Milan Petrovic (@gdragon)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @gdragon


    Hey, GD bbPress Toolbox Pro 6.5 now calculates statistics for these elements:

    • Topics with Favorites
    • Topics Favorites Totals
    • Topics with Subscriptions
    • Topics Subscriptions Totals
    • Forums with Subscriptions
    • Forums Subscriptions Totals
    • Users with Topics Favorites
    • Users with Topics Subscriptions
    • Users with Forums Subscriptions

    They can be displayed via the plugin’s own Statistics widget or via PHP function.




    My GD bbPress Toolbox Pro has notifications for keymasters and moderators when new topic and/or reply is posted, and it has a tool for users to report posts (for spam or other reasons):





    My plugin GD Mail Queue – works with bbPress, and it allows the use of custom SMTP, it can queue bbPress notifications as individual emails, and it can wrap emails in HTML for better email presentation.




    I am not sure right now. It would be needed to run few queries to get that data, but I never tried so I am not sure exactly how it would be done right now.



    I have added this as a feature request for my GD bbPress Toolbox Pro plugin. Plugin already has a function and widget for various statistical information, and these subscription/favorites based counts would be interesting to have too.

    Notification via email is sent when someone is subscribed to a forum or topic. If user is subscribed to forum, he will get email for every new topic in that forum. User subscribed to topic will get email for every new reply in that topic.



    Hey, what statistics you need to find out exactly? What type of data you want to see?

    In reply to: add a class inside




    I am the author of GD bbPress Toolbox Pro. I would advise you to post this question to the official plugin support forum:, WordPress official forums deal with the free plugins only (available in repository).


    In reply to: GD Attachments Archive



    WP_Query doesn’t return the results, it is an object holding a lot of things, including the results. Check out how to use WP_Query for the loop, there are many examples on and elsewhere. And, results are also objects, so you need to create code to take the object and display the results.

    In reply to: GD Attachments Archive



    I can’t provide you with example code here (I don’t have anything written to use).

    The easiest way to do this is with WP_Query for ‘attachment’ post type having ‘_bbp_attachment’ meta with value ‘1’.


    In reply to: GD Attachments Archive




    I am the author of the GD bbPress Attachments plugin, and you are right, there is no such feature. But, all files are in the media library, so you can create your own template for a theme that can pull files attached to topics and forums and display them.

    A feature like that would be available in the GD bbPress Toolbox Pro plugin, most likely next month, but there are no plans to implement it in the free version.




    Hey, @robin-w, and I can confirm that the problem is the format for subscriptions that changed in bbPress 2.6 (from usermeta to postmeta), so the old version of my plugin the @sbask uses was released almost 2 years ago, and bbPress 2.6 was not yet released, so it doesn’t support the change in the subscriptions format.



    Hey @sbask, I see that you use my GD bbPress Toolbox Pro, and the view it creates. I have not noticed that it has the issue you describe, but I will check it out. It would be beneficial if you can open the topic in the official support forum, and share more details about the problem so we can debug it.

    Also, you are using a fairly outdated version (5.6) that might be having issues with bbPress 2.6, while the latest one is 6.3. bbPress 2.6 has made changes to the way it handles subscriptions, and old GD bbPress Toolbox Pro most likely was still using the old subscriptions method.




    My plugin GD Topic Prefix Pro allows you to define various prefixes for topics (it can be used for support purposes) – each prefix in a different color, allowing you to mark topics differently based on the type of question. And my GD bbPress Toolbox Pro has additional icons displayed for topics, including an icon showing that the topic is closed.

    bbPress topic form allows you to change the topic status to closed. My GD bbPress Toolbox Pro allows you to mark the topic closed via reply: you reply to the topic and that reply signals that the topic is now closed (using the checkbox). If you need to do bulk edit of topics in the front end, I have free plugin GD Forum Manager to do just that.

    All these plugins can be used to improve the bbPress role of the support forum. Check out my bbPress plugins here:


    In reply to: Profil slug in french




    This is not related to bbPress, but to BuddyPress, you should post this to BuddyPress forum. But, as I remember, there were options to change some of the slugs in BuddyPress too.




    bbPress is very open to adding all sorts of features, you can change practically everything related to how the forums are displayed, add all sorts of the feature. My GD Quantum Theme Pro plugin replaces the whole bbPress theme package with a custom one that can be controlled via Customizer. My plugins add hundreds of features into bbPress.




    I have a lot of bbPress plugins, and all are up to date (free and pro): What kind of features are you looking for? You can request the test website access from my website.





    Enabling TinyMCE is just one step, bbPress uses filters to limit the set of tags and attributes allowed, and for participants, it can be very limiting. In this case, bbPress doesn’t allow the ‘style’ attribute in HTML. A lot of things TinyMCE does require various HTML tags support and support for ‘class’ and ‘style’ attributes.

    I have support for this in my GD bbPress Toolbox Pro plugin. Or, if you prefer coding the solution, check out ‘bbp_kses_allowed_tags’ filter for bbPress allowing you to pass modified list of HTML tags and attributes to use instead.




    Your code doesn’t look complete. You posted ‘my_bbp_filter_search_results’, but there is no filter it is tied into. Which filter did you use to hook this function too?

    I can recommend you trying my advanced search plugin: GD Power Search for bbPress – it allows you to select forums to search through and other things.




    My plugin GD Forum Notices Pro allows you to define rich messages to display anywhere you want in the forums, with rules to define how the messages/notices will look like and the rules for display to different user roles. You can also schedule date range to display message.

    No coding needed, all done via the admin interface. Check it out here:




    CSS styling for the select field is most likely limited by the theme in length (bbPress default styling does it also), so you need to change the width for that element to 100%.

    In reply to: Remove /topic from url



    That is very hard to do because the rule would conflict with default WordPress rules. It is possible, but there is no plugin that can do something like that as far as I know. For my purpose (not forum related, but similar), I had to create custom rules and override and intercept default rules to make it work. And, it can highly depend on other rewrite rules added by other plugins. I never managed to find universal solution that will just work.

    In reply to: bbp user online status



    There is a short tutorial in the knowledge base with code example. If you need more help, just open a new topic in the official support forum, and I will help you there.

    In reply to: bbp user online status



    1. There is the only a widget. But, there is some plugin that can turn widget content into the shortcode, you should check that. I might add shortcodes in the future.
    2. No, the widgets don’t use AJAX to refresh content. I don’t see any benefit in that really, because users rarely sit on one forum page for a long time to even notice changes in such a widget. If the forum content is loaded fully using AJAX, that would be a different case, but bbPress doesn’t support something like that right now.

    In reply to: bbp user online status



    There is a function that can be called if you want to display the status outside of the forums, so you can update your theme templates to use it to show the status. But, the online status update is done only on the forum pages, with 5 minute offset. I can add a feature request to set status outside forums too.

    In reply to: bbp user online status




    My GD bbPress Toolbox Pro has users online status tracking, among hundreds of other features and tweaks.


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