_ck_ (@_ck_)

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  • @_ck_


    Always try to post questions like this on the page for the plugin itself in the extend section so I’ll see it sooner.

    Are you using pretty-permalinks? Give me an example url from one of the links off the front-page.

    You reported this working the other day so I am confused as to what changed. Did you change the plugin in any way?



    Core hacks would not be needed for this, just special views and filters. The same way my hidden-forums plugin works, you could make topics available or hidden based on location.

    Do you really want to track at the POST level or rather the TOPIC level which would create far less data to churn through?

    There is already someone using bbPress for a travel agency of sorts with dozens of destinations all linked together. Each city is like a forum in itself. I remember it well because it was very difficult to filter out the dozens of pseudo-forums from the top1000 list.



    Also, if you’d like to dynamically add some text to the left (or even the right) of the page links without hacking all your templates, you can use this trick:

    // add "pages:" to page links
    function text_topic_pages( $text ) { if ($text) {$text="pages: ".$text;} return $text; }
    add_filter('topic_pages', 'text_topic_pages');
    add_filter('forum_pages', 'text_topic_pages');

    This way the word “pages:” appears before the page number links only if there actually are any pages for the results.



    Actually it’s

    Options +MultiViews

    note the plus.

    But multiviews is not the preferered way of doing it and some hosts don’t support multiviews.

    Instead, use the method in step #3

    Oh and most importantly,

    $bb->mod_rewrite = true;

    will only do numbers.

    $bb->mod_rewrite = "slugs";

    does the full topic title.



    timskii, that makes a nice little plugin:

    function meta_keywords() {
    global $tags;
    if (!empty($tags)) {
    foreach ($tags as $t) {$keywords.=$t->raw_tag.', ';}
    echo "n".'<meta NAME="keywords" CONTENT="'.trim($keywords,", ").'">'."n";
    } add_action('bb_head', 'meta_keywords',8);

    In reply to: Styling 404 page



    I believe 1.0 has 404 support like WP does but the unthemed die page is something I’ve complained about for over a year now to no avail. They just don’t want to add a hook for it so you would have to hack the core to change it unfortunately. It’s really unprofessional.

    essentially in functions.php

    find function bb_die( $message, $title = '' ) {

    and change

    bb_install_header( $title );



    then change




    One easy way for them to solve this is to move bb_die into pluggable.php, so Sam if you are reading this?

    In reply to: bbpress slow



    You can make my bb-benchmark work on WordPress with a few changes.

    Most notably you’d have to add the line:

    add_action('wp_footer', 'bb_benchmark_output',999);

    if (bb_current_user_can( 'administrate' ) ) you just have to take off the bb_ part and make it current_user_can

    Oh and all $bbdb has to be changed to $wpdb

    It won’t be able to calculate the timing between sections until all the hook names are added which unfortunately I don’t have the time right now to lookup. But it will still show you overall times and mysql queries.

    In reply to: bbpress slow



    You are getting an error with admin_email because in bbPress 0.9 they decided to change it to from_email with no support for the old variable (bad move). That plugin obviously never got updated.

    In reply to: bbpress slow



    That’s better but your query counts are still too high.

    Way too high.

    You could post the list of queries from bb-benchmark here and I can take a look at what’s causing that.

    eAccelerator is probably the way too go.

    It’s a tad slower than Xcache but it’s far more stable.

    Assuming you are using a 2ghz+ cpu that is only lightly loaded, you should be seeing page render times around 100ms on an optimized setup with proper mysql and php opcode caches.

    In reply to: bbpress slow



    Your front page is now showing 56 queries which is excessive. Something is very wrong there too. I’ll know more after I see what plugins you have installed.

    In reply to: bbpress slow



    By the way, even when we fix the plugin problem, your setup could benefit greatly from a PHP opcode cache (eaccelerator, xcache, APC, etc.) We just have to find one that’s compatible with Windows and IIS which will take some research. It should cut your page times in half, on both bbPress and WordPress.

    Here’s one possibility:


    That site has pre-built windows binaries for eAccelerator as well as good install directions.

    In reply to: bbpress slow



    Give me a list of what plugins you are using and I’ll guess at the culprit.

    If you are using firefox you can copy just the column of the plugin names from the admin menu by using control-click on the table cells.



    Do not use the move-it plugin until it is radically updated.

    There is no proper way to split/merge topics because it would affect many plugins which track things based on the topic id.

    Since bbPress never had action hooks for split/merge, all plugins in existance are ignorant of such changes happening and you risk corrupting your forums.

    Split/Merge is on the agenda for bbPress 1.5, so maybe a year from now it might be possible. But again, all plugins that store tracking information on topic id’s will need updating, including a dozen of my own.

    So yes, you could manually do it, or even force it via move-it, but you will break your forum sooner or later.

    In reply to: bbpress slow



    Are you on a shared host or do you have access to the mysql cache and adding PHP modules?

    Install bb-benchmark and tell me how long it takes for a page to render.

    update: I found your forums and you’re correct, there is definitely something wrong:

    10.275 – 24 queries

    There is probably a configuration issue with your server.

    Let me know if you have root access. It’s going to be difficult to help because you are on Microsoft IIS 7.0 but I’ll see if there’s anything we can do.

    ps. are you running this on your home computer?

    If so, consider moving your hosting setup to xampp, though it still might be remotely possible to install eaccelerator with your IIS configuration.



    I’ve now made the early 0.0.1 alpha public:




    Anyone willing to give an early version a test for compatibility?

    There is no account creation feature yet but you can attach OpenID identities to any existing account, and then login with the OpenID instead of your regular bbPress login (the regular login remains intact).



    What I meant by that is pretty-permalinks are not turned on by default.



    What they are asking for might be closer to post-count-plus.

    It doesn’t display it graphically though which would require some extra code to simply display a div with a background image at a designated width.



    Very nice work.



    don’t forget to add the info at the top of style.css

    Theme Name: WP Mimic
    Theme URI: http://idolsavenue.com/forums/topic.php?id=1
    Description: This theme is called "WP Mimic" because it is structured after the current themes of WordPress (.com and .org) forums.
    Version: 0.02
    Author: limited
    Author URI: http://idolsavenue.com/forums/

    and make a proper screenshot



    Try 0.0.2 and please report back on the plugin page for the plugin instead of here.



    Very nice work!



    Probably needs a css tweak but I’d need a demo.



    I really wish people would just post in the extend area for each plugin directly. All these fractions of questions and answers all over the forum makes it impossible for the next person to find it .

    The span technique should be fine, I just didn’t do it that way because it’s just about as much code to put an image in the foreground that way than the background.



    Lotus lost the look-and-feel lawsuit a long time ago so IMHO go for it. Several people have been asking for such a theme.



    Go into the admin menu, edit your forums and make sure when you edit each one, the [H] does not appear in the edit field. Remove it if it appears. After you save, it will appear once in the saved list.

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