Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Plugin to block multi characters in a row?!
Yeah, that should work. If you have trouble with this, post a link and I’ll tell you what CSS you need.
In reply to: Plugin to block multi characters in a row?!wilcosky, I don’t know a plugin that does this, but if you’re worried about a string like aaaaabbbbbbbbb “breaking your theme”, you can just apply a CSS overflow to the post class. This theme actually does so with this code:
.post {overflow:hidden;}
In reply to: www.thepoolparties.comNice work, Familia.
Obviously, it’s appropriate for you to post about your bbPress site in the Pimp My Press forum…
In reply to: Email bugsOne thing that helped me with this problem was adding an SPF record ( You have to add this record to your DNS. This really really helped with verification emails, although it’s not perfect…
In reply to: Simple (?) I.E. and FireFox ProblemYou’ve floated the hot tags div (#front-page #hottags), but the hot tags div is not that tall so it doesn’t “reach down” to where the Forums table is. Thus, the Forums h2 and the Forums table appear flush with the left border (instead of being pushed to the right by a hottags div, as is the first h2 and table).
You could wrap the two tables (and their h2s) in the main area inside a parent div to prevent this.
In reply to: Importing data from Expression Engine forumTo quote chrishajer, your best bet will probably be to convert to phpbb and then from there to bbpress.
In reply to: Problem with custom layout in FirefoxThe problem is this:
td background="/images/bg/rotate.php"
Try this instead:
td style="background: url(/images/bg/rotate.php) no-repeat;"
In reply to: i found a very serious problem!!!!thousande, you have to create a new theme (under /my-templates/) and then edit the header.php file in your new theme so that it doesn’t have the stuff inside this loop starting with
<?php if ( is_topic() && bb_is_user_logged_in() ) : ?>
Actually, I think that bbPress doesn’t even currently support AJAX posting, so all those files are unneeded.
Good luck!
In reply to: i found a very serious problem!!!!I profiled the page, and you’re right, the bbpress forums load a number of JS files when the user is logged in:
Downloading these files does slow down the “logged in” page compared to the “not logged in” page, but that’s a choice made by the maker of the theme for this site. It’s not a problem with the core software.
In reply to: bbPress Database ErrorCheck your mysql version number. Is it really low?
In reply to: i found a very serious problem!!!!Can you give us a URL?
This sounds like a problem with either your theme or a plugin.
To isolate the problem, switch to the default theme, deactivate all plugins and then add the plugins one by one until the problem pops up again. It may also be a problem with your theme, but it’s more likely it’s a plugin problem.
In reply to: Topic reply box size/positionWe don’t know what your theme is, so we don’t have enough info to answer this question. Please post a link to your site, and we’ll be able to help you out.
Thanks, benbeltran, for the heads up! I just nominated it for the same categories…
In reply to: REQ: idea plugin like at the WP-siteLateral, look at the top of this page. See where it says EXTEND? Click that and then search…
I just did that for you, and here’s the plugin:
In reply to: Dropping “MultiViews” support?I too vote to drop multiviews. However, if enough people depend on this, could permalinks be made pluggable so that a multiviews plugin could be written? If that’s too much work, that’s OK with me, just suggesting it as a compromise solution…
In reply to: Seemingly Irresolvable ProblemWill, if you don’t remember what your table prefix is for WordPress, you can look it up in /wp-config.php. Most likely, you didn’t change it and it’s:
.In reply to: Seemingly Irresolvable ProblemWill, what did you set for the user table prefix?
In reply to: need more than step by step intall instructionsCopy the same values from your wp-config.php file in the root directory and try again.
In reply to: need more than step by step intall instructionsCreate a directory called /forums/ and upload the bbPress files there. You definitely do not want to put them under /wp-admin/. If you have, you should delete those files.
You can name the directory something else if you like.
In reply to: Error – ForumChris, you’re totally right about phpinfo and this should work. If that doesn’t work, it’s probably because Google says that the hosts that disable default PHP functions also disable phpinfo.
In reply to: Is this possible? (advanced templating)If you want varying HTML depending on what the forum id is, you should probably just use a conditional if/inside of one template file like so:
<?php if ($forum_id == 1) {
echo 'html1';
} elseif ($forum_id == 2) {
echo 'html2';
Any other approach will probably lead to madness.
In reply to: Error – ForumIt looks like your host has disabled several PHP functions that are required by bbPress. Who is your host? You can try contacting them and asking what functions they’ve disabled.
Alternatively, maybe you’re running under PHP safe mode? If so, try turning safe mode off. This scenario seems more likely to me…
In reply to: Viewing topic results in 404.It looks like your WordPress htaccess file is screwed up, as this link to a WordPress post doesn’t work:
Did you create an htaccess file for your WordPress install? Also, did you create one for your bbPress? If so, please paste in the contents of each htaccess file. If not, try creating one.
In reply to: Is this possible? (advanced templating)Yeah, assuming the themes have consistent HTML, in the header, put something like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php if ($forum_id == 1) bb_stylesheet_uri(); elseif ($forum_id == 2) echo '/my-templates/kakumei-blue/style.css'; ?>" type="text/css" />
I didn’t test this, but I think that code should work.
In reply to: tinyMCE losing <p> formatting on EditSam, you’re right, but upon making that config change I described above, the editing problem that chilledfresh described went away on my site.
I didn’t dig deeper, but that config change seems to resolve this issue.