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How to use wordpress sidebar with widgets in forum pages

  • @jomontvm


    I have integrated bbpress with wordpress mu. I want to use wordpress functions in my bbpress pages, especially to include wordpress sidebar in forum pages.

    I have included “wp-load.php” in bb-config.php as described here.

    but i am getting Fatal error like this

    Could Not Find Blog!

    Searched for [mydomain]/forums/ in mydb::wp_blogs table. Is that right?

    This considers “forums” as a blog name (“forums” is my bbpress folder). Without including “wp-load.php”, my forum works fine.

    What should I do to avoid this and to point to the forum page?

    Also, how can I get wordpress sidebar included in forum pages?

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  • @kevinjohngallagher


    Any idea what versions of software you’re using please?

    And the instructions you’ve linked to are for WordPress, not WordPress MU. (it’s a very different beast).

    Basically, if you’re using WordPress MU or BuddyPress, the chances of us being able to help are very slim, sorry.




    Wasn’t there another post recently where this same error came up?

    Could Not Find Blog!
    Searched for [mydomain]/forums/ in mydb::wp_blogs table. Is that right?

    Can’t seem to find it right now.



    I am using wordpress-mu-2.9.2 and bbpress-1.0.2.

    Has anyone implemented this successfully?

    please help me to include wpmu sidebar in bbpress template.



    Sounds like you have two different issues. Which one would you like to work on in this topic? Choose one, then start another topic for the other, please.

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