they were auto-resizing smaller, and fitting in quite nice. But, I stopped using this bbPress theme before the last couple WordPress updates because it’s not responsive, and the default bbPress is. It’s possible something changed in the WordPress code to make it act different.

    If you can make a child theme, you could try this to change the avatars’ size on the page where they’re squished with css:

    bbp-topic-meta .avatar {
         width: 30px;
         height: 30px;



    Yep, I got a notification of your reply this time.

    Ok, well thanks for following up on that, at least the experts are now aware of it πŸ˜€



    So I followed the instructions at WordPress to change the bbPress editor look, and match my dark theme (as posted above by netweb) and it didn’t work. I’m not sure that page is current for the new WordPress. Not only did it not change my editor’s CSS, it gave me a php header error that wouldn’t let me access some pages.

    I also tried to put the CSS in the bbPress css in my child theme, hoping if I narrowed it down enough it would take precedence, but no luck there. Also, there are several buttons involved in the editor that are controlled by css in yet *another* css file (located in the same folder as the editor: wp-includes/css) buttons.min.css that is also causing a ton of white in the editor, and when I tried the php fix to create a custom css file for that one in my child theme the whole site crashed.

    It seems really strange to me that such a huge part of this plugin doesn’t have a clear solution for those who prefer a dark theme after all this time. I’ve literally spent hours today trying to problem solve this. The glaring white looks really, really bad in my forums. If I ever sort it out, I’ll do my best to make sure and get the directions out there.



    @foxden-vixen That’s awesome you figured it out! Often it is hit and miss for me too.

    I use FireFox FireBug and right-click, “Inspect Element” anywhere on a webpage and it tells me what that element is called. The “Read More” element on your page is called a.readmore and the ‘display none’ css should work for that. Maybe:

    .forum-archive a.readmore {
         display: none;

    I should encourage you to start a new thread for topics that don’t go with the topic you are in, though πŸ™‚



    @foxden-vixen try adding a comma and:

    .bbpress .single-forum DIV.sidebar.right, .bbpress .single-topic DIV.sidebar.right

    after where you already have in the css:

    .forum-archive DIV.sidebar.right

    so it says:

    .forum-archive DIV.sidebar.right, .bbpress .single-forum DIV.sidebar.right, .bbpress .single-topic DIV.sidebar.right {
    	display: none !important;



    @foxden-vixen try:




    If that doesn’t work in the experimental section, try pasting this in your style.css:

    .forum-archive DIV.sidebar.right {
    	display: none !important;
    In reply to: CHAT FOR MY FORUM



    There are so many cool options right now! Besides private messages, like the plugin listed above, there is a chat at the bottom bar that users can chat with but it’s also one on one privately, it is iFly.

    Also, the plugin Quick Chat can be integrated into bbPress in two different ways:

    1. This chat plugin can be put into different WordPress pages with shortcodes, so you can put it on any pages at the top or bottom of your forums that are on WordPress pages using shortcode, or in any sidebar widget.

    2. You can also use a different chat on each WordPress page using shortcode, so coupled with the plugins BuddyPress and BuddyPress Groups Extras (which adds extra pages to BuddyPress Groups) you can give each of your bbPress forum groups their own private chat!



    If you name your forum root slug (in forum settings) the same as your WordPress shortcode page slug (in that page’s settings), doesn’t that sort out the url problem @robmcclel speaks of above?



    Thanks so much, @netweb! So I can create a file called “editor-style.css”, and put it in my theme. Does it go in the root?

    And I’m a little confused: doesn’t bbPress have it’s own editor that’s separate from WordPress? I have an awesome editor for WordPress, but it doesn’t show up for bbPress.

    Edit: PS, I did not get an email that there was a reply on this, and it’s definitely checked…



    Yes, it is possible, this is a bbPress forum: http://www.halodiehards.net/hd-forums/

    (Edit: Courtesy of @lynq’s work in discovering the layouts – thank you lynq!!)

    In reply to: bbPress 2014 Survey



    Done! I see on there that bbPress may be integrating a way to view unread posts someday – – that would be AWESOME!! (I know there are plugins, but do you know how many plugins I’m using to get my bbPress to behave like a normal forum? O.o) Thanks for your continued support!



    There are a ton of plugins that give you options on the editor. Your post says 14 hours ago to me.



    I too am trying to import an existing bbPress into another WordPress site, and as a note I must say that the reason I have to do this is because the bbPress importer does not play well with my server (or I SHOULD say my server does not play well!) and I get a similar result you speak of, @specialtactic, where the majority of the posts are attributed to the admin. This has been verified as not being a bbPress importer issue, but a server issue, as I was able to use the importer successfully on my local test server.

    Now that I know I can import onto my local, I need to be able to import that local bbPress (converted from the phpBB3) into my live WordPress site, but alas I haven’t had the time to try and wrap my brain around how to accomplish it and so have been waiting for an importer to be written.

    Just wanted to clarify for you that it’s possible that the PippinsPlugins is not at fault, if you were attempting to use it in similar circumstances to my own.



    Did you get this to work? I’ve been wanting to do this for a loooooong time, and don’t know how/haven’t had time to try and figure out the coding myself. I got a phpBB3 forum imported on a local, now I need to get the local bbPress forum onto my live site, but with no bbPress option in the importer options I’m at a loss.




    I’ve been working on this today, and I successfully converted my phpbb3 forum into my local bbPress for an updated install, exported the bbPress database tables from my local, and imported them into my live site. For some reason my live site bbPress isn’t recognizing the freshly imported bbPress tables πŸ™

    Any ideas what I can do at this point? I ran the bbPress repair tool before doing the export on the local, and ran it again several times since importing it on my live site. I also did some visual comparisons of the bbPress tables in both databases, and they seem to be in order.

    AtMyWitsEnd ;D

    Edit – PS: I also tried adding the tables both with bbPress activated and with it inactivated, deleted the tables each time before importing them again.



    All I know is I’ve got it running on my local for the update before the latest and it’s working. Haven’t updated yet because I’m in the process of converting forums and need everything to stay stable until I get it all figured out…

    Edit: PS – if it doesn’t work all you have to do is replace the files with the backup files you save before you try it out.



    I haven’t forgotten πŸ˜‰ I am working on a couple of things to help this without relying on doing it directly with phpMyAdmin and SQL queries which is pretty much the only way at the moment.

    Awesome! Thx for the update.



    @netweb, would you do me the favor of deleting the download link I posted 10 posts up please? Thanks πŸ™‚

    It doesn’t look like it, but does bbPress have it’s own XML importer available? Again, I’ve successfully converted my phpBB3 forums onto my local bbPress, and now I’m unsure how to get those posts onto my live site. Would I just export the bbPress tables from my local database and import them into my live site’s database?



    Finally got it sorted and was able to convert the phpbb3 forum into my local bbPress forum! I did indeed find an error involving the portal that was hitching me up on installing on my local server, but there is a possibility that I was making another mistake: I may have been telling the importer that the table prefix was phpbb3_ instead of phpbb_, since there are tables of both and I did not know that. I’m not sure if I was doing that or not.

    So now do I export my bbPress tables from my local site using mysql and import them into my live site’s database?

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