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bbPress 2.1 RC 3

Published on June 28th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Keeping pace with daily updates, RC 3 is now available. It comes with some security hardening around editing users, subscriptions, and favorites, so it’s a recommended update for anyone already using bbPress 2.1. Please hit up our development tracker if you notice anything funky going on. Several others have done so during the prerelease process, […]

bbPress 2.1 RC 2

Published on June 27th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Less than 24 hours after RC 1, meet bbPress 2.1 RC 2. We fixed a few more bugs uncovered quickly after RC1 was packaged, and want to keep pace. We’re *still* confident you can use RC 2 on a live site, and welcome your feedback on our development tracker if something isn’t working correctly. Download […]

bbPress 2.1 RC 1

Published on June 27th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Available immediately is bbPress 2.1 RC 1. RC stands for ‘release candidate’ which means we think bbPress 2.1 is good to go, and it’s up to y’all to let us know if it’s not. We’re confident you can use RC 1 on a live site without bursting your balloon, but please let us know if […]

bbPress 2.1 Beta 1

Published on June 18th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Today we tagged bbPress 2.1 beta 1 in the plugin repository. This means we think it’s ready to release to everyone but want to get a few extra eyes on things before we do. It’s the second major iteration of bbPress as a plugin for your self-hosted WordPress powered website, and we think it’s […]

bbPress 2.0.3

Published on June 13th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Out now is bbPress 2.0.3. This maintenance release fixes an issue with single forum visibility when toggling it between private, hidden, and public. It also is confirmed working with WordPress 3.4. If you already have bbPress 2.0.2 installed, updating to 2.0.3 is quick and easy via the WordPress dashboard. This is also a safe update […]

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