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Yet Another bbPress Integration

  • @chipbennett


    I’ve custom-themed my bbPress installation to integrate into the rest of my website: forum

    Any comments or criticism are welcome. I intend to release the theme once it’s polished.

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  • @gerikg


    I like the general notice, my head is not working today, what is that exactly? Just the sticky front topics?

    You thought about having the sidebars in the forums like your main site?



    “General Notices” is just what I titled my super-stickies.

    I thought about including the sidebars, but thought better of it. I think they would just clutter the interface, and they are blog-centric and wouldn’t add much/anything to the information displayed on the forum. Do you think I could use sidebars effectively?



    Not really just asking. The only way I see it, is forums is just another part of the website every other part of the website has sidebars just not the forums.



    I like the layout, it’s looking good.



    @gerikg: I’m open to the idea. I played around with it a bit initially, but finally concluded that the forum was a totally different means of displaying information, and that the negative impact to the layout outweighed any perceived benefit of “consistency”.

    With the blog and other sections, the left sidebar provides navigation within the section, which really isn’t applicable to the forum. Likewise, the right sidebar provides external links, which also aren’t applicable to the forum.

    And, when I tried to put Views/Stats/Tags into a left sidebar on the forum, I just didn’t think that it fit very well (especially the tag cloud), and cramped the more important content (the forum and post lists themselves).

    I could keep playing around with it, though…

    @chandersbs: Thanks! Is it approaching something that others would find useful?



    @chipbennett: “Is it approaching something that others would find useful?”

    You bet! :) I am relatively new to forums hosting and very new to bbPress so it would be wonderful to see how you set it up.




    Hi there

    This might not be to any importance of you, but your forum has massive css problems on a Mac platform, so it messes up badly :O(



    @bingster loot:

    I will try to address that shortly. I don’t have a Mac with which to test, but I’ve been tidying up the CSS in my WordPress theme from which I ported the bbPress theme. So, once I also propagate those changes to the bbPress theme, hopefully it will work better for you. :)

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