_ck_ (@_ck_)

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  • @_ck_


    It may be important to do deletes through bbpress and not phpmyadmin because there may be plugins that hook into the delete process.

    I’ll look into making my recent posts plugin have the ability to do deletes via checkbox. Or it might be possible to mod the existing bbpress admin page.

    (I assume this is a spamming issue or something like that)



    If you have an .htaccess file in your bbpress directory, remove it or rename it temporarily and see if the 404’s go away.



    ah you are right

    Opened a TRAC ticket on this.




    Omegacool has a wp.com site too, there are download links there as well:


    (ps. it’s bbShowcase.org I decided bbpressshowcase was just too long and too many sss’s ;-)



    I think they changed their URL at some point and forgot to update here.


    but even that is down now. I dunno what happened.



    If you cannot get into admin panel it’s one of two reasons:

    1. cookie hashes & paths don’t match

    2. you do not have the proper role set under bbpress as administrator

    The 404’s may be caused by turning on slugs without multiviews or proper mod_rewrite rules. If you have slugs turned on, turn them off temporarily (in your config.php) until you solve the other problem. ie.

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    I am betting on the role not being set in bbPress that’s preventing you from getting to the admin panel. This can be inspected/fixed via phpmyadmin. I’ve been meaning to write an auto-load plugin to fix this issue automagically.


    I’ve whipped up a little plugin to restore proper admin access roles for both bbPress and WordPress without having to tinker in phpmyadmin:


    Copy this to your plugins directory in bbPress OR WordPress (not both). Then access bbPress or WordPress (whichever you used). Then test you can access admin panel. Then DELETE the plugin off your server. There is no reason to leave it there.

    (you MUST leave the leading underscore “_” on the plugin name which makes it auto-load without having to activate it first. I have not tested it from the WP side but in theory should be fine.)



    If you look in your admin panel under content, you should have the new content->posts feature where you can search for posts by specific users, content, etc. Then you can delete via the list.

    should be under the admin panel under content, or




    Commas work fine on other installs.


    There may be a plugin conflicting?



    I may modify my “human test” plugin to also work on posts.



    Note there’s a similar (but slightly different situation) here:


    and here:


    Are you using the “use display name” plugin?

    That may be the culprit, try deactivating.



    There’s little reason to run WP *inside* bbPress and it only makes for headaches. Running them integrated but standalone makes each of them faster and has a side benefit – one can work while the other is down for some reason.

    Virtually any of the data you might want from WP can be accessed with a few creative PHP/mysql calls from bbPress. If you let me know specifically what you are trying to do, I will try to help.



    Just out of curiosity, why are you trying to run WP at the same time (within) bbPress? I don’t just mean integration, but simultaneous loading of WP within bbPress.

    It’s a massive load that should be avoided if possible.



    The command line test Chris made shows a PHP session.

    bbPress by iteself without plugins does not initiate PHP sessions.

    So what’s causing the sessions?



    You’re possibly getting 404’s only in IE because of session issues in Internet Explorer.

    bbPress doesn’t use sessions by default so some other plugin must be putting them in (I have one that does and so does bb-post-views and possibly a few others).

    IE is *very* picky about how sessions are done.

    What plugins are you using?

    Also, are you using multiviews in the .htaccess for bbPress? That could cause some issues. If so, use the real rewrite rules instead.

    In reply to: Totomer.com



    Very nice clean design.

    Just a suggestion that you’ve got a bit much “above the fold” on that front page. People with regular 1024×768 or 1280×800 viewing areas may never see the bottom part. You may want to try to reduce the vertical height of the login/welcome/search box on top?



    Integration works fine.

    If you are using WordPress 2.3.x you need bbPress 0.8.3.x and if you are using WordPress trunk (2.5 alpha) you should use bbPress trunk r1075.

    Essentially cookie hashes and paths have to be sync’ed and a plugin is needed on the bbPress side to set WordPress roles if they register through bbPress.

    I’ve assembled most of the details here:


    Or you can comb through the integration tag here:




    I’d love to see such a plugin.

    However your test is not working for me in Firefox 2.0

    I hit preview and it show “Please wait…..”

    You might also want to make/give an option to allow the preview to auto-kick in after say 2-3 seconds after “on key up” in the textarea (indicating a typing pause).



    It’s fairly easy to test loading/decoding times using firefox+fasterfox or firebug but there are plenty of studies around the web if you want nitty-gritty details:

    a quick search:





    jquery with simple whitespace removal and variable name shrinking, *not* actual compression, sent via a server with proper gzip support (mod_gzip, apache2, litespeed, etc) is always fastest. Packed is always the worst. Not only that, packed has to be unpacked for EVERY page load. It’s never ready to run. So it uses more browser memory, and has a delay *every* time.

    By the way, what does jquery actually do within bbpress’s topics for regular users? I don’t get it, there’s no javascript actions. bbpress used to have ajax posting but that was removed a long time ago (it should come back sometime…)

    If you absolutely must distribute bbpress (and wordpress) with jquery in a more compressed form, please use the jsmin version but definitely not the packed version.



    I noticed that the trunk (well at least 1075) is loading both jquery.js and prototype.js

    Can’t prototype.js be completely depricated in the trunk?

    Is anything still using it or can I safely disable the 50k download it causes for each new visitor?

    Oh, also, don’t use the packed version of jquery. It may look nice at 30k but you can literally see the browser pause for a second or two while it unpacks it – for EVERY single page load. My topic load times go from 1 second to 4 seconds when using jquery packed, but back to 1.5 seconds for the unpacked version.

    If you use the unpacked version (however scary at 90k in size these days) it never has to unpack and most servers that are properly configured will use gzip on the transfer anyway, so it’s back to 30k for the transfer and instantly ready for use. There is a huge discussion about this on ajaxian and elsewhere and I still don’t see why people fall for the packed “trick”. In fact the authors keep trying to come up with ways to make it seem smaller but that only uses slower decompression routines. It’s silliness. They should just break it up into subset libraries.



    Again, essentially the avatar upload plugin does all this (filename scrubbing, etc) the code would just need to be hacked to make it attach to posts instead of users and the interface would have to be on the create/edit post form (which if I remember from my signatures plugin has no action hook unfortunately and templates will need to be edited). “Avatar Upload” even checks filenames and the php code checks dimensions which ensures it’s really an image. Other filetypes like zips or pdf would be more tricky but just an extension of the process – first start with images and work from there once you have it running.

    I’d like to see this happen, but don’t look at me for coding, I hope someone else steps up to the plate. Got my hands full right now with “Super Search” which is quite difficult on all sorts of issues. I won’t be done with it for a week or two at earliest, more realistically the rest of February.



    But WP 2.4 should be out in March perhaps?

    So it would be a nice co-release at that time.

    I’ve got the two trunks purring along together, though I had to smack WP into submission to reduce the default mysql queries per page (27 for the default install with a single test post is a little high, wouldn’t you say?) Still trying to figure out if I can disable the new tag system in WP to reduce the load further.

    In reply to: OpenID for bbpress



    I’ve now made an early 0.0.1 openid plugin available:




    Build 1075 has gotten pretty good on the nearly auto-install part.

    It’s smarter than previous versions.

    Since it’s password compatible with WordPress 2.4, if no other build is public-ready by then, I’d suggest releasing 1075 as bbPress 0.8.4 to somewhat match numbers.



    Here’s one I forgot I wrote awhile back:

    Grab the number of users who call any particular topic a favorite:




    All my knowledge is usually from trial and error (and lots and lots of benchmarking).

    MySQL penalties are biggest when there’s no index for what you are searching for and how cacheable the result is. If there’s only one user online, you’ll never notice poor mysql performance. If there’s 500 users online, each making 20-30 queries, you better have decently written code.

    Loading a regular topic page is very low penalty as long as other plugins are properly using the bbcache. Many of them don’t and hammer away at mysql for every new user/post encountered.

    Ajax topic loading would be no worse than regular page loading as long as the queries are nearly identical for users, therefore the result can be cached in mysql. As long as you use OFFSET in the query, you can keep going forever down the page without preloading the entire result – the hard part is not the db code, but the ajax code. I have no clue how to do it, I’d have to do it in pseudo ajax (simple innerhtml writes) which is probably some kind of security risk.

    The bad idea about all of this is bookmarking results. If you want to send a friend a link to the 50th post which is technically on the 4nd page but you seem to be on the first page because of ajax – you’ll never be able to bookmark the 4th page. Some ajax routines dynamically change the URL to solve this by adding a cruft like #page2 after they pass that mark, which will not re-load the page in the brower but alter the bookmark if saved.

    Getting back ajax posting is probably a bigger priority than ajax reading for now. And a bit more difficult.

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