Daniel J. Lewis (@djosephdesign)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @djosephdesign


    Don’t you hate it when people post questions and forget to share the answers they found?

    It’s been a few years now, but I think I remember what I did. I copied the template into my theme so I could override it. There, I modified it so it would add the post tags (like spoilers as CSS classes to those posts. Then, I modified my CSS and JS to black-out the title until clicked.

    I’m sorry I can’t provide the exact code, but maybe that helps point you in the right direction.



    I tried the migration both with their handling it and with my own WP Migrate DB Pro plugin. Both produced the same results.

    I did find a ton of Akismet data bloating my database because of the saved copy of what was sent to Akismet (horrible design there). But I believe even cleaning up that 1 or 2 GB of bloat didn’t fix things.

    I’m no longer paying for Flywheel, but I do still have the ability to create a free private test site.



    I know this is very old, but any update on making bbPress compatible with WP Super Cache?



    Any other updates on this? I have a forum on “Podcasters’ Society,” and the emails from bbPress turn that apostrophe into a catastrophe.

    Oddly, it’s only emails from bbPress that do this. Other site emails are fine.



    I just now activated the plugin and Postmark on one of my forums and it was easy and seems to work great!

    Oddly, it’s not respecting my “send from” email address. But the main functionality is fine.



    Any update to this? I, too, have a large bbPress forum and I see the following in my error log:

    SlowTimer [6357ms] at runtime/ext_mysql: slow query: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS  wp_13_posts.ID FROM wp_13_posts  INNER JOIN wp_13_postmeta ON (wp_13_posts.ID = wp_13_postmeta.post_id)\nINNER JOIN wp_13_postmeta AS mt1 ON (wp_13_posts.ID = mt1.post_id) WHERE 1=1  AND wp_13_posts.post_type = 'topic' AND (wp_13_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR wp_13_posts.post_status = 'closed') AND (wp_13_postmeta.meta_key = '_bbp_last_active_time'\nAND  (mt1.meta_key = '_bbp_forum_id' AND CAST(mt1.meta_value AS SIGNED) != '133643') ) GROUP BY wp_13_posts.ID ORDER BY wp_13_postmeta.meta_value DESC LIMIT 0, 25
    In reply to: Adsense Plugin



    I would love to see this accept shortcodes, too. And it looks like I’m not the only one.



    Did you ever figure this out?



    The solution ended up being really simple. Just create a “recent posts” page (or call it whatever you want” and use the shortcode [ bbp-topic-index ].



    I’m also interested in this, especially with allowing my forum members to use some BBcodes, like spoiler, b, i, and others. (I transitioned from a phpBB board, so I want to make a smooth transition for my users.)

    I’ve been looking for a plugin to do this, but haven’t found anything. I’m thinking of making a simple plugin to do this by popping up a window (via jQuery) that will take the content of their post editor and display it with my CSS and processing the shortcodes. It sounds easy to me, but I could be really wrong.



    Did you ever figure this out? I’m trying to pull the topic tags into PHP so I can assign them as classes to topics.



    I figured this out. I had to add this in my bbpress_functions:

    function my_topic_class($classes) {
    	$classes[] = 'test-class';
    	return $classes;
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_class','my_topic_class' );



    How do we implement this? I tried replacing

    <ul id="bbp-topic-<?php bbp_topic_id(); ?>" <?php bbp_topic_class(); ?>>


    <ul id="bbp-topic-<?php bbp_topic_id(); ?>" <?php echo bbp_get_topic_class('test-class'); ?>>

    but the test class doesn’t show. I know I’m working with the right line of code because I can remove the class part altogether and see it removed from my site.



    This was never quite answered. How is bbpress.org running a page that lists all the threads in order of freshness?



    Did you ever figure this out?



    I’d like this, too. It seems that the bbpress.org forums even do that. Have you figured out a way?



    Can you paste that URL again?



    I’ve seen this behavior too. My community reports it when they reply to a long topic, they’re thrown back to the first page instead of seeing the page with their reply.



    Thanks for sharing. But doesn’t that list only the latest topics, not the latest replies?



    Did you figure this out? I would like to do this, too.

    In reply to: Search doesn't work



    I’m also interested in the solution to this. I use a custom child theme to the Genesis Framework, but I’m also using Relevanssi. Either of these are probably messing up my forum searches.

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