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Freshness doesn’t seem to update as quickly any more?

  • @ajtruckle


    If I add replies they used to update freshness quite quickly but now I am not seeing this.

    This is with 2.6.0


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  • @ajtruckle


    I know that they are busy and have their own more important lives ofcourse! But it is rather concerning that such a major issue has not been acknowledged. If it were not for your generous efforts and others there would not even been a workaround. The issue is really crippling the forum system.

    Anyway, I am very grateful for your workaround. That, and uninstalling my cache plugin I now have no issues that I am aware of.



    Robin, I installed your plugin but when I made a test post, it still displayed as 5 hours ago in the sidebar widget for latest posts.



    @hardel – thanks



    Not me. And I have that widget.

    But I had to delete the caching plugin.



    I don’t use a caching plugin.



    I also see this freshness problem. Just updated to 2.6.2 tonight. I do not run bbp style pack. Will the plugin mentioned in this thread fix issue or only if you are using bbp style pack?



    you don’t need style pack.



    Just to help add weight to this discussion, I also after upgrading to Version 2.6.2 have noticed the Freshness problem, I do not have any caching plugins, but do run bbp style pack.

    The – Go to Dashboard, Tools, Forums, Repair Forums, and then click “Run” for “Recalculate last activity in each topic and forum” fixes problem and hopefully and update (perm fix) will be available in the near future 😉



    Tried the “plugin” and so far not seeing freshness update unless i run the forum repair. BUMMER i hope they get time to look into the issue soon.



    ok, thanks, not sure why that doesn’t work !!

    2.6.3 will be released next week, but without this fix.

    Then hopefully it will be in 2.6.4



    I re-enabled plugin, ran repair again and will let it run to further test. site is if you want to look



    @robin-w you are correct and i should ran repair after i installed your fix. It is working! thank you!!!



    @Robin, my widgets are displaying the correct time now for latest posts and replies. It was also showing correct in the master forum list. But I only tested 1/7 forums.

    I did update to latest release. Maybe something got fixed/changed??



    Yes, the front page of my forum “last post” dates are looking very stale since moving to bbPress 2.6.3. The post dates look to be prior to the “upgrade”. I do not have any page caching plug-ins enabled on these public forums. Manually running “recalculate last activity in each topic and forum” updates the freshness dates correctly.



    @packzap the plugin linked in this thread will fix issue until bbpress’s next release is ready and that should fix it and assume the plugin will no longer be needed.



    I installed the bbp Refresh Last Active Time plugin and now front page freshness is hunky dory (for non-English speakers that means working great). Thanks so much!



    It is very strange to see that the last communication on the forum was two years ago, but I must admit that even just reading can do some good (for me, of course)



    @jamesdowning – not quite sure what you mean – the discussion relates to version 2.6.3, we are now on 2.6.9. There is no remaining issue as far as I know

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