Forum Replies Created
In reply to: bbp_setup_current_user was called incorrectly.
this is a bug in WordPress; see this ticket
In reply to: Can you make a separate forum for bbpress 2.0x?+1
I think old bbpress should be depricated/archived in a sub forum here in
In reply to: Theme Helpwhy not use the integrated bbPress (Twenty Ten) 1.2 default theme and edit it?
if you need a custon theme then your choise is to pay someone who’ll create you one.
In reply to: bbpress 2 as a front page?Thanx Andre; Genious idea!
In reply to: PHP Character Limit for Latest Topicyou got lot of echos there man!.. make it simple
<td class="num">
<?php echo "<a href='" . topic_last_post_link(forum_last_topic_id()). "'>". topic_title(forum_last_topic_id())."</a>"; ?>
</td>to limit the characters, use the substr php function -google it
In reply to: Forums in the roothi zaerl, thanx for the fix, but it didn’t work on my case:
I wrote in my htaccess file
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot “/public_html/”
this results in a 500 internal server error.
I don’t have access to httpd-vhosts.conf
In reply to: bbpress 2 as a front page?thanx man
I searched before but with wrong keywords
In reply to: BBpress 2: failed in some areasUPDATE:
I went deep to try to find out what is causing this problem then I noticed that; topics with long titles are the ones who suffer from this issue.
for example;
a topic with a name السينما “تقرأ وتشاهد will show, but a topic with a name like: السينما المغربية تعيش طفرة رغم أزمة قاعات العرض won’t show! instead a 404 error is outputted.
PS: I opened a ticket @
go import your old bbpress in from (tools menu)
In reply to: Mass Bulk Delete Topics and posts? checkboxes?I think it is now available in the recent release: just go to and download the zip file at the bottom of the page :
In reply to: Mass Bulk Delete Topics and posts? checkboxes?I think it is now available in the recent release: just go to and download the zip file at the bottom of the page :
In reply to: Mass Bulk Delete Topics and posts? checkboxes?need it too!
I’ll add a feature request on trac.
In reply to: Mass Bulk Delete Topics and posts? checkboxes?need it too!
I’ll add a feature request on trac.
In reply to: Why is integration so troublesome?I run in the same proble as I installed bbpress prior to wordpress, so i created a plugin to handel the transaction:
hope it helps.
In reply to: Paragraph tag after TinyMCEI think the correct way to add tags is by a plugin, normally you should never edit the core code of bbpress! because if you do, next time you update your bbpress you will be deleting the modified core files, then you will get trouble with your forum not working properly.. So the best is to use a plugin for things that deal with core files..
PS: Core files are files that are not Themes nor plugins, such as files under; bb-includes and bb-admin,
In reply to: How to add plugin to repository ?the best thing to do is create a new account then you will see the form!
if you need to use the email of the buggy-account, then change it first there then you can register a new account with your old email.
ps: it’s me up there (numediaweb) !