_ck_ (@_ck_)

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  • In reply to: bbPress Theme Showcase



    Ah sorry, yes (she) did and I missed this thread, sorry.

    The new URL is


    Perhaps if a mod is ever bored around here they could edit the urls?



    New (permanent) home for the showcase:


    In other news I’ll be returning to work on the showcase later this week/month and finally updating the list as well as releasing some more plugins/themes.

    In reply to: top 100 bbPress sites



    New (permanent) home for the list and the showcase:


    In other news I’ll be returning to work on the showcase later this week/month and finally updating the list as well as releasing some more plugins/themes.





    Hi, I’ll be working on my bbpress stuff again later in October but thanks for figuring this out. I wouldn’t normally test it with the support forum plugin so I wasn’t aware of that behavior.

    Not sure why My Views is trashing the support forum views but I’ll investigate further sometime soon – it might have to do with the way My Views lets you re-order the views, though it should not delete any.

    (you’re using v0.08 correct?)

    In reply to: 支援中文字吗?



    Yes there are several bbPress forums in Chinese language.






    Oh sorry for misleading. Nothing I do really helps the codebase other than to nag about bugs ;) I don’t consider myself experienced enough in that regard.

    But I do try to write my share of plugins and themes and I hope to help attract other coders for the actual codebase.



    I’ll be getting back to bbPress, devoting much more time to my bbPress showcase/plugins/themes in October and hopefully that will help in it’s own little way to promote bbPress adoption (and therefore my original scheme of attracting more coders to it).

    The rush job on the WP 2.3 release is suspect. I personally felt it was way too soon and could have benefited from much more. I recently installed 2.3 for a new site and kept asking myself why are there the same problems/limitation I encountered with my first 2.0 setup? I notice 2.3 just happens to coincide with the release of the new “WordPress for Dummies” book and I believe the author is a close friend of Matt’s? Hmm. But oh well, enough ranting about WP and back to nagging about bbPress :-)

    In reply to: VBulletin vs. bbPress



    You can’t compare one of the most popular commercial forum programs with 7 years of development and thousands of ($$$) extensions to a fairly new open source project that’s not even a 1.0 release yet.

    If you are running a small non-commercial forum, vbulletin is too much. If you are running a large forum that needs many powerful features, bbPress (currently) is too little.

    Virtually all of the features you are asking for are possible on bbPress, with a bit of work and sweat. None of them are available without 3rd party plugins, some of which are not complete or bug-free.

    In reply to: top 100 bbPress sites



    Don’t get too comfortable on your position in the list ;-)

    As I get more time to code it and add more data, the positions keep slipping. Now almost 1500 sites with ~1100 or so listed.

    In reply to: top 100 bbPress sites



    I don’t want any kind of “phone home” plugin as that can be accidentally considered spyware as that’s not my style at all. I’d rather do it passively. I’ll eventually make a way for people to submit new sites or manually update stats if they need to.

    I’ve taken the fake numbers game into account.

    Anyone with a sharp increase in members or posts after each month will be examined carefully ;-) I’ll remove anyone permanently that I catch “faking”. It’s kinda silly anyway, it’s not like you get anything for being higher.

    In reply to: top 100 bbPress sites



    Oh! Sorry, no I don’t have that kind of data.

    I only started collecting the sites at the start of August

    and I don’t plan to check the sites more than once a month.

    Right now there really are only 50 or so highly active bbPress sites so that kind of data simply is meaningless at this point. It’s not like vbulletin where you have a massive installed userbase.

    Big Boards doesn’t bother to track bbPress sites (yet) so I thought my list would be a good idea to help promote adoption of bbPress.

    In reply to: top 100 bbPress sites



    What pretty colours? Anything useful I can mimic via the web? Screenshot example?

    In reply to: top 100 bbPress sites



    @Trent Oh that’s weird, how did I miss that one! Thanks!

    @chrishajer right now it’s ranked based on activity, not prettiness but user voting for 1. style 2. content will come eventually

    @fel64, I might release it under creative commons after I fix it up some more. There are some problems – excluded sites, repeated sites, etc. Plus I want to add more stats to them like tie them to alexa data, etc. I’m just low on time and have too many projects going on :-(

    I need to figure out an anonymous donate system too, all this is starting to chew into my regular work!

    In reply to: top 100 bbPress sites



    Congrats you made the top 100 ;-)

    Is anyone seeing the snap icons in the top100 list? Are they just blocked for me or for everyone? I think snap decided they didn’t like me :-( Worked for a few hours and then disappeared.



    *blush* definitely not the best. Most active at the moment, but in a year with 10,000 bbPress users and 100+ developers, no one will even remember my nickname. Heck I can’t even get “admin can post anything” to work right, it’s driving me crazy.

    Actually I was going to put a call out for free hosting as my dreamhost account expires sometime near the end of this month.

    But I need an account with shell and a decent server so it’s tricky to find cheap & stable. I hate moving my site ever other month but I always learn something from the move when it breaks code.

    In reply to: top 100 bbPress sites



    I am pleased to have something to finally show for all my searching efforts.

    This list is obviously unofficial and just in beta test, I am still adding features and making corrections:



    There are roughly 1,000 sites listed, with the top 100 to showcase either sheer number of members/posts or user votes for style, etc.

    Right now they are listed in order of total members (but you can sort). I will have it eventually list by a weight between members, posts and votes for style.

    Also there will be user voting and preview thumbnails of the sites. (I was trying to use snap previews but it suddenly stopped working for me, so they might not have liked hundreds of links on a page, LOL – they are slow anyway and I want to learn to do snapshots via crawling code anyway)

    Some interesting observations/conclusions from all my work on this (whew):

    1. There are roughly 1000 public bbpress sites in existance

    2. A great deal (>~80%) of these sites have less than double-digit members, hence I consider them “micro forums”

    3. bbPress is being adopted worldwide in an impressive variety of countries and languages

    4. SEO’er/search engine spammers/made-for-adsense makers seem to have found and love bbPress (unfortunately)

    5. There are some really amazing designs out there

    6. Apparently the people that participate on bbpress.org are a very small fraction of the people using bbPress!

    7. At least several dozen sites had installed bbPress and uninstalled it a few weeks later :-(

    In reply to: Switching to bbpress



    These might answer your questions:




    I need to go back and change the bottom into a table like I did with the FutureKind theme. That will solve both the border on the headers and the spacing is an easy fix with line-height. I haven’t released it because I still have to clean up some CSS laziness that I did and put in some conditional code for bb-topic-views (so it will still work right if people don’t have it installed)

    The server load on dreamhost is always wrong (as with their microtime so the page render time is always wrong). Dreamhost uses a NFS filesystem where the files are remote from the server the code is executing on. So if there is a file queue, the load will be artificially high, it’s not CPU load, it’s disk load (which affects the overall load numbers).

    I only paid $20 for that dreamhost (for a year promo) and will not be renewing. It’s mind-boggling that some people pay over $100 a year for that hosting.



    Oh sorry, I’ve created a new main theme so this one isn’t visible anymore by default.

    However thanks to a theme switcher I pieced together you can now see it this way:


    (I’m calling it “Kakumei Too” for lack of a more creative name right now)

    You can switch to other themes using the toggle in the bottom right.



    It’s kinda offtopic for here but it’s such an easy fix.

    The reason why the news doesn’t turn white is because the link does not have the class “current_page_item” set. It should be something like <a class=current_page_item href= but I am not familiar with your menu system, if it’s hard coded or if it’s part of some plugin.

    I am guessing it’s hard coded and then it would be just a matter of editing the template for the news page to add class=current_page_item



    No I don’t mean a folder within a folder, that’s just fine and not a problem. I mean executing one within the other where they are both running at the same time on one page. That’s a huge amount of code and memory for any server, shared or dedicated.

    The nice thing about the registration and login process is you can route back to any page you want as the wordpress system is much more developed. I have the code around here somewhere and posted it before…

    see #5 on the list in this post:




    Ah apparently Detective’s method is for sites running WP at the same time as bbPress (not just integrated, running within each other – which I do not recommend). So this won’t work for most people.

    I solved the problem by forcing all registration links to go through WordPress but obviously that’s not a perfect answer (and needs core hacks).

    So this problem needs to be revisted again :-(

    In reply to: bbPress Theme Showcase



    Registration is open? Where do you see it disabled?



    Very nice work. Extremely visually pleasing theme.

    However you just might want to remove your google urchin tracking code from the template footer you distribute. Most bbPress newbies won’t catch that and it could get your Google account banned if they report it.

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