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Freshness doesn’t seem to update as quickly any more?

  • @ajtruckle


    If I add replies they used to update freshness quite quickly but now I am not seeing this.

    This is with 2.6.0


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  • @ajtruckle


    OK, I am not finding again that it is still not updating. So it must have been a fluke with the cache idea … although I still think it can cause issues.



    yes some host providers eg Sitegorund provide caching



    OK, I am not finding again that it is still not updating.

    do you mean not or now?




    I am NOW finding again that it is still not updating.

    This time I added a reply to an existing post. The only place where the freshness is guaranteed to be accurate is the forum index page for the topic. The category index page is not correct and the master forums index page is not correct. I had to run the tool again to update the freshness.



    that’s some good info


    post a topic/reply

    the forum is correct
    the category where the forum is a member of is NOT correct
    The main forums list is NOT correct

    Is that what you are getting?



    Yes ….



    and is that repeatable ?



    In most cases this is what has been happening for me. This is why I mentioned previously that the forum here on bbPress in not geared up to use those categories. It just shows a forum with topics.



    See, now that I added that new topic in one of my forums, THAT has triggered an update of the master list! But when I added a reply to an existing topic it did not.




    To clarify the issues I’m having: The main forum list shows last post as either:

    1) Correct (with correct date/time) for some forums

    2) Incorrect via a random old post (over a week ago) for others

    Furthermore, recent replies (via the sidebar widget) are shown with a 5 hour delay. But if you click on a post, it displays the correct date/time.



    @ajtruckle (and others), so we need to work out if it is a database update issue or a display issue.

    so those who can access phpmyadmin, next time you get this, can you check

    1. that the date is correct on the actual post (it should be)
    2. then for the forum that the posts belongs to, in postmeta the value of
    _bbp_last_active_time, _bbp_last_active_id, _bbp_last_reply_id, _bbp_last_topic_id



    @robin-w I can confirm that the “reply” to the “topic” has the right value in the blog_posts table but I don’t know where the fields you listed in item 2 reside in the database.



    @robin-w If it helps, I did a search for _bbp_last_active_time in the post meta table and only one entry had today’s date (the reply I had made).

    I then did a search for my forum in question as “post_id” to see what it shows:

    _bbp_last_active_time 2019-11-20 19:01:31, 
    _bbp_last_active_id 3546, 
    _bbp_last_reply_id 3546, 
    _bbp_last_topic_id 3546

    If I then run the tool to get the freshness correct in the forum and examine the same records again:

    _bbp_last_active_time 2019-11-24 08:06:38, 
    _bbp_last_active_id 3580, 
    _bbp_last_reply_id 3580, 
    _bbp_last_topic_id 3546

    So the database is not getting updated with the freshness and it is not a caching issue.



    @ajtruckle yes the post meta table – glad you found it.
    interesting that it set the last active to the topic date in all three settings, as thugh no reply had been set.

    ok we seem to have issues with moderation and freshness and this post also seems to be an issue.

    Notification is showing latest update for unapproved replies

    1. can you confirm you now have moderation turned off ?

    2. having run the correction, can you replicate the issue, ie make it happen again or does it just randomly do so?



    Hi @robin-w

    1/ Yes, moderation is switched off. Since the “links” might potentially include any type of item that has a URL in it I did not see it practical to just increase the number of links. So moderation has been switched off for several days now:

    // ==============================================================
    // Switch off bbPress Forum moderation
    add_filter( 'bbp_bypass_check_for_moderation', '__return_true' );
    // ==============================================================

    2/ It is never random. It is on the demand. Every reply to a topic I made yesterday needed me to run the tool to fix everything.

    I am assuming that there is breakage in rolling freshness results back up the hierarchy.



    that’s great, can you give me your hierarchy for one chain, and whether category or forum


    ‘help forum’ – category
    ‘self help’ – forum – parent ‘help forum’ order 0
    ‘self help ideas’ – forum – parent ‘self help’ order 0


    Then I can see if I can replicate on my test site




    General Information – category (status OPEN) – Visibility PUBLIC – No parent – order 0
    FAQ – Forum – PUBLIC (Status CLOSED) – parent ‘General Information’ order 0
    Miscellaneous – Forum – PRIVATE (Status OPEN) – parent ‘General Information’ order 1




    I also stress @robin-w that it is when making REPLIES to topics that this issue happens. If I CREATE a new topic the freshness seems to cascade up the hierarchy.



    so this is putting an entry into a private forum belong to a public category – yes ?

    so if working ‘correctly’, and someone posts a reply into the private forum, what would you expect someone not logged in to see?



    ignore that – not thinking straight !



    The not-logged in user only sees the public FAQ forum.

    The logged in user should also see the private forum with the correct freshness. It does not matter if the category is private or public, the issue remains. I have three other top level categories that are all private each with their own private forums and they all suffer the same problem.



    I’ve kicked this around for the last couple of hours.

    The issue is not new with 2.6.

    The core set up you have is that you have a private forum listed under a public category.

    This gives a problem for what bbpress should store as last active time.

    For logged in users this should be the ‘true’ last active for all sub forums, but for non-logged in users this should be the last active time of any PUBLIC sub forums, so in theory you should have two ‘last active’ times one for logged in and one for non-logged in. But bbpress does not have this.

    To complicate matters, this is handled differently for topics and replies

    The topic_walker function doesn’t check for private sub forums, so it creates the last active as a link to a private topic. So non logged in users see a ‘last active’ time, but if they click this, it goes to a 404 as the topic is not visible.

    The reply_walker function DOES check for private forum status, and doesn’t update if the forum is private.

    That is why you see Topics being added, but not replies.

    I’ll think about how best to resolve, it may need a trac ticket



    By the way, if you want an instant solution, just move your private forum so it is not under a public category 🙂



    Just chiming in with a different setup. I don’t have any private section on my forum, but I still have that freshness mismatch. So I am also waiting for a solution.



    Ok, thanks for looking into this. I appreciate any resolution.

    In my case I think it should still be able to do it. If I am logged in it has access to all forums so should be able to handle it. In fact I only provided the aforementioned configuration as it is my first category but for all the others they are all private.

    IMHO it must be able to walk backup the path. I understand there may be situations I can’t quite grasp but from my master forums page I can see all my categories and all their forums in one list – there on the screen. The only difference is when not logged in you only see one public forum (which is closed anyway). So there is no fighting over what should supersede what.

    I am sure you will all come up with something. Ideally consistent with the “create topic”. If that can work, then the other should in theory follow the same tactic.

    I look forward to any improvements with this. I am sure others will be grateful too!

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