D L (@damon18)

Forum Replies Created

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  • D L


    It’s been so long since I tried this that I wasn’t sure what to put for table prefix, is that the table prefix of the old database or the new wp database?

    I tried it both ways but the error is the same.

    D L


    So I just setup a whole new test site, installed buddypress and bbpress

    added the dizkusZK converter to the converters list

    Ran it against a copy of the database that contains a dizkus forum.

    got error:

    WordPress database error: [Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes]
    CREATE TABLE wp_bbp_converter_translator ( meta_id mediumint(8) unsigned not null auto_increment, value_type varchar(25) null, value_id bigint(20) unsigned not null default '0', meta_key varchar(255) null, meta_value varchar(255) null, PRIMARY KEY (meta_id), KEY value_id (value_id), KEY meta_join (meta_key(191), meta_value(191)) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;
    No data to cleanStarting Conversion

    D L


    But maybe it’s a good start for another try?

    D L


    Never got it to work. I think it seemed close but never produced an actual working bbPress forum with all the topics and replies in the right places.

    D L


    Believe it or not, I’m still stuck with very old forums using Dizkus/Postnuke/Zikula and still need to move them to WordPress/bbPress.

    Is there anyone willing to take this on as a paid project? I could send a database sample to check out.

    D L


    Hey great to see a fellow Postnuke/Zikula refugee find there way here.

    Please report back on how the converter works for you. I still haven’t been able to convert a live forum.

    D L



    D L


    OK if I could delete the last two posts I would.

    After struggling with doing this on XAMPP I gave up and set up a new test on a live server and it worked! (with some issues)


    D L


    This sounds awesome!

    I’ll try it out and report back.

    The whole thing with the topics and replies is hard for me to get my head around. To me a topic is is a topic and then replies to that topic are posts assigned to that topic. I guess that’s the phpBB model.

    Once I try it out I’ll be able to see what can be done about any duplicates.

    Thanks so much for the work.

    D L



    Back to beg for help (although willing to pay) to get this converter built.

    If anyone with the ability could read through this topic and give input here or at https://github.com/damon18/dizkus-bbpress I would really appreciate it. My existing forums are starting to throw lots of errors and are keeping me from upgrading my server since they won’t work past PHP 5.3.x

    D L


    But in the end, did you manage to convert or not ?

    No, not at all.

    D L


    Stephen and all,

    I guess this turned out to be harder than I hoped?

    Looking at this thread I see that I never posted the Github code for the attempt to create a Zikula/Dizkus to bbPress converter, here it is if anyone would take a look.



    D L


    Thanks! I appreciate your help, I’m desperate to update these sites on old versions of Zikula. I can’t even update the PHP on the server past 5.3 because because Zikula 1.2x won’t work on anything later.

    The issues you noted.

    aren’t used much, so yes, they can be ignored, it doesn’t seem like it’s difficult to assign forums to categories in bbPress if needed.

    The table prefix is causing me confusion as I switch between databases. Some of my forums have databases using nuke_ for prefix and some have zk_ , this is an artifact from many years of using Postnuke/Zikula and based on when the original database was created.

    in the dizkus schema the (prefix)_dizkus_subscription table contains which forums a user is subscribed to.

    The (prefix)_dizkus_topic_subscription table contains which topics a user is subscribed to.

    Topic Author IP
    This isn’t necessary to move to bbPress as far as I’m concerned. Only used when I’m investigating a possible spam post. Someone else might need to have it though, so put it on the “nice to have” list.

    Topic Content
    None of the conversion attempts have been successful enough to see yet. So far have always errored out because of failed sql statements.

    I attempted to do a join because the title of a new topic is stored in (prefix)_dizkus_topics along with the topic post time, views, num. replies, last post ID, forum ID, and sticky status (0 or 1). But the content of the first post in a topic is stored in the (prefix)_dizkus_posts table.

    There is no “first post in topic” post ID in either table, as it looks like phpBB had so I tried to adapt this.

    // Topic content.
    		// Note: We join the 'posts' table because 'topics' does not include topic content.
    		$this->field_map[] = array(
    			'from_tablename'  => 'posts',
    			'from_fieldname'  => 'post_text',
    			'join_tablename'  => 'topics',
    			'join_type'       => 'INNER',
    			'join_expression' => 'USING (topic_id) WHERE posts.post_id = topics.topic_first_post_id',
    			'to_type'         => 'topic',
    			'to_fieldname'    => 'post_content',
    			'callback_method' => 'callback_html'

    Topic Favorites
    Dizkus doesn’t have topic favorites, only forum.

    Since Dizkus doesn’t store passwords, they would have to taken from (prefix)_users table, but thinking about it I’m not sure that this script needs to deal with passwords at all. I will still need to migrate ALL the users from the Zikula installs, not just the ones that have posted in the forums. I’m planning on using WP All Import Pro for that job and migrating other data like converting news items to news and bringing over static pages.

    Worst case, if the passwords get screwed up everyone would have to use the “lost password” system to set a new one.

    Just tried the version of dizkusZK in Github after merging your changes and got this error.

    Repair any missing information: Continue
    WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'zk_users.pn_uname' in 'field list']
    SELECT convert(zk_dizkus_users.user_id USING "utf8mb4") AS user_id,convert(zk_users.pn_uname USING "utf8mb4") AS pn_uname,convert(zk_users.pn_email USING "utf8mb4") AS pn_email,convert(zk_users.pn_url USING "utf8mb4") AS pn_url,convert(zk_users.pn_user_regdate USING "utf8mb4") AS pn_user_regdate,convert(zk_users.pn_user_avatar USING "utf8mb4") AS pn_user_avatar FROM zk_dizkus_users AS zk_dizkus_users LIMIT 0, 100
    No users to convertNo data to cleanStarting Conversion

    D L


    After some more fiddling I tried again, this has been running two hours on a small database of just a few hundred posts.


    D L


    The sites I have using Dizkus are on Zikula 1.2.10 and using Dizkus 3.1.

    The Github you linked is a newer version that was supposed to get ready for the new Bootstrap version of Zikula, schema would be completely different. I doubt if anyone is actually using that version because Zikula 1.2.10 and Dizkus 3.1 were the last backward compatible and widely used versions.

    Because of the break in development I don’t think the code for those versions are online anywhere.

    I’ve uploaded a structure dump from the biggest site to.

    Thanks for any help or tips you can provide. If a full dump of the database would help I can package one up but would need a more secure way to share it with you.

    D L


    Thanks for the codex links.

    I did spend several hours trying to modify the phpBB converter to work with the Dizkus database tables before coming here. Was able to get it partly working but was losing meta data like poster name, post time, and it seemed the posts (replies) weren’t always assigned to the right topic. Also, what to do about avatars and signatures.

    I’ll try doing it from scratch based on the codex example.phpj. Was just hoping someone had already done it.

    As far as Dizkus, here is a small basic forum that uses it.

    And a larger one

    I’ve put this out on Codeable.com to pay to get it done if anyone here does projects there.

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