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Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000

  • @tiiuk



    I try to import my phpBB 3.2.0 (latest stable version) to bbPress (latest version 2.5.12) using the default import tool in the WordPress 4.7.2 backend. The phpBB is clean, no mods / plugins or custom styles. I get this error:

    Repair any missing information: Continue

    WordPress database error: [Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes]
    CREATE TABLE MNmAD_bbp_converter_translator ( meta_id mediumint(8) unsigned not null auto_increment, value_type varchar(25) null, value_id bigint(20) unsigned not null default ‘0’, meta_key varchar(255) null, meta_value varchar(255) null, PRIMARY KEY (meta_id), KEY value_id (value_id), KEY meta_join (meta_key(191), meta_value(191)) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;

    No data to clean

    Starting Conversion

    I don’t know any MySQL so I don’t understand what to do. If relevant here the collations used: utf8_bin (phpBB) and utf8mb4_general_ci (WordPress).

    Any suggestions?

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  • @netweb


    Thanks for the report @tiiuk, this has been fixed for bbPress 2.6 🙂

    If you would like to you can update to bbPress 2.6 Beta 2, bbPress 2.6 has significant enhancements for imported phpBB forums as an added bonus 🙂

    Details are here:



    Hi Stephen,

    unfortunately it didn’t help, I get the exact same error message with bbPress 2.6 Beta 2. Any other possibilities?

    Thank you



    Oh, that is strange, can you check the contents of the following file for me on your beta 2:


    That line should read $max_index_length = 191;

    One other thing, you might need to run the “reset forums” tool first from:


    That will delete that old table (and *all* your forum data) and make it available to be created in the updated format.



    Did the check, reset, tried again: Same issue.

    When I uncheck “Convert users”, “Start Over” and “Purge Previous Import” within the import tool I get a different error message, maybe that’s a hint?

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘forums.parent_id’ in ‘field list’]
    SELECT convert(forums.forum_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_id,convert(forums.parent_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS parent_id,convert(forums.forum_topics_approved USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_topics_approved,convert(forums.forum_posts_approved USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_posts_approved,convert(forums.forum_name USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_name,convert(forums.forum_desc USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_desc,convert(forums.left_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS left_id,convert(forums.forum_type USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_type,convert(forums.forum_status USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_status FROM forum_forums AS forums LIMIT 0, 100



    I was getting the same issue in Beta 2. Changing the create table in converter.php (line 657) and adding “engine=innodb” seems to have sorted it out.



    Hello there, great you could solve this, can you tell me where I can find this converter.php file?

    Thanks in advance



    I haven’t read this thread in detail, so am not endorsing the suggested change, but the file is in




    Here’s the exact change in that code that was added for the next bbPress release



    Thanks guys, I had the latest bbPress installed but my converter.php looked different so now I am using the converter.php file which Stephen posted and did not do any change to it. Then I tried the phpBB3 import again but know I am stuck at “Starting conversion” … it just won’t stop and there is no error message. How can I finally get this to work?



    Wait … I forgot I didn’t install the 2.6 Beta of bbPress again. I now did and the conversion started, but it didn’t work out, here’s the log:

    Import Finished
    17: No threaded replies to import
    16: No anonymous reply authors to import
    WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler: [Unknown column 'posts.post_text' in 'field list']
    SELECT convert(posts.post_id USING "utf8mb4") AS post_id,convert(topics.topic_id USING "utf8mb4") AS topic_id,convert(posts.forum_id USING "utf8mb4") AS forum_id,convert(posts.topic_id USING "utf8mb4") AS topic_id,convert(posts.poster_ip USING "utf8mb4") AS poster_ip,convert(posts.poster_id USING "utf8mb4") AS poster_id,convert(posts.post_username USING "utf8mb4") AS post_username,convert(posts.post_text USING "utf8mb4") AS post_text,convert(posts.post_time USING "utf8mb4") AS post_time FROM forum_posts AS posts LEFT JOIN forum_topics AS topics USING (topic_id) WHERE posts.post_id != topics.topic_first_post_id LIMIT 0, 100
    15: No replies to import
    14: No favorites to import
    13: No topic subscriptions to import
    12: No topic tags to import
    11: No closed topics to close
    10: Keine Super-Stickies zum Anheften vorhanden
    9: Keine Stickies zum Anheften
    8: No anonymous topic authors to import
    WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler: [Unknown column 'topics.topic_posts_approved' in 'field list']
    SELECT convert(topics.topic_id USING "utf8mb4") AS topic_id,convert(topics.topic_posts_approved USING "utf8mb4") AS topic_posts_approved,convert(topics.forum_id USING "utf8mb4") AS forum_id,convert(topics.topic_poster USING "utf8mb4") AS topic_poster,convert(topics.topic_first_poster_name USING "utf8mb4") AS topic_first_poster_name,convert(posts.poster_ip USING "utf8mb4") AS poster_ip,convert(posts.post_text USING "utf8mb4") AS post_text,convert(topics.topic_title USING "utf8mb4") AS topic_title,convert(topics.topic_status USING "utf8mb4") AS topic_status,convert(topics.topic_type USING "utf8mb4") AS topic_type,convert(topics.topic_time USING "utf8mb4") AS topic_time,convert(topics.topic_last_post_time USING "utf8mb4") AS topic_last_post_time FROM forum_topics AS topics INNER JOIN forum_posts AS posts USING (topic_id) WHERE posts.post_id = topics.topic_first_post_id LIMIT 0, 100
    7: No topics to import
    6: No forum subscriptions to import
    5: No forum parents to import
    WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler: [Unknown column 'forums.parent_id' in 'field list']
    SELECT convert(forums.forum_id USING "utf8mb4") AS forum_id,convert(forums.parent_id USING "utf8mb4") AS parent_id,convert(forums.forum_topics_approved USING "utf8mb4") AS forum_topics_approved,convert(forums.forum_posts_approved USING "utf8mb4") AS forum_posts_approved,convert(forums.forum_name USING "utf8mb4") AS forum_name,convert(forums.forum_desc USING "utf8mb4") AS forum_desc,convert(forums.left_id USING "utf8mb4") AS left_id,convert(forums.forum_type USING "utf8mb4") AS forum_type,convert(forums.forum_status USING "utf8mb4") AS forum_status FROM forum_forums AS forums LIMIT 0, 100
    4: No forums to import
    3: Skipping password clean-up
    2: Skipping user clean-up
    WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler: [Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes]
    CREATE TABLE oahfp_bbp_converter_translator ( meta_id mediumint(8) unsigned not null auto_increment, value_type varchar(25) null, value_id bigint(20) unsigned not null default '0', meta_key varchar(191) null, meta_value varchar(191) null, PRIMARY KEY (meta_id), KEY value_id (value_id), KEY meta_join (meta_key(191), meta_value(191)) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci
    1: Recreating sync-table
    Continuing Import
    Previously stopped at step 1 of 17

    I appreciate any help!



    @tiiuk did you select phpBB from the dropdown and enter the correct database prefix?



    Oops I didn’t see your reply … yes to both.





    I don’t see my last post and I can’t post it again because then it says “duplicate post” … can an admin please check? Thank you



    Long story short this didn’t work either and I was wondering if the domain redirect is a problem (when you browse to the phpBB forums you get redirected to a subforum).

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