gerikg (@gerikg)

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  • @gerikg




    daudev, I messed up on step

    4 Open bb-config.php (in the bbpress folder) do the same thing here. With the SAME keys you put in the wordpress file put in the bb-config file around line # 41-45. ***You have to add BB_ to the front of the names. Example: BB_AUTH_KEY to all eight.*** Save. Keep the file open for now.



    SpinDoctor, OMG i can’t believe I forgot!!!! thank you I was going insane.

    1 When installing wordpress/bbpress do NOT use “www.” Example: use not and use the same database. You do not need to change the prefix, I prefer you don’t because you’ll run into problem later.

    2 Make sure bbpress is in a folder in wordpress. example: wordpress/bbpress/ not on the same level.

    3 The folder does not have to be named bbpress, most people make it forum or forums.

    *After successfully installing both programs open wp-config.php (in the wordpress folder) file. Around line # 45-# 48 you’ll see define(‘AUTH_KEY’…. go to this URL ( and get the EIGHT keys and REPLACE the FOUR keys that are there. Save. Keep the file open for now.

    4 Open bb-config.php (in the bbpress folder) do the same thing here. With the SAME keys you put in the wordpress file put in the bb-config file around line # 41-45. You have to add BB_ to the front of the names. Example: BB_AUTH_KEY to all eight. Save. Keep the file open for now.

    5 Clear your cache on your browser. Log into your bbpress dashboard and go to Settings->Wordpress Integration-> WordPress Administrator should be keymaster. Every other option should be member for now. WordPress address (URL) should be the URL again NO www. Blog address (URL) the same as before. The last 3 should be LOCKED if not repeat the steps 3&4.

    6 Login to your wordpress dashboard. Go to Plugins->Add New-> search for “bbPress Integration” it should be the first one. Install it and activate.

    7 Go to Settings-> bbPress Integration. Enter the bbPress URL without the www. Your plugins URL leave blank. Click on Save Changes. On the bottom box you’ll see some text copy it. Most likely it will say “define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );”

    8 Paste the line in wp-config.php file around line # 16 (MUST be on top. Don’t know why) and paste it in bb-config.php in line # 13 (Must be on top). Save. You can delete the plugin, it’s no longer needed.

    9 Clear your cache on your browser and you’re done.

    Known Problems

    *Two different database, one for WP and one for BBP, does not always work.

    *Changing the database prefix. There are tutorials out there that tell you to do it, just don’t.

    *Hosting companies that offer free databases, have buggy databases.

    *BBpress not being in WordPress folder. I don’t think the plugin takes that into account.

    *When you upgrade from an older version (wordpress/bbpress) the XX-config.php files are different than what you already have. Check wp-config.php against wp-config-sample.php & bb-config.php against bb-config-sample.php should be fairly simple.



    in WP go to /<home-folder>/wp-admin/options.php

    check that everywhere you see the url has the www

    Then go to your BBpress admin and click on Options check bbPress address (URL) see if the www is there.

    try define( 'COOKIEPATH', '/<home folder>/wordpress/' ); first. Clear you cache after doing this. Then login and test it out.

    if not.. then I ran out of ideas.

    In reply to: bbpress 1.0 or 0.9?



    Heavier, yes. Will the average user notice, no.



    Give it a try, some things don’t need to be updated.



    I’m sorry guys, most of me is me! Just Kidding, Congrats BBpress.



    do you want me to look at it??? email me ftp and give me admin access.



    af3, I ran into the problem that you can not manage your favorites without going to your BBpress profile. Some of the bbpress plugins I was using needed to be edited in the profile, like signatures, notifications, etc etc. It’s a big issue to me. I’ll bring it up during the chat tonight.

    I got around that by creating a tab called signatures in the buddypress profile and then have it show up in the posts and got rid of the program.



    You can use the anonymous plugin. It’s complex if the user is logged in and post anonymous. If they want to post anonymous, logout or create a fake account.

    Click on EXTEND on the top of this website, and search for “anonymous”. It was number 11. The search engine on this site it not that great, so you have to go through the list.

    In reply to: Adsense for BBpress



    refresh the page and try again, sometimes this site does that.



    Do you want me to look at it? and did you clear your cache after you just have one line?



    casemon, I also installed this maybe they work together??



    or you can install this plugin:

    works for the latest 1.1



    Beat you to it:

    no solution yet but you can respond there to keep it clean.

    In reply to: _CK_ Matter



    I know what you mean but sometimes it takes something drastic to happen for there to be change. I believe this event caused people to wake up. I’m not justifying what _CK_ did nor against it. As someone who gave free time and free advice I’m happy with what we got so far. Most of the plugins works for v1+ even though they don’t say so. Or sometimes in the the forum they will tell you what to do to make it work.

    In reply to: 1.1 feature poll



    I don’t think there should be a focus on things that can be already achieved by plugins.

    Facebook Connect – There is no plugins

    WYSYWYG / rich editing – There is a tinymce but I think _CK_ said it was far from being tiny (file size wise)

    Anonymous posting – There is a plugin

    Email notification – There is a plugin

    Keyboard navigation – There is a no plugin, I believe

    Embed support, like videos – There is a plugin but it doesn’t work for me.

    Importers from other systems – There is a no plugin

    Private messaging – There is a plugin

    Integration with WordPress – There is a way to do it, not so easy.

    Attachments – There is a plugin

    In reply to: Help with integration



    Since you upgraded I wrote something, tell me if it works:



    daudev if you are NOT using WPMU then you shouldn’t have so many lines.

    delete what you pasted and follow these instructions

    6 Login to your wordpress dashboard. Go to Plugins->Add New-> search for “bbPress Integration” it should be the first one. Install it and activate.

    7 Go to Settings-> bbPress Integration. Enter the bbPress URL without the www. Your plugins URL leave blank. Click on Save Changes. On the bottom box you’ll see some text copy it. Most likely it will say “define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );”

    There should be only ONE line in both files. Make sure you have the correct checkbox that says wordpress not wordpressmu



    this question should be addressed on but I know the answer!

    The Buddypress’ forums uses the BBpress technology for their Groups. Buddypress has something called Groups. The Groups allow people (your users) to form their own group which they can invite people to join or have people join on their own. The group has it’s own forums controlled by the Group creator. The group creator can add/edit put any forum titles they want. Buddypress adapted the BBpress Forums into the groups.

    You’ll have WPMU

    BuddyPress with Groups (intergrated BBpress)

    BBpress which is a forum only controlled by you.

    Good luck. I tried it, got it working for the most part but there are things that aren’t address because it’s three different programs trying to be one.



    oh always clear your cache after messing with the config files.



    daudev I’m assuming you’re using WPMU


    $wp->cookiedomain = ‘’; *DELETE*

    $wp->cookiepath = ‘/’; *DELETE*

    $wp->sitecookiepath = ‘/’; *DELETE*

    define( ‘COOKIEHASH’, ‘xxx’);

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’);


    define(‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);


    $bb->cookiedomain = ‘’; *DELETE*

    $bb->cookiepath = ‘/’; *DELETE*

    $bb->sitecookiepath = ‘/’; *DELETE*

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’);


    define(‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, ‘/’); *ADD*

    In reply to: Last Post on Forums



    Okay, but it still doesn’t solve my original problem.



    WordPress “auth” cookie salt, WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt , and WordPress “logged in” cookie salt should be NOT editable (it shows a picture of a lock next to it) if they are then you messed up on step # 3.

    Here’s an image:



    Try installing this:

    for wordpress -> bbpress


    the wordpress integration option in BBpress should take care of the other.

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