bbShowcase shut down?
I just tried to drop by bbShowcase and found this waiting for anyone visiting
The bbPress Showcase has been discontinued.
The removal of Sam Bauers and the halting of 2.0
was a clear and final sign that there is no interest in allowing
bbPress to become a mature, robust program and community.
By now bbPress 1.5 could have been in alpha but instead
bbPress development has been deliberately stagnated,
which should be a very alarming warning to everyone.
In addition, bbShowcase had only six donations in 2009,
which indicated to me there was no interest in my work.
My code will remain on as open source GPL
for those that wish to use it, however I caution you to
consider bbPress’s lack of leadership before continuing to use it.
With the sudden sticky for bbPress help, _ck_ shutting down her site and the previous post by her about refunding donations, I’m kinda wondering what is going on with bbPress. Hopefully someone with more info will chime in and explain the future of bbPress to the rest of us.
Thanks Steven, for posting this announcement.
Really bad that it looks like that bbpress has not some great future.
Actually I think about to convert my bbpress forum into a wordpress site using a theme that looks like a forum
Can’t be so difficult, the whole structure of bbpress looks too much like wordpress
(… another XX hours lost in the development of bbpress plugins)
… just checked simplepress, looks much more like a forum than bbpress
I think there is more going on behind the scenes then we know. Sam leaving all of a sudden, no one continuing this project and no reaction from any wordpress developper (or Matt). Seems like they are letting this project die (and just gonna buy simplepress in the near future??).
It’s a shame…
For _ck_ any change we can acces the forum (but lock all topics and dont allow new ones to be created) so we can still benefit from the knowledge already posted there?
Greetz Nuul,
Damn, just as I am on the edge of releasing a cool new plugin
actually there is a response from Matt:
both topics are not so old and tell me the that something is going on.
I’m more concerned if someone “evil” has found some security issue in bbpress and there is no one who will provide an update…
I don’t mean to sound picky but SimplePress looks like a cluttered mess. It’s like trying to integrate an SMF board with wordpress and they don’t even look the same.
I guess I got used to the simplicity of bbPress. I’m still going to use it, however, as long as is up and running and the forums uses it. This only means less themes and plugins.
@Olaf talks is cheap, matt needs to respond with action, i bet if WP lead developer left the project, within 24 hours matt would appoint someone else to take over. I know bbpress is not a main project to automattic but at least it should not be ignored like this
Well this really sucks. I just sent her a donation yesterday and now she pulls the plug. I was hoping my donation would encourage her but I think I just reminded her to shut things down.
I appreciate everything she’s done for bbPress, and hope she’ll come back when things are sorted out with bbPress.
@grassrootspa: If “Ouch” was directed towards my statement of “I just sent her a donation yesterday,” please note that _ck_ is refunding all current donations.
Please, don’t move bbPress project to trash. I am big bbPress fan! Wait new updates.
Sorry for the confusion, meant ‘Ouch’ re: the site bbShowcase going down (did not mean to direct it at you or anyone else). This is not good for bbPress’s future. It hurts us all.
You are right on the money. It would be disastrous if a bbPress vulnerability was discovered and no patch was rolled out to combat it…
I can’t say exactly where I got this tidbit from but the ‘word’ I have been able to find out so far is that bbPress isn’t quite dead in the water. The rumor is that it might be picked up by another group heavy into WP projects. I’m trying to get some solid confirmation because I don’t want to have to go to all the effort of converting from SMF to bbPress only to be stuck with another dead duck.
This is all so confusing. I will use bbPress as long as possible (keeping in mind the security issues) and really hope that it will continue to grow. It’s such an elegant platform and a perfect match for WordPress.
I find it odd that it would die like this… and WP is still using it, though I’m sure we’ll all miss _ck_’s great knowledge and contribution. Oh my…
We might be interested in working to improve BBPress (PageLines)…
Who would we need to talk to?
You should post here:
Or contact Matt Mullenweg at Automattic.
this sux
it is sad news indeed
few months ago, I have paid some developers to convert the site from phpbb to bbpress. except into 1.0 version so many plugins were not updated, and new forum didnt go on line,
and we were waiting for some movement on bbpress and plugins front..
it looks like time & money was wasted
Maybe, can anyone suggest a viable alternative to bbpress? so we could have a deep integration of wpmu with forums & buddypress
of course, there has to exist some converters from phpbb…. I have looked and found NO alternative
Relax people.
This is the advantage or open-source. In the near future someone will pick up the development on BBP.
Matt simply needs to prioritize it enough to set it up and answer emails on the subject.
I’ll bet that after WP2.9 comes out, we’ll see some movement.
I just checked out Simplepress and it looks horrible.
That look is thee exact reason I chose BBpress instead. There was nothing simple about SimplePress.
Doesn’t use BBPress? Though I can’t find it credited anywhere… if they do – thats a good sign?
I just checked out Simplepress and it looks horrible.
That look is thee exact reason I chose BBpress instead. There was nothing simple about SimplePress.
Doesn’t use BBPress? Though I can’t find it credited anywhere… if they do – thats a good sign?
arpowers is right.
and if you look on the automattic projects page, bbPress is right there, mentioned just after WordPress and Akismet, not even last in line.
@Marius – yes, WP is using bbPress.
kriskl – You could always go with version 9.06. Most of the plugins work with 9.0x versions right now, no need to wait for the developers to upgrade to 1.0x. Then once the plugins catch up, upgrade to 1.0x.
We run 9.0x right now and have no problems so far (beyond a few cosmetic tweaks) with any of the plugins we are using… which is about 20 or so.
I don’t think bbPress is going anywhere. It is a great little piece of community software. If WP decides to stop supporting it, I bet someone (maybe one of us?) will pick it up and fork off into a new direction for it.
Just today I got an email from someone who visited my bbPress site and they wanted to know what software I was running. They said they really liked it and was hoping it was a plug-in to WP so they could run it. It is feedback like this that WP needs to hear…
@kriskl, @sockmonkey – There are many plugins that work with 1.0.2, though they were developed up to the 9.0x version. I am currently using 26 plugins (and have a few more inactive at the moment), there were also several others that I tested to work, but didn’t need.
Here is an initial list to get started, when they were testing the alpha version, before the official 1.0 release
Sometimes, it is also mentioned in the discussions on the individual plugin page.
Of course, having a local test install allows me to test them, before using the plugins on a live site…
WP forums use bbpress. The Post form address is for the Post button on WP forums. But for a guy who says Code is Poetry, it is really sad that he isn’t even allowing many people to participate actually. Last day I talked with a developer who has created many plugins for bbpress. He said Matt replied to his mail asking him to just stay on track, when he aksed about joining the bpress developers. Matt please shed some light. Should we continue using bbpress or do we need to find an alternative?
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