Rescued from akismet.
@ricardouk all your posts will unfortunately be marked as spam as they never seem to fix akismet so be patient as it takes mods some time to notice false positives.
Thanks for the clarification _CK_
I’m surprised my comments are blocked by akismet, i’m not familiar with their algorithm but all 3 emails i used are “clean”, i only use them for personnal use and rarely give them to other people, i use “disposable” ones for other things.
Once again thanks for your advices/help/clarifications on this.
Ps: anything i can do on my side to speed up the process?
Don’t take it personally – akismet screws up dozens of posts here each week, seemingly at random. It either doesn’t like your IP or email address or some weird combo of keywords. It’s also probably why you had so much trouble registering.
At least you spoke up, imagine how many other people have tried to post here and gave up in vain and wrote off bbpress entirely.
This is why I tell people not to use akismet but human-test/blocklist instead and rely on mods to look for bad posts.
Hi Ricardo!
“Recent” users comments from bbPress Sitemap Generator plugin page say:
This plugin does not work with bbpress 1.02
Tried everything… Still didn’t work.
This plugin horrible slows down the forum performance
I cannot get this work
This really needs an update!
I strongly suggest you to use another sitemap generator plugin first; if you still will experience problems, please post here the list of the plugins you’re using and the bbPress version you’re on, and I’ll try to help.
Hi mr_pelle
i tried both sitemap pluggins here on without the nicer permalinks pluggin and the sitemap is ok.
Both plugins? Can you link me the one I missed, please?
one of the sitemap pluggins i tried needs to be configured in the php, they’re not as straigthforward as the wordpress one so i can imagine lots of people having problems in setting them up, but i had no problems untill i activated the nicer permalinks pluggin
one of them needs another pluggin to work properly and some people might not notice it in the description (2nd one in the screenshot), im using the bbpress sitemap generator (1st one in the screenshot)
heres the screenshot
I’ve just found and fixed the bug in my plugin: I’ll upload a new version within minutes.
Thanks for the quick fix Mr_pelle!
here’s the screenshot showing the fix + sitemap generator work properly, i tested it by sbmitting it to google
I’m using Nicer Permalinks 3.3.3 avec want to upgrade to 5.0.4 (for sitemap and other minor bugs) but it doesn’t work. I followed the installation instructions though… So I installed back 3.3.3 and it’s working perfectly again.
Can someone help me ?
Thanks !
Hi! Plugin structure has changed a lot after v5.0: I suggest you to first backup your .htaccess
, then delete it and the nicer-permalinks folder too. After that, install plugin latest release (following the instructions) and activate it from the configuration page.
Please note that since v4.1 PHP5 is required.
It’s working perfectly now.
Thanks a lot mr_pelle !! :-]
I don’t think that it’s THAT difficult to filter these spam posts. The site is always the same.
Hi again,
I just posted a new message on my forum and checked up on Google the way it was indexed. Sadly it’s not the way I expected.
My search was :
On Google :
URL of the post on my forum (better permalink) :
What could I do to make Google index the right url (…/forum/disque/…) ?
I’m using :
bbPress 1.0.2
Google Sitemaps Version 0.1 | Par Olaf Lederer
Nicer Permalinks Version 5.0.4 | Par mr_pelle
what is your sitemap.xml url?
Are the url’s in the xml correct?
Do you have a google webmaster tools account?
Have you submitted the sitemap into google webmaster account?
My sitemap.xml url :
urls are not correct but that’s very strange…
For my example, url in the sitemap is :
In fact all urls in the sitemap look like this : […]
I really don’t get it !
Shall I change sitemap plugin ?
Thanks a lot for your help :-]
PS :
I have a Google webmaster account and submitted the sitemap
Hi ! 
Any idea ?
Shall I try to install bbPress Sitemap Generator (0.6.1) Author: Rich Boakes & Frédéric Petit ?
Or this one ? :
Is there another sitemap plugin for bbpress 1.0.2 ?
I just checked and… this is exactly the one I’m already using (Google Sitemaps Version 0.1 | by Olaf Lederer) 
bbPress Sitemap Generator (0.6.1) Author: Rich Boakes & Frédéric Petit is no good ?
Hello I have the same problem with the sitemap plugins as OreilleMalade.
As far as I understand the code, the problem lies in the function:
function discover_topics() {
global $bbdb, $frequency, $priority;
$topic_query = "SELECT t.topic_id AS tid, p.post_time AS tim, t.topic_posts AS nposts FROM $bbdb->posts p, $bbdb->topics t WHERE p.topic_id = t.topic_id AND post_status = 0 GROUP BY t.topic_id ORDER BY p.post_time";
$matches = $bbdb->get_results($topic_query);
if ($matches) {
foreach($matches as $match) {
$url = get_topic_link($match->tid);
Here is the url generated every time like this:
If we use nicerpermalinks than we have not the topic-directory in our url and the function get_topic_link
gives us the url with the name of the first forum or a random forumname (didn´t figured it out yet).
but we have different forum_names now. If I understand the code right, we have to use now get_topic_nicer_link
instead of get_topic_link.
How to make it??
I made a workaround. Not ideal and not performant, but it works for me…
function discover_topics() {
global $bbdb, $frequency, $priority, $bb, $topic;
$topic_query = "SELECT t.topic_id AS tid, t.forum_id as fid, p.post_time AS tim, t.topic_posts AS nposts FROM $bbdb->posts p, $bbdb->topics t WHERE p.topic_id = t.topic_id AND post_status = 0 GROUP BY t.topic_id ORDER BY p.post_time";
$matches = $bbdb->get_results($topic_query);
if ($matches) {
foreach($matches as $match) {
$url = get_topic_link($match->tid);
if ($match->fid!=5) {
$topic = bb_get_topic_from_uri( $url );
$url = str_replace( $bb->uri . ‘faq’, $bb->uri . get_forum( $topic->forum_id )->forum_slug, $url );
Note: set $match->fid!=5
the forum_id of the corresponding forum and replace 'faq'
with the slug of the corresponding forum.
@blupp: This is exactly what I’m looking for. I’ll see if I can come up with a cleaner version. I’m not a php/bbPress expert, so if anyone can jump in on this, it would be much appreciated!
Okay, I’ve got it working. I simply modified bbpress_sitemap.php. Here’s the file in zip.