chrishajer (@chrishajer)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @chrishajer


    Actually, I think you could put the new installation of 1.0 files somewhere, change that bb-config.php to point to the 0.9 database, then you can run the upgrade script, which should be no problem since the database versions changed and it will force you to do this.



    B) won’t work because the database schema changed. You wouldn’t be able to import into the 1.0 database from 0.9.

    Why not create a 0.9 installation with 0.9 database and files, then import all your 0.9 stuff back into the database from a dump (or just hook up the .9 database to an installation of 0.9 files?) Using the stock theme with no plugins, update the files to 1.0.* whatever, then run the upgrade script. Now you have a 1.0 installation with all your old data imported. Then you can bake whatever you need to bake.

    What went wrong with the upgrade last time? (I think I recall seeing a post about it…)



    Regarding the permalink “where is my last post” – it got flagged as spam by Akismet. Most likely because of all the links, all the URLs and linking your username to a website in the profile. I saw it caught about 3 times I think. I did not rescue any of those since discussion has continued here.



    That was good up until the 0.9 release



    No, there’s no problem with 5.2.9. In the very latest PHP 5.3.x on Windows, you will get additional warnings displayed, but that’s not an issue for you since you’re using Linux.

    In reply to: Put PHP together



    Do you want to echo the $page if ANY of them are true? So, an OR statement?

    <?php if ($page>1 && (is_front() || is_topic() || is_forum())) echo " page $page"; ?>

    That should do it, unless I misunderstood your problem.



    gerikg, what is your forum structure, and what do you want it to look like on the front end?



    I remember that now …



    I think the problem then is you are going to need two loops. You’re processing all forums in order and then will just come out in order, right, no matter if they are categories or not? Don’t you want two tables, one table of all your forums that are categories, then another table of just forums that are forums (not categories)? Or are you handling the order of the forums to make them come out in the right order, so that the tables will be displayed in order?

    Can you post a link to this forum (or send it to me) so we can see the source and see exactly how they’re being processed and what’s going wrong?



    I suppose you could do the complete noob thing and say:

    <?php if (bb_get_forum_is_category()) {
    else {
    // do something

    Unless I am completely missing your point and this is some sort of test :-)



    Is it as simple as:

    <?php if ( !bb_get_forum_is_category() ) {
    // whatever



    Yury, what will you do with “people who have access”? What do they need access to, and why do you need it to move forward?



    I think Gautam and I and gerikg and some others realized we don’t need any outside help to move the project forward, at least for the time being. There’s a lot we can do without having the keys to the whole thing.

    Several people have mentioned a fresh face for, and it’s long overdue. Sam created one a while back, and matveb created a mockup:

    The talk at the time, and I can’t recall if it was in email or in the IRC chats, was that we didn’t want to stick with a new design, because was getting a new design, then would be out of date (or dated) again.

    So, the theme/template here will wait until after the redesign.

    In my opinion though, it would just be window dressing on a project that’s just limping along.



    You added your PS after I replied. There really aren’t any bbPress developers, but the answer to the question of finding the admin is known. Matt Mullenweg would have the final say on anything related to this project.


    Participant is just a WordPress site with a bbPress installation. You have everything you need in the bbPress releases to create your own fork or distribution or CMS engine. Why would you need FTP/DB access to create a project like that? All you need is the bbPress code right?

    The person who has access to the database and FTP or server is Matt, or someone who works for him. I believe you’ve already gotten in contact with him.



    Oh and talk of “who has access to the site” or who can moderate or admin the forums is largely irrelevant, because these days, no matter who actually has access, it’s just me moderating the forums.



    I believe I am an editor at the WordPress blog. That means I don’t have access to the Appearance tab (to change themes) or to Plugins or Settings. I have access to Pages and Posts so I can made additions or modifications to content there, but I can’t change the design or anything like that.

    Honestly though, we have bigger problems than just putting a fresh face on the website. That would be the least of my concerns.

    Yury, if you’re not seriously talking about creating a fork, but gave this topic a title like that “to get people’s attention” then you’re trolling, which is not productive.

    Right now, we have the forums, which are moderated daily by me. I help out with solutions where I can, or try to pull information out of users who post of problems with very few details, to possibly help some other thoughtful soul who might come along and be able to help.

    I don’t touch integration problems at all (“when I log in to bbPress, I am automatically logged out of WordPress” anyone?) because integration is far too complicated with too much voodoo required (PHP5? 777 permissions? pasting in keys and cookie domains that may or may not make a difference?) for someone who just wants to install a forum where their WordPress users can be logged in automatically. For that reason, and a couple others (functional integration [ability to use things like wp_list_pages()] and theme integration (“I want my bbPress to just be a page inside my WordPress site” or “how do I make bbPress look like my WordPress theme?”)) I support the decision to make bbPress a WordPress plugin.

    Honestly though, I’m not sure how that will work with custom post types coming in 3.0. Justin Tadlock was playing with an idea that used custom post types to create a forum structure, and it looked pretty neat. He lost that work in a hard drive crash or something, but he mentioned it didn’t take long to do.

    For those who want bbPress as standalone, please feel free to download the versions that exist right now. Download them daily, in case development ceases at some point. Right now, we’re continuing to fix bugs in the existing versions. After all the bugs are fixed :-) it’s anyone’s guess what will happen.

    And with a fork of bbPress you’d arguably have more control (heck, you can fork it now with one of the existing versions, create your own website and distribute the software) but you’d be hard pressed to match the community we have here. It may not be big, but it’s dedicated, and if you’re interested in seeing bbPress continue this is the best place to be.



    You will get the password even if mail() is disabled, on installation. You either set it, or it uses the existing one if you selected a WordPress user as keymaster, or it’s displayed on screen. It will also mail, but that’s not the only way.



    Add a forum post to your WordPress front: does that mean if there is a forum post, you want to display it on your WordPress home page? As a sticky or something? You will do this manually whenever you feel like promoting a post?



    During setup, the password is displayed on screen. If it’s not visible right on top, you can “show installation messages” and see it there. For a while there, I thought you could set the password as well, but I may be confusing with WordPress.

    When you integrate and choose a WordPress user as keymaster, it just uses the existing password, so nothing is displayed or changed.



    robalan, do you have another set of eyes there than can help you look at each item one at a time? Sometimes that’s all it takes. Something simple like pasting all 4 keys from WP to BB, but not changing the name of the constant (they need to be BB_$wordpresskeyname in bbPress, for example.) I’m not saying it’s that one thing, although it has been that thing for many people, but it could be something simple you skip past every time.



    In my opinion, which I expressed, it’s ridiculous. Sorry you disagree, but I stand by my statement.

    In any case, I don’t think it has anything to do with this integration problem. This is the most common symptom of integration that is just not working well. There are lots of little gotchas in doing it. I gave up on even trying long ago. It’s far too much to ask people to do to achieve simple user integration. For this reason, I support making bbPress a WordPress plugin. You solve this integration problem, theme integration and also deep/functional integration. With those types of support questions gone, I’ll be out of a job (in a good way.)



    It’s ridiculous if to integrate you have to set your directory permissions to 777. Some hosts won’t even let you do that.



    Preventing real people from posting objectionable stuff is going to require some sort of moderation. For the time being, you might want to stop allowing images. Secondly, you might want to install the Approve Registration plugin:

    Check on page 3 for a comment with a later version available for you.



    A PHP warning should cause the site to not load (it’s just a warning, not an error.)

    Is the wp-load.php actually available where you say it is in the include statement?

    Also, does including it near the top of bb-config.php change the error at all? (I usually see it near the top, not the bottom.)

    Finally, can you use the include_once function to include some other random file in the current directory? Just create a file like test.php with nothing in it other than <?php /* */ ?> and then try to include that to see if the php function is actually working or if there is maybe some server security interfering.

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