Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Changing color of wrapper.
Yep, I see it now. I will mark this resolved.
In reply to: Control subjects before they are publishedIt sounds like you want to approve a topic that is posted by someone else, before it’s visible on your site. Is that correct?
In reply to: Control subjects before they are publishedThere was moderation hold, but it’s a pretty old plugin:
You might also want read-only forums?
That’s an old plugin as well.
In reply to: Two Websites, One Board?I think you could do this with a theme switching plugin:
That particular plugin worked only through 0.9 though.
I think the idea would be to link to the forum using a direct link, specifying the template, or maybe set a cookie depending on where the visitor came from, then choosing the template based on that cookie.
I don’t think you need to modify bbPress at all – you just need to identify where the user comes from (cookie?) and set their template appropriately.
In reply to: Database – WordPress or New?It will integrate users with WordPress, if you want that.
It’s easiest to just use the WordPress database – just be sure the table prefix is different for WordPress and bbPress. WordPress uses wp_ by default and bbPress uses bb_ by default. Just be sure they are different, or bbPress will mess up your WordPress installation. Like this:
In reply to: Install problemsYou need a tool like phpMyAdmin to access the database directly so you can drop tables that were created by bbPress. Normally those tables begin with the prefix bb_, but if you changed that on installation your tables will be differently named.
Make a backup of your database before you drop any tables.
Your host might have something installed already that can access the database directly. It would be listed in your control panel.
In reply to: Where is the word 'sticky' hidden?If the theme author coded it in to the theme, just find it in the theme and remove it.
You can also change it by creating a
file in your theme folder, and put this in it:<?php
remove_filter('bb_topic_labels', 'bb_closed_label');
add_filter('bb_topic_labels', 'my_closed_label');
function my_closed_label( $label ) {
global $topic;
if ( '0' === $topic->topic_open )
return sprintf(__('[Read Only] %s'), $label);
return $label;
?>That changes [Sticky] to [Read Only]. You can change the [Read Only] to whatever text you want instead of sticky.
In reply to: Install problemsTo reinstall, you need to drop the bbPress tables and delete the bb-config.php. Then you can reinstall.
In reply to: Blockquote doesn't work in bbPress "Options" themeThis makes the block quotes on your test thread look different in my browser:
#thread .entry blockquote {
padding:0 25px;
font-weight: bold;
}Just add that after #thread .entry in your style.css and change the styling rules to whatever you want.
In reply to: Blockquote doesn't work in bbPress "Options" themeWhat do you mean “does not work”? It just doesn’t change the look of things inside the blockquote tag? What do you want it to do instead?
In reply to: BBPress:Syntax Hiliter plugin and a bad replacementWhat plugin are you using? Is it this?
What version of bbPress did you install?
In reply to: errored when installedLooks like those are just warnings. Can you turn them of in your installation so they’re not displayed? If so, what happens then?
In reply to: Extreme Database Help– I'm an IdiotHopefully you have a database backup since that will be the easiest way to fix this. If you used the same database prefix for WordPress and your bbPress installation, bbPress tried to install into some existing WordPress tables.
Here is a list of the tables created by both packages:
bbPress tables:
WordPress tables:
usermetaFrom that list, it looks like the following tables have the same names in bbPress and WordPress:
usermetaSo, if you used the same prefix, I think bbPress would just happily write into those tables. I’ve never done it, so I’m not certain, but I think that’s what would happen.
I guess it’s possible also that it just leaves the existing WordPress tables alone, but the tables are not usable in bbPress, so there could be weirdness. It’s also possible that bbPress tries to alter the tables and fails in some places, making the table unusable for bbPress and probably WordPress.
It’s easiest to just replace the database with a recent backup. If you don’t have that, then you will have to look at the database directly with a tool like phpMyAdmin and see exactly what happened.
In reply to: forums/bb-admin just redirects me to forums/When you click “Admin” what happens?
And did you log in at bbPress or WordPress?
Did you try clearing your browser cookies?
In reply to: forums/bb-admin just redirects me to forums/If login works normally, what do you see next to your name after you log in?
Welcome, ChrisHajer! View your profile (Admin | Log Out)
Welcome, ChrisHajer! | Log Out
In the first case, I am keymaster and have admin access. In the second case, I am just a member and have no admin access. I you have the first, click on Admin and you will have access to the bbPress back end.
If you have the second, the account you’re logging in with might not have keymaster access. There was a plugin to restore keymaster access, but it was good only for up to 0.9. Not sure if it works with 1.0.
If it doesn’t work, then you will need to edit the permissions directly in the database.
In reply to: Admin>Plugins Link Not WorkingDid you create a
folder or is there one there already? If it’s there, check the permissions on the folder. Should be 0755 drwxr-xr-x.In reply to: Changing color of wrapper.The problem with that layout is that the header and footer and only 960px wide, so making the background color different will just go wide enough to fill the header and footer div, but will not go outside it to the #wrapper. If you want something all the way across the browser window, you will need to create a couple new divs, full width, and put the header and footer inside one of those each. Then, give that new div a background color.
In reply to: Changing color of wrapper.If you just want solid green, don’t use an image. bbPress uses an image tiled across because there is a gradient in it. If you just want solid color, just set the background-color of the div to whatever you want it to me, and remove the reference to the background image url.
In reply to: errored when installedbbPress is not a plugin for WordPress – you already figured that out and moved it.
To reinstall, I would drop the tables from the database, then delete your bb-config.php and start the installation again in the new location. If you have errors after a clean install like that, post them here.
In reply to: Changing size of font in Header in "Kakumei".You can always adjust CSS properties inline (in header.php) or by assigning the class or is in header.php, then making the adjustments in style.css. The end result will be the same; it doesn’t matter where you make the change.
I think it’s normally better to keep the style rules in an external stylesheet, so you have just one file to modify to affect the whole site.
In reply to: Keeping footer at the bottom of the page.Without using JavaScript, there is no way that I know of to know the size of the browser viewport. If you used JavaScript to determine the size, then you could create a size for the div that put your footer to the bottom.
IE has a problem with min-height sometimes.
I think in general though, you want to set the height of an existing div with min-height. That way, if there’s less content, it uses the minimum height. If there is enough content, the min-height from the CSS is used instead.
If you think it’s a bug you should open a ticket at
In reply to: What is "topicmeta"?I might be wrong, but I thought topicmeta was deprecated in the 1.0 versions.
$bbdb->tables = array(
'forums' => false,
'meta' => false,
'posts' => false,
'tagged' => false, // Deprecated
'tags' => false, // Deprecated
'terms' => false,
'term_relationships' => false,
'term_taxonomy' => false,
'topics' => false,
'topicmeta' => false, // Deprecated
'users' => false,
'usermeta' => false
);> It’s definitely theme related
that’s a good start.
In reply to: RSS for Forums Section.What would that RSS feed include?