bobjgarrett (@bobjgarrett)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @bobjgarrett


    Okay, I am going to modify the 404 page then with some more helpful text.



    Done that but it still goes to a 404 error page. I am using a specific log in page not WP nor bbPress. The link in the email sent goes to a “test_content” page.

    In reply to: Search Features



    I have now got this working but for others that might find the problem it appears that this only works with the theme I have by copying the file “content-search.php” into a bbpress folder within a child theme.



    I used “inspect” in Chrome and the img code looked okay but http.
    I copied the image URL (http) to a separate window and it worked.
    In Inspect I copied the URL of an image from another thread in the site (Https) with an image which worked and it still worked.
    I the copied the URL of an image from another HTTPS site that I manage and it showed.
    So my assumption is that it is the http image within an Https page is making it fail to display.



    Sorry, no, I did not manage this and feared trying might break something!



    Thanks for that. I had not noticed it was a feature as I already use this plugin.
    I have now enabled it. One query…
    I have set for moderation “none” as only our members can post or reply. The problem arose because a member added a post with more links than we had envisaged as a result of which the reply was held up and needed approval, but we did not get any alert.
    Having set moderation “none” does that mean no posts/replies with too many links will need approval or will I get a prompt to warn me of a pending post/reply?

    Interestingly the member who posted the reply which has held got an error message…
    Function get_option was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 5.5.0! The “blacklist_keys” option key has been renamed to “disallowed_keys”. in /htdocs/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5667
    Which suggests it found some system call bug.



    The plugin bbpress moderation tools referred to above is no longer available and I have the problem that posts/replies held for moderation do not result in any alert to me to check.
    Is there any plugin or setting which might do this?

    In reply to: Topic Count



    After much searching in that file and then further comparisons of the posts (and then the linked postmeta records) created vs those imported I spotted an error in the postmeta records for those imported.
    I had had to write my own code to import a forum from WP Symposium and I had swapped two record numbers between two meta_keys. An update in the database table seems to have fixed this.
    Thanks for your advice while I was finding the problem I had created!

    In reply to: Topic Count



    Strange then that it also changed the total topic count. I will have another look at the code tomorrow.

    In reply to: Topic Count



    The forum was showing as 675 topics 5 hidden. I deleted one of the hidden ones and now have 5 topics 4 hidden.

    In reply to: Topic Count



    Thanks for your help on this. Like me you obviously relish a challenge.
    To answer your question, I believe the topic count number has been reset wrongly when new topics I added as that is all other members of the forum could do and I have seen the number change and this is what led me to try to sort this out. I do not want to add a topic myself as the site is live and >400 members would then be alerted. However, there were a few topics which were imported added when I was setting it up which I did not want. I had set these to “hidden”. I just deleted one of these and the topic count immediately changed to the wrong number. So if you have a test site you could just try deleting a topic.
    So it must be whatever function which updates the topic count which is causing the issue but I have not found this.

    In reply to: Topic Count



    Thanks for your reply.
    I have looked at this in a bit more detail but not got anywhere!
    As you suggested I compared two topics for a topic imported vs one entered and the differences don’t seem relevant (e.g. no ip address for the imported ones etc.). I also looked at the records from the postmeta table for the two topics and again don’t think there are relevant differences though again no ip address for the imported, 0 for _bbp_reply_count for the imported.
    So no luck there.
    I tried looking at the code of bbpress.php but could not work out how it picked up the count or incremented it.
    Interestingly I also tried using the shortcode [bbp-stats] in a test page and that reported the correct number of topics despite the individual forum count being incorrect! How can that be?

    In reply to: Searching Problem



    Sounds like me except, not the kitchen! Maybe it will work when I move it to a live site.

    In reply to: Searching Problem



    At present the site is in development behind a firewall so I cannot share it, though this should change next week as I bring it live but then a username and password will be needed.
    However, what I have identified is that when a two word search is made the resulting URL is
    This produces the error.
    However if I change the URL to
    It then works so the code is inserting the wrong word separator.

    This seems to have been quoted before
    Though that was some years ago.

    I have already tried a standard theme.
    Does this provide any clues?

    In reply to: Searching Problem



    I have this same problem. I have tried the solution of changing to a standard theme and to copying the content-search.php file to a folder within the current theme.
    It works for a single word but as soon as I try two words I get “The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.”

    Any suggestions?

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