Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Adding Custom Profile Fields
If you go to bb-includes/functions.php you’ll see a function called “get_profile_info_keys()”
This function holds the data you want, but you don’t want to adjust that file directly since it’s a core file, however, in the current release of my avatar plug-in, you do have to change that line.
But if you notice, it says
return apply_filters( 'get_profile_info_keys', yadda yadda );
Anywhere it says “apply_filters” you can make your own.
So I haven’t done this myself yet, though now that I look closer at it, I think I’m going to rerelease my avatar plugin with this change.
Make a plug-in file in your my-plugins directory and put this in it:
add_filter( 'get_profile_info_keys', array('user_email' => array(1, __('Email')), 'user_url' => array(0, __('Website')), 'from' => array(0, __('Location')), 'occ' => array(0, __('Occupation')), etc....
And just keep adding stuff til you have everything you want. the ‘1’ in the “Email” part means that it’s required during registration. Everything else is 0’s because they are not required fields… you can, of course, change this.
In reply to: Possible bug with deleting usersI’m not integrated and yes, the error appears in the admin area users page (and now it appears in the list called “Moderators” since I deleted my original dummy user).
In reply to: The secret to making a new page…oh, sheesh!
In reply to: Full Content of Most Recent Post on Front-Page?no problem
In reply to: Full Content of Most Recent Post on Front-Page?you can do
echo get_user($topic->topic_last_poster);
Oops, better way
echo $topic->topic_last_poster_name;
You shouldn’t have to overwrite it, just write the function you want, put it in my-plugins, and update the call from the templates.
It’s a problem, however, if the function you want to overwrite is only called from outside the template files.
In reply to: Latest bbPress Posts In WordPressI think I made a similar script yesterday. I didn’t make it as a widget because I never did much customization with wordpress itself.
Anyone got an example of this being used? I might want to change the way mine looks if another looks better. (if you want to see what I did, you can view it at … the right side forum list thing)
In reply to: My first plugin (post count)The change wasn’t hard, just added an additional check to the SQL query and I apparently saw your post soon after you made it…
Looks impressive though doesn’t it? You posted a request and 24 minutes later, I filled it?
In reply to: My first plugin (post count)Ok, made the change. Added a part to the query where it only counts posts whose status is 0 (which means it’s not deleted or spam). It’s updated on the same link from above, new version number .73a
In reply to: Help with a pluginn/m, I figured it out. $forum wasn’t a global variable like I thought it was, so I just called a function to tell me the forum id and it fixed it. I’ll post this as a plugin if anyone wants shortly.
In reply to: Registration Page Error *Please Help*I get the same error on my “find user” in admin section. Haven’t figured out the problem yet.
In reply to: Plugin – Avatars (requires small core file change)Suleiman: I’ve never done plugins for wordpress, but I imagine that it shouldn’t be too bad.
Circuit: thanks for the css fix
In reply to: Plugin – Avatars (requires small core file change)Yeah, IE6 kinda screws the pooch with css. I suggest adding in a commented out section after the original section that just doesn’t show the avatars. IE6 will read what’s in the commented out section, but firefox will not. This will mean that people with IE6 cannot view avatars, of course, but that browser sucks anyway
The problems are fixed in ie7.
In reply to: Plugin: Simple OnlinelistOh, mine didn’t do that
I had to create the tables myself. Once I created them, though, the plugin rocks
Saved me some time certainly b/c it was on my list of plugins to write.
In reply to: color scheme tweak by a complete newbHow did you get your hot tags to come out in various sizes like that? When I set it up, the hot tags only come out the largest size and never change
I don’t know if a div is overriding it or what.
You need to adjust your GMT offset in your config file by an hour. That’s why your freshness is saying (-1 years) for recent posts.
In reply to: Plugin: Simple OnlinelistIt seems, for some reason, the plugin looks for a table entry that isn’t in my database. Am I just supposed to add it? It seems to be called “tableprefix_online”
I’m about to add _online into my database by hand, just didn’t know if that was on purpose or if I missed something
In reply to: Support for file attachments or picturesI suggest bbpress
There are javascript file uploaders that you can add if you need that right away. But like I said, the lack of that ability isn’t a show stopper for me.
In reply to: Support for file attachments or picturesYeah, for that you’ll either have to wait for support or a plugin to be written. Gotta give it time. It’s something I was going to try to tackle soon, but I wouldn’t hold your breathe on my account
I still have my phpbb forums up and they get slammed all the time with spammer comments. If you’re going to use something else while you wait for a plugin to be written, I’d probably try something else if I were you.
In reply to: Forum CategoriesI think that would be a pretty easy plugin to make, although it would take an addition to the database and since I started writing plugins 2 days ago (been playing with the code for 4 days now), I haven’t decided (or discovered) the best way to go about that yet.
It’s a good idea and I’d start writing it myself, but I have like 5 others I’m going to make first. Sorry, maybe someone else will tackle it
If not, I’ll probably have a solution in a few weeks.
In reply to: Support for file attachments or picturesFor the first part, what do you mean pictures support? There’s a plugin already so you can use the img tag in posts. Or do you mean uploading pictures to the forum?
For the second part, isn’t that “Pretty Permalinks?” I haven’t played with it yet, so I’m not sure though.
In reply to: Time is all messed up…Open your config.php in the bbpress root directory and change the offset. You don’t even have to reinstall anything, that’s just where the forums go to get that value. Changing that value and reuploading that file will fix the problem (same thing happened to me
In reply to: /bb-admin/ redirects to main forum pageSorry, I don’t have bbpress and wordpress linked. I just know that if I’m not logged into bbpress and I try to access the admin page, it redirects me to the main page
In reply to: /bb-admin/ redirects to main forum pageAre you logged in and/or have administrator/moderator access? If not, it’ll redirect you back to the main page.
In reply to: more features in the next version?I’m sure that’s plugin-able… I’ve been thinking about it myself
It seems to me that anything that I want in bbpress I can just add in myself. The code isn’t too terribly hard to follow (you HAVE to make it searchable though, or you’ll pull all your hair out in less than 2 hours) and even if the hooks you want aren’t there yet, you can just adjust the core files and at least it’ll work for you (I know, I know, that’s bad
In reply to: My first plugin (post count)I’m about to post it actually
However, let me warn you ahead of time, it does require a single change to a core file.