Forum Replies Created
In reply to: bbSync
Nice one jaz. I’ll try it (note that I never had this problem) and add it tonight I hope. Has anyone else had this problem, can they try it?
Hehe, slex, at least it’s alright now. Do you actually know what caused your loss of privileges? It may be important.
Re. database redundancy, I’d say no. It’s a one-time database hit and I feel somewhat better letting the comments actually sit in the database, so that once someone’s had enough of bb or bbsync they still have _something_. But if you can code a neat implementation, I’ll gladly branch the code.
In reply to: bbSyncJazbek, you may well be right. I believe my original reason for that code was that I ran into problems with bb not properly initialising the user and that $bb_current_user would not be set (hence, no posting either). However, if that fix works then I may well have made a mistake then (or in remembering). Would be lovely.
In reply to: bbSyncStrange that it’s not catching if it’s a BB_User. That does seem to be the actual class name. Do you want to do some more testing on that? Are users usually instantiated as wp_User if it’s integrated? Or is it just if you set up the current user as bbSync does, from wp, that you get the user as a wp_User object? It’s up to you, if you could check that and arising questions out I’d be grateful as I’m all over the place right now.
Thanks for your post, really! I feel a lot more confident about finding the solution now.
In reply to: 9rules.comAny plugins you’d like to share?
In reply to: bbSyncJoe, np. Re: #3, no, you need to modify the template to use fellbbreplies() and return all replies (comments and bb posts).
Jazbek, excellent!
Hey Slex, the less cool way is cool too. There’s somd rewriting due on this plugin that I’ll have to do somdtimd soon and I’ll hopefully improve things then. The bug you found does exist, but I believe the problem is _before_ that function when it checks if the user has a capability. Or did you fix it? In any case, from a theoretical viewpoint, I thought bb used the bb_user class regardless of integration.
We don’t _need_ blog comments. Note that you can simply get rid of the wp comments form and prevent them. I did a lot of work (quite a long tiem ago now) to get a bb form in there, but a lot of globals need setting/spoofing and I eventually ran into difficulties.
In reply to: Add New Killing My ThemeYeah, one of the divs at the bottom has to be moved – it’s not inside the right
if then
flow. I wonder if anyone ever made a trac ticket; this has come up loads.> media-wiki
Why are you asking here about mediawiki?
For bb, you need to overwrite the pluggable functions responsible for logging dudes in. They’re all in bb-includes/pluggable.php, and you overwrite them as you would a wordpress pluggable:
In reply to: bbSyncWell that’s one error message down!
Have you tried adding
to your list of globals in config.php?In reply to: bbSyncYeah, sorry for the delay. I think I fixed stuff last night – at least my error messages are gone – so I’ll upload a new version.
Here we go, use the download link at the very bottom to get it (or use the normal plugin page, once it’s updated).
In reply to: bbPress error: “Forum not found”worksforme
In reply to: bbSyncYo. Glad you like it! That is cool.
Hwo did you modify comments_popup_link()? Because that could be a potentially very neat way to avoid all those template changes necessary. Especially if you made your changes using a hook or filter it would be great if I could put that into bbSync. But even if you just modified the bit in the template where it calls c_p_l() that would still be interesting.
In reply to: bbSyncHey Joe,
try adding
to the list of globals in your config.php file (as outlined earlier in this topic, or ask if you’re unsure). That seems to cause the error publishing articles. That said, right now I also get an error publishing but it seems to work fine – I’ll look at that when I’ve got my dev machine again.The error for comments I don’t understand. Line 105 seems to be a function declaration:, so how it could be missing an argument I don’t know. Are you using the latest version of bbsync, too?
In reply to: How to Write BBPress Plugins.Not much documentation for bb, but it works exactly the same way as writing plugins for wp. So grab an existing bb plugin or look at the wp documentation:
It’s often trivial to convert a plugin; you just need to use a slightly different API and change the hooks and filters that you use.
In reply to: intallation error and questionPlease copy huuuuuge swathes of code to and link to them instead of filling the forum.
wp_home and wp_siteurl are different in the same way that “WordPress address” and “blog address” in your Options in WP-Admin are different. Check if you need to change that.
In reply to: sample plugins?Hey, did you see the bit about bb being open-source? Yeah? So fix it.
Nope. Looks like a bug. Tell the dudes about it on
In reply to: WordPress access to bbPress FunctionsYup.
in your wp config file.
In reply to: wp db table “wp_post2cat”No. No you don’t.
Disable all plugins, try again.
And check WP forums for problems with WP.
In reply to: Login Not displaying properlySounds like a cookie problem. The “Who’s online” list simply has a five-minute delay built in, and I reckon your browser isn’t sending the data properly first time round, or something. What are you using?
In reply to: Jump to last postPop this in a new .php file in your plugin directory.
Plugin Name: Page »
Plugin URI:
Description: Adds » to the end of topic titles, linking to latest post.
Author: fel64
Version: 0.7
Author URI:
if (!function_exists('is_tags')) {
function is_tags()
return is_tag();
if (is_front() || is_forum() || is_tags()) {
add_filter('topic_title', 'fel_addlatestlink', 101);
function fel_addlatestlink($title)
global $topic;
$felgtlpl = get_topic_last_post_link($topic->topic_id);
$title = $title . '</a> <a href="' . $felgtlpl . '"> » ';
return $title;
?>In reply to: Anyone hiding online users?I don’t know of an existing implementation but it’s certainly straightforward enough. You need a usermeta entry of staying hidden (try to use the bb api) and modify the online list plugin to hide if dudes want to stay hidden.
In reply to: bbPress error-page, if no content in “post”Good idea. Suggest it on
In reply to: How to add a button with js_quicktags.js?I’m no JSkiddie but that looks like you only define the new edButton when someone pushes an old one. Is that right? Can you look for where the core buttons are defined and just add it to them? This quicktag principle isn’t new and I’m positive I saw a guide to adding buttons to quicktags (in wp, but the principle should be the same) – so there should be some documentation out there.
In reply to: bbPress SiteI don’t understand. Can you be more specific? URL of the problem? Screenshot of the problem?
Yeah. Take out the bit that says
<?php pm_fp_link(); ?>
because the function you’re trying to call with that is undefined.
[Edit] Or, you know, make sure the function is defined by activating the plugin, as per Chris.