Having been in the same situation, I would suggest to use 0.9.x version.
I wonder who is using 0.9.x??
0.9.x must die…
You can notice just _ck_ plugins not working with with 1.0.x.
I don’t know why she don’t want to upgrade them?
They are all useless :@
Lots of people use 0.9. It’s fast and lean.
just because some dont work for you doesnt mean they’re useless, you should “measure” your words as bbpress only lives because of people like CK, im using some of her pluggins and they work even with svn versions.
pluggins are put in different folders for different versions, have you checked that?
bbpress only lives because of people like CK
With no disrespect to CK, bbPress is live because people love it.
When _ck_ was not here till x months, then what happened? bbPress was still working man.
pluggins are put in different folders for different versions, have you checked that?
Yes, I know.
But I wonder, If Subscribe to Topic plugin will with 1.0.x.
@nood – Yah I use 0.9 because it has broader plugin support and it’s also much faster.
@pagal – I believe they moved the subscribe to topic functionality into the core… you can see it in action on this forum, which is running a recent version of bbPress.
Some but not all of my plugins work in 1.0, I just don’t list them as working with 1.0 and I don’t offer support officially under 1.0
Note that absolutely no existing plugin will work under 1.2/2.0 (though some will probably be able to be modified if the author choses to do so).
Some but not all of my plugins work in 1.0
Now what you say ricardouk?
Should I measure my words or _ck_ is wrong?
Pagal like i said:
just because some dont work for you doesnt mean they’re useless
i use/used/tried some of her pluggins and they worked even on svn version, when i said “measure your words” was because in my opinion you were being a little “rude”, i understand you forum wasnt working but there was no reason to have a go at her like that… she’s does her work mostly for free, any help is better than none. Give her some time in her own time.
I also do some open source translation for some programs and sometimes comments like yours can have a negative effect…
anyway i can see you’re a SRK so to end this in a friendly way, probably laughing all i can say is:
You were being a little “rude”
Nope, never.. I doesn’t want to be rude. I always respect _ck_ and love her work. But I also want to see update of her work.
I’m really sorry if you or _ck_ feel bad because of my pinching words.
You are first person who is talking in friendly way
, otherwise this community is really rough and tough then normal WordPress.
Its nice to listen ALL IZ WELL, ALL IZ WELL in this forum
> But I wonder, If Subscribe to Topic plugin will with 1.0.x.
Subscribe to topic functionality was moved into the core in 1.x, so no plugin will be required.
@chrishajer, nope, there is no option.
Did I need anything to activate?
Did you delete “Subscribe to Topic” Thread?
Feature is available since [2471]. You need to have the trunk version of bbPress.