chrishajer (@chrishajer)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @chrishajer


    Maybe this will help:

    In addition to making the change to true in the config, you need to create the rules in an .htaccess file in your server root. Your server needs to support it too.



    Can you post a URL and possibly your config?



    I think template is simple enough, it’s just different :)

    I also personally feel “template” is more ‘correct’ than “theme”. Unlearning “template” when starting with WordPress was hard.

    I think bbPress is correct, and WordPress is wrong.

    Also, if you’ve ever used K2 with WordPress, you know that they have something called schemes which are pure CSS modifications to change the look. To confuse things even more, the “schemes” in K2 are in a folder called “styles.”

    sorry for all the edits …



    I personally don’t think this is a big issue. I had to change my brain to think of templates as themes in WordPress, so it doesn’t matter much to me. What they’re called is much less important than how they’re managed and modified.



    Hi Nick. Can you say if this works for adding a new topic and also when adding tags to an existing topic? And also, do you have an example of where this is running?




    DavidBessler, thoughtful comments. That Wikipedia page is very daunting. The last link on the page though is the resource I use for testing the various CMSs:

    You can test and try all the Open Source packages right there, admin and front end. It’s a good resource.




    Trent, any word on the Anarchy Media plugin for bbPress? This is the last comment I saw:

    Does it just work if you include the JS in the <head> of the document?



    Good ticket – thanks.



    Ok, thanks Trent. I notice it whenever I register on a forum, and I can work around it, but I imagine for a new user it could be a little confusing. It seems unnecessary and could be made better. Thanks for posting a TRAC ticket (if you do.)

    In reply to: Equalize Hottags



    So far, this is the only thing I’ve seen posted about customizing the hottags:

    It doesn’t specifically address the colors, just the size, of the tags. I imagine, since the style tag is with a font-size in it, like this:

     style="font-size: 9pt;"

    that you could make a plugin that did something where if the font size is between a and b, add “font-color: #whatever;” and if it’s between b and c, add “font-color: #whatever2;” etc.

    I think this would be pretty interesting. I can see where this code would need to be added in bb-includes/template-functions.php, but that’s a really bad idea (modifying core files) – so, a plugin is a much better idea.



    > First question am I at a good starting place with

    > to create an online community?

    Yes, it’s fine software for an online community.

    > Am I still in the right starting place if my community

    > needs the capability to upload and manage/organize photos?

    IMO, no. There is no provision for uploading, managing and organizing photos built into bbPress.

    > I want the community to be very user controled. Meaning

    > I would like the members to have allot of control over their

    > profiles. Template, colour schemes etc…

    Also, no. bbPress, IMO, is not set up to allow that level of control over the user’s profiles.

    > I would also like this community to become very friendly

    > for advertisers.

    There’s nothing inherently good or bad about bbPress as far as advertising goes. There are a few themes with Google Adsense space built into them already. Other sorts of advertising would be equally easy.

    There’s also an Adsense plugin:

    > My main focus is getting the community started. Does

    > sound like a good starting place?

    bbPress is great for community building and it’s lightweight and easy to use. It will not be the solution for you for photo sharing though. You might consider bbPress for your forum, and another package for managing and sharing photos, similar to the way that a lot of users here use WordPress for their site and bbPress for their forums.

    I wish you luck.

    In reply to: Navigation Theme



    I like it too. I’ve been watching the evolution from the beginning. I think I would fix a few of the XHTML errors so that the theme validates. You can check it here:

    Basically, the <br> should all be self-closed

    <br />

    and all the <p> and <div> tags need to be properly nested and closed.

    In the CSS there are just a couple problems. Line 304 & 305 need to have units after the number for the absolute positioning:

    	top: 25;
    left: 225;

    should be

    	top: 25px;
    left: 225px;

    Other than that I think it looks really good. Nice job. Very nice.



    ear1grey: I recall seeing that, either in a topic post or in the trac. Thanks for that. I will hope for the best on that one. Right now, doing it manually is a big PITA, but I wonder if the Site Management “Recounts” might help with keeping it all straight after moving things around.


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?



    So it filters through the post but not the edit? It appeared to me that some old posts that had text emoticons, like :) , were filtered on display and how display a gif instead of the text. Maybe I imagined that?

    In fact, here’s a post I made on my forum back in December, and it gets converted to a gif.

    I did not edit that post, and I just installed the bb-emoticons plugin yesterday. I guess I still don’t understand how it works.

    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?



    It seems that the text is converted to emoticons on the initial post or display or something, but when I got back and edit a post to add one, it is not converted on display? When I make a test post immediately afterward, the same text is converted to an emoticon.

    Anyone have a similar experience? It would seem the text is translated on display, not posting, so, I can’t see how this would happen actually.




    I have a need for this again. Has anyone looked into this?



    That’s a pretty good guess. The files are there (they don’t load, but they don’t give a 404 Not Found error either) and this image file is there in he proper location:

    I will ditto the vote for the files having been uploaded in binary rather than ascii format.



    I was able to see the first post:

    First Post! w00t.

    What issue are you having? Maybe you need to clear your browser cache or something? Or it appears different to a logged in user?

    There are also two different URLs in your post, one a subdomain and one a subfolder: which one is correct? Maybe there’s an issue there? (the config says subfolder “itts”…)

    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?



    I think I answered my own question. This appears to work fine in .80. :D

    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?



    Is anyone using this with .80?





    You couldn’t be farther from an expert on LDAP that I am :D

    I just recall seeing the trac ticket and didn’t know if it was relevant.



    Please start a new thread for that new topic :)

    Basically, it’s not done from the admin panel. You create a my-templates folder, then a folder in there for your theme (so “newtheme” or somthing) then follow the instructions above.



    Does LDAP do what you want? (Never used it, just know it’s a directory technology, but I thought it had groups)

    Maybe that’s overkill.

    In reply to: 404 on forum page



    Sounds like this:

    Also looks like Trent has filed a trac ticket:

    Is that the same problem you’re experiencing?

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