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Search not finding results

  • @teamoo


    Hello – I’ve installed ‘bbPress’ on my website as well as the ‘bbPress WP Tweak’ to add a nice sidebar. Both the search area located at the top of the standard ‘bbPress’ install as well as the search area found in the ‘bbPress WP Tweak’ sidebar do not reap any search results.

    I have 1 topic submitted for testing. The keyword is ‘Wellsville’. The search does not find this topic.

    Any ideas? I’m completely stumped and a search function is an extremely important feature.

    I should also add that outside of the bbPress plugin, my sites search feature works normal.

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  • @teamoo





    it should do, do you have a link?



    My replies don’t seem to be showing up. Can you see them?



    Yes, this is very strange.

    I’ve placed the link for my forum and for my “test” topic below. I’ve been searching with the word “Wellsville” as that is unique to topic below. All it returns is the newest blog post which does not have Wellsville in it anywhere.

    My standard search within WordPress works as it should. Should the bbPress search be limited to the forum? That would be good.



    I took the “link” code out and it posted.






    Not quite sure what you are ‘ping’ing?

    I thought your last post was an answer to your own question.

    bbpress search searches forums only.




    i think just like the standard WordPress search form the bbPress search form only searches title and content but only for bbPress custom post types (forums,topics,replies).

    both searchforms arent that great by default but you could enhance it with this plugin
    For a more enhanced searchform for bbPress ive seen users use this plugin.

    i have also seen a site just use the google custom search engine provided by google to search through their site.

    But to use this properly you would have to allow bbPress custom post types to be searchable in all your site search.



    Robin – I think you may have misinterpreted my last response or maybe I worded it funny. My bbPress search function is not return results.

    Take a look for yourself:

    Enter “Track” or “Trail” words that are used quite a bit. The only return you will get is my latest post which does not have these words. It does not return the 15 or so topics/replies that have this word.

    My standard wordpress search works as it should but the forum search does not.



    @robkk Thank you – I will check this out. Right now my search isn’t returning anything so I don’t know if this will fix it or not. But it’s worth a try.




    It could be a theme or plugin issue


    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.


    If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, as a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwelve, and see if this fixes.

    Then come back



    @robin-w Thank you for your reply. I tried both methods you suggested above and came up with the same result as before. When I search while in the forum the only return I get is my latest blog post. My latest blog post may or may not have the searched for word.

    I also tried installing the plugin @robkk suggested above and it didn’t fix the problem.

    Any other ideas why this would be happening?



    the plugin only affects the normal WordPress search i think so just use the normal WordPress search for your site.

    and disable the forum search in settings > forums in the back-end of WordPress

    but like i said before you would have to probably enable each post type to be in the regular WordPress search.

    add this to your child themes functions.php or add it to a functionality plugin.

     * Include bbPress 'topic' custom post type in WordPress' search results */
    function ntwb_bbp_topic_cpt_search( $topic_search ) {
    	$topic_search['exclude_from_search'] = false;
    	return $topic_search;
    add_filter( 'bbp_register_topic_post_type', 'ntwb_bbp_topic_cpt_search' );
     * Include bbPress 'forum' custom post type in WordPress' search results */
    function ntwb_bbp_forum_cpt_search( $forum_search ) {
    	$forum_search['exclude_from_search'] = false;
    	return $forum_search;
    add_filter( 'bbp_register_forum_post_type', 'ntwb_bbp_forum_cpt_search' );
     * Include bbPress 'reply' custom post type in WordPress' search results  */
    function ntwb_bbp_reply_cpt_search( $reply_search ) {
    	$reply_search['exclude_from_search'] = false;
    	return $reply_search;
    add_filter( 'bbp_register_reply_post_type', 'ntwb_bbp_reply_cpt_search' );

    when your done make sure you have search custom taxonomies in the search everything plugin settings maybe even the search every tag option too.



    Hey @Robkk – I added the code you provided to my child theme’s functions.php. At that point I was able to search my entire site, including the forum, with the main search. And if we cannot figure out what the problem is with the forum search that may be my only option.

    But I’d like to keep the two search functions separate at the moment. @robin-w any idea what steps I can take next to get my forum search working? The plugins/theme don’t seem to be the problem at the moment after testing.

    Thank you both very much for your help so far!



    @robin-w Any ideas?



    no sorry – I can see nothing wrong with the code – it seems fine, so don’ know why it is doing this.

    as long as you have tried


    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.


    If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, as a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwelve, and see if this fixes.

    which you say you have, then can you list all the forum settings in dashboard>settings> forums in case there’s something in there.



    I had the same issue. I found the problem in an the advanced excerpt plugin. Try turning off the excerpt for “search pages” in the plugin’s settings. See http://



    I forgot to say in the previous reply that you also need to uncheck the “strip shortcodes” and “the content” boxes in the advanced excerpt plugin. See



    I’m having the exact same difficulty. Can anyone help?

    Whatever I search for any word in ‘Search Forums’ widget, all I get is my latest blog post, doesn’t matter that blog post has got the ‘searched word’ or not.

    were you able to find the cure?

    , @robinw anyone?



    @zopfan This is old topic so let’s resolve your issue in your following topic.

    ‘Forums Search’ returning wrong results



    Thank you! Its work for me!

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