chrishajer (@chrishajer)

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  • @chrishajer


    Sounds like there is an error in your config.php, in this line maybe:


    The other possibility is an .htaccess rewriting the URL to that location. Do you have

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;


    $bb->mod_rewrite = true;

    In reply to: No Stylesheet



    I don’t think there was a solution on the other topic: I believe it ended with a question to try something else (different plugin versions) which would not apply in your case.

    What operating system are you using? Maybe I can do an install on localhost and see if I can recreate your problem.

    I’m surprised it works on localhost actually, but Trent said there are lots of successful localhost installs. Can you install into a different folder on your web host and see if it works there? I know there might be an issue, but if this is for experimentation, why not perform the experiment on the hardware it will eventually go live on?

    If your operating system is a Linux variant (I am using Kubuntu Edgy), I can do an install here and see if I have the same problem.

    In reply to: No Stylesheet



    Does this topic help at all?

    In reply to: Step two errors



    I saw this in bb-admin/upgrade.php

    // Very old (pre 0.7) installs may need further upgrade utilities. Post to if needed

    I wonder what version you were using? In bb-includes/functions.php, there is a section for version.

            case 'version' :
    return '0.73';

    Maybe that will help someone help the upgrade script for you.


    In reply to: admin email change



    I’m just guessing, but I think my reply is accurate based on limited experience. Maybe someone can correct it if it’s obviously wrong. Thanks.



    I will post it later today. Minor one, I think :)

    In reply to: admin email change



    My guess is that the email in the config.php is used for setup only. Afterward, I changed mine in my profile and it gets updated in my WordPress user table. I changed the email address in my WordPress user table, and it’s changed in the profile in bbPress. None of those changes affected the setting in config.php. I requested a new password with the forgotten password link, for admin, and it went to the email address in the user profile, not the one in config.php.

    I am pretty sure the email that is used on an ongoing basis is the one in the profile, and the one in config.php is used for setup only.

    That’s my best guess. For consistency, I think I would update both, even if only so that when you do an upgrade in the future, the one in config.php is still accurate.



    I have a wild guess. Looking at line 79 of bb-includes/akismet.php (in 0.80) shows this:

    'comment_author' => get_user_name( $user-ID ),

    and I think it’s missing a > between $user- and ID

    'comment_author' => get_user_name( $user->ID ),

    If that fixes it, I can file a trac ticket.



    This is on this forum Trent, Try it here. Log out and see if you can replicate it here. I did it about 10 times to ensure I was reporting it correctly.



    Martin, your webserver cannot send emails? Can you upload a file called mailer.php and put this into it: (if you don’t have command line access)

    mail( '', "subject: test", "message: test", 'From:');
    echo "Mail should have been sent, check your inbox";

    Run that from your browser and check your inbox. I’ve never had it fail, so I don’t know what is displayed if the mail command fails. If you have a command line, you can just run the mail command:

    php -r 'mail( '', "subject: test", "message: test", 'From:');'

    If you cannot send email from your server, then the patch you referred to would work, but I suspect that was for an older version (.73 maybe, since the post is so old.) You save that information to a file, call it mail.patch or something. You need a command line to patch the files, so if you don’t have that, you would need to download the files referenced in the patch, patch them locally (built in on Linux and OSX but I think you would need a 3rd party app on Windows.) To patch the files:

    1. cd to the installation directory
    2. run this command:
      patch -p0 < /path/to/mail.patch

    That makes the changes to the files referenced in the patch, and the user registration email will be displayed rather than being emailed.




    In your template, you use

    <small>Login to Send PM<small>br />


    and you just keep opening the <small> tag, never closing it. (note, it’s not closed here.)

    It pays to validate your code occasionally at

    Good luck.





    Not worried, just reporting. Looking forward to the new power!



    Thank you Trent. Glad someone knows about it.



    Just FYI, I got another 408 error when trying to reply on a topic today.

    Oops, should have posted this on my other thread:

    In reply to: Issue with tagging



    Hi Mike. This has been discussed a few times here. Words are separated by spaces into tags when the post is created, but later, when adding tags, the whole line of input becomes a tag.



    Is it possible the sitemap plugin takes that long (40+ seconds) to write the sitemap? I have around 2000 posts in my forum right now…



    Is anyone else having a similar problem? Or, alternatively, does anyone in the know have an idea of how I can troubleshoot this? It’s painful to make a post with the way things are now.

    Still using .73 and using the following plugins:










    Null, I looked at your site. No underlines appear for me with IE7 either, whether hovering or not. So, I don’t think it’s the :hover pseudo class problem (and especially since the :hover is applied to <a> elements.

    It looks like the underline might be behind the #cleaner div in IE, where it’s on top of it in FF. Can you try making the #wrapper-menu taller and see if you can see underlines then? I am guessing they are there, just not visible since they’re behind the #cleaner div.

    Is there a tool comparable to the web developer extension for FF, on IE? I installed the IE Developer toolbar, but it does not give you the ability to modify the CSS and see the changes.



    Is there a demo of it somewhere? I have no need to install it, so I can’t see the IE underline problem.

    Does it have anything to do with the :hover pseudo class? That can only be applied to <a> elements in IE before version 7. Not sure if that’s what the problem is. A demo would be helpful for me to see it without installing it, if possible.

    More about the IE :hover pseudo class



    I had a similar problem on, which resulted in a 408 timeout. I posted about that problem here.

    Thanks for the bump.



    Still having this problem today. My database is on a different server. Maybe in most circumstances, it’s on localhost. Would mysql_connect() cause a delay where mysql_pconnect() would be more appropriate with the database being on a different server? Just asking: I had a problem with persistent connections causing about a 30 second delay with an application before, and the pconnect fixed that problem.

    Also, if you make two quick posts on one topic, the second one seems to go in quickly, without the 45 second delay. It appears normal.



    This is almost always a config issue. The config needs to be set to the time zone where your server is, so maybe if you’re off by 2 hours you need to adjust your config by two hours.

    Time management is being addressed (see last post for trac ticket):



    Maybe “Since Last Visit” can check for the existence of the “Simple Online List” file and complain if it’s not there to avoid a fatal error?

    Just thinking aloud…

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