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Freshness doesn’t seem to update as quickly any more?

  • @ajtruckle


    If I add replies they used to update freshness quite quickly but now I am not seeing this.

    This is with 2.6.0


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  • @robin-w


    oh, and also can you say whether you are running a child theme that has any bbpress files in it?



    100% sure, because I ran the repair on one window, while the forum was showing in another, and I immediately went to refresh to page to see the date change, and I saw those sub-forums disappear.

    And no child theme. Just GeneratePress and Elementor.



    ok, are you running bbp-style-pack ?



    Yes I am.



    ok, can you tell me if the following is set – don’t change it, just let me know

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>forum Display item 7 Add Sub Forum Description to forum lists



    It is unchecked.



    that’s great

    I’m doing some work with another user on how 2.5 vs 2.6 does the forum display, and we are making progress, so I’ll come back shortly



    I’m having the same issue. On the main forum index page, the freshness listed for each forum is not being updated. On an individual forum page, the list of topics has the correct freshness.



    @cassel – I’m continuing to dig into your sub forums – do you know what php version you are on ?

    EDIT : If you are running style pack, you can see this in

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>plugin information

    Otherwise (for others ) if you don’t know how to find out, can you install this

    Display PHP Version

    and you can see from the dashboard – you can disable and delete the plugin once you have done so



    Running PHP version: 7.0.33



    I am having the same issue that clayj described. Exactly the same.



    @cassel – thanks I’m still looking at this issue



    I am having the same problem. On my forum index page, the freshness has been wrong for a week since the last upgrade to bbpress 2.6.2. (Never a problem before then.) I have only one index page, then topic pages (where the freshness is correct). I did have WP Supercache on the site, but removed it 4 days ago, including all the extra steps to remove any remaining cache files outside the plugin. The freshness is still incorrect and lags by several days, even with clearing the browser cache, or trying an in-private browsing page. I have also been in touch with my host (Siteground) and they cannot find an issue. They asked me to deactivate all my plugins – which I did, on a staging site – and still, no, it seems to be just the bbpress upgrade. Help! Any more suggestions?



    You can manually refresh the landing page (forum page) as follows (someone else suggested this earlier in the thread):

    Go to Dashboard, Tools, Forums, Repair Forums, and then click “Run” for “Recalculate last activity in each topic and forum”

    I have been doing that every few hours to refresh the main forum page.



    @robin-w Do we have any idea on when this may be resolved?

    Thank you.




    No, I’m deep in code, this is not simple !

    In your case, If you move the private forum out from under a public forum, I suspect you will work.



    But that is only one category. The other three categories are private with private forums.




    can I just ask those that are having issues whether they are using threaded replies?



    No. Not using threaded / nested replies.



    Not sure what nested threads would look like, so I don’t think I use that.



    ok, I think I am becoming deranged by this problem 🙂

    Would someone like to try this very small plugin and let me know if it fixes.

    I don’t promise it will – it works on my test site but it should make no difference !!

    so go to

    bbp Refresh Last Active Time

    and download the plugin to your PC.

    Go into

    dashboard>plugins>add new plugin>upload and upload the file you have just downloaded then activate

    Then try to add a new reply on a sub forum – please do this on public forums and hierarchy – this does not fix public/private mixes, and I don’t know if it works for private forums yet !

    Please report back in either case



    I am afraid it doesn’t work.

    I specifically added a reply to the public forum in my public category.

    At the top of the screen it said I had updated it 1 second ago. I then clicked the “Frequently Asked Questions” breadcrumb. That was correct and listed 13 second ago.

    Then I clicked the General Information category breadcrumb and it is wrong. For FAQ it is listing 4 weeks 1 day ago. Similar if I click the root breadcrumb. 4 weeks 1 day ago is the last topic freshness that is in the FAQ board. If i look at that board now I 4 posts. The penultimate is the one I added a reply to which says 3 minutes ago. Then there is the final topic with the freshness that is reported on the category index.

    It simply is not cascading freshness at all (for replies) to parent categories and up.

    What I don’t understand is that we can run the repair tool and it works so why can the logic be used there in a localised for to fix this?

    Shall I deactivate your plugin?

    PS. the post in question was closed but it allowed me to add a reply, and as I say on the actual forum page the freshness is correct.



    the repair tool deletes EVERY last active, and recalculates them all.

    The function on the new reply contains all the right logic, and debugged it seems fine. I cannot see why it should not work, but agree it doesn’t.

    you can deactivate the plugin if you wish.



    I am thinking that the most practical way to get a resolution is to debug a live website that is having issues. At least to find out what is going on.

    If debug seemed fine then is is a issue similar to C++ where debug initialises variables but release does not?

    I am happy to help in any way I can. I have to go out this evening so my time is now limited. But it seems to me we need to have a debug output of the “walking up the ancestors” to see where it is breaking down for me. Then this is probably the same for others I expect.



    This could be why? In your code:

    			// Reply meta relating to most recent reply
    			if ( bbp_is_reply( $ancestor ) ) {
    				// @todo - hierarchical replies

    I had just made a most recent reply. So it is doing nothing. I dunno. You know the code better.

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