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First post missing in topic after upgrade to WordPress 4.0 URGENT

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  • @philmeadows


    Same problem here. Done a vanilla install of WP 4.0 with only bbPress and s2Member.

    Post content is hidden, unless I disable s2Member.

    Don’t think Relevanssi is sole cause as I don’t use it.



    I just used Yolle’s quick fix to get the first posts showing and that has worked but the formatting is a mess.

    Any ideas how to get this to work without backing out 4.0 as I am seriously worried I will mess that up.

    I do not use Relevanssi.
    I do use s2.

    Also remind me never to update again!



    IM having the same issue…nothing is showing that’s not a sticky, and even within a sticky the reply’s are not showing. I use neither of those plugins?

    I hope this gets resolved quickly!



    Does anyone know who is taking responsibility?
    All the indicators seem to suggest it is an S2 issue.

    What is their comment on the matter?



    Morning 🙂

    First up, if your not using S2Member please create a new topic:

    Create New Topic

    S2Member have created an issue to track this here:

    If you use the “Search Exclude” plugin, go and subscribe to this topic on their support forum:

    If you use the “Relevanssi” plugin, go and subscribe to this topic on their support forum:

    I’m also going to edit the original topic and insert this info there.




    I am using S2.
    I am not using either of those plug ins.

    Here is a forum post that illustrates the issue:

    All pre and post WP4.0 first posts in topics are missing, we have implemented a temporary fix but the problem clearly lies in whatever the update has done.
    It is noted that turning S2 off will solve the problem, this is not an option for us.
    That suggests to me that S2 does not work with the latest version of Wpress.

    Desperately need help as this will be affecting my income..




    Per the reply @jaswsinc made on the first page, S2Member have created an issue to track this, so subscribe to that issue on GitHub and if you can help them track down the issue with testing, feedback, or reproduction steps to recreate the issue no doubt that will help get things fixed sooner 🙂



    There is a fix here that works and the formatting is perfect as far as I can see.





    I’m having the same problem since upgrading BUT I don’t have s2Member AND I have the search option disabled.

    I had the following bbpress-affecting plug-ins enabled (all latest versions):
    -bbPress Custom Topic & Reply Notifications 1.4
    -bbPress Moderation 1.8.3
    -bbPress Stay Checked 1.0
    -GD bbPress Attachments 2.1

    Also, I had a custom Topic Page.

    I disabled all of the bbs-affecting plug-ins and removed the custom page from my child theme but the topic still won’t show up!!!

    So, I re-installed bbpress.


    I’m going to try the suggested php fix and if that doesn’t work will down-grade until there is a solution!





    @yolle ‘s fix only shows the first topic post, and not the replies. Will rip-out and try down-grading now.

    I know that some DB changes were made during the upgrade so I hope those are not the cause as I will only down-grade the files.

    Wish me luck!





    OK, going back to WordPress 3.9.1 “fixed” the problem temporarily for me too – didn’t have to change custom links as someone had mentioned earlier. However, I would still like a permanent fix to this that does not require me to stay with a soon-to-be-out-date version of WordPress to work.





    See this thread for solution ->



    I’m not using s2member and still have this issue.



    …same, im also not using S2member and im still having the issues!



    There is a hack suggested on the S2 member github thread that I would not advise using but if people do then modify a copy of the file not the core one!

    The fix suggests circumventing the template part include in content-single-topic.php calling single-topic-lead.


    The issue appears to be – in S2 members case? that the conditional check on bbp_show_lead_topic() is returning false when it was returning true, why? not sure why at the moment.



    A written to the S2 member thread:

    A better fix – on a copy of content-single-topic.php in a bbpress folder in the theme-

    is to find the line:
    <?php if ( bbp_show_lead_topic( ) ) : ?>

    and change it to:
    <?php if ( bbp_show_lead_topic( $show_lead = true ) ) : ?>

    Even better than that is to write this as a filter run from functions.php probably until such time as a true reason and solution is provided.

    This function added to your themes functions file should also achieve the same requirement and can be removed after things have been cleared up.

    function show_bbp_lead_topic_true() {
    $show_lead = true;
    return $show_lead;
    add_filter('bbp_show_lead_topic', 'show_bbp_lead_topic_true');



    thanks hugo…i added that code to the functions.php and that got the first topic to show within the sticky threads. Im still missing all my standard topics and and all replies. Is there a way to do that in the functions?



    @jwhammond20 Sorry but unable to replicate further issues, the fixes above although not deeply tested and the root cause still not really grasped I can see all lead posts in a thread and their replies whether thread is normal or sticky – however you did state you were not using S2 member this workaround is / can only be tested against S2 from my end. I suspect the root cause is slightly deeper and my workaround is just that not a resolution.



    I’m the s2Member lead dev. I did some research on this issue and posted a follow-up here in our own issue tracker. We are making some progress, but it seems there could be some changes necessary in bbPress also. I’d love it if a bbPress dev could take a look at my report here. Thanks! Please see:



    I’ve already seen a couple threads but without much avail, I’m not running any plugins mentioned in that thread yet I still experience the problem after updating to WordPress 4.0

    I’ve already reverted my wordpress installation as I can’t really put the forum out for more than a day, I’m running the following plugins on my site:

    AdSense Click-Fraud Monitoring Plugin
    amr shortcode any widget
    BAW Login/Logout menu
    bbPress Custom CSS File
    BulletProof Security
    GD bbPress Tools
    Google Adsense Dashboard
    Google Analytics Dashboard for WP
    Inactive User Deleter
    Limit Login Attempts
    Theme My Login
    WP User Avatar

    Does anyone know what plugin could be causing the problem if this isn’t a problem with BBpress?



    I’ve already seen a couple people with the problem but without much avail, I’m not running any plugins mentioned yet I still experience the problem after updating to WordPress 4.0

    I’ve already reverted my wordpress installation as I can’t really put the forum out for more than a day, I’m running the following plugins on my site:

    AdSense Click-Fraud Monitoring Plugin
    amr shortcode any widget
    BAW Login/Logout menu
    bbPress Custom CSS File
    BulletProof Security
    GD bbPress Tools
    Google Adsense Dashboard
    Google Analytics Dashboard for WP
    Inactive User Deleter
    Limit Login Attempts
    Theme My Login
    WP User Avatar

    Does anyone know what plugin could be causing the problem if this isn’t a problem with BBpress?



    @rafaeldejongh I think you need to create a test site :

    This will let you work out what’s woring in comfort !



    Great response form S2member team !

    I’m just a humble user not a dev, but hopefully netweb or JJJ will be in contact with the S2 guys.

    For those that have been bitten by this, I know how painful it is, in the early days I just upgraded plugins and wordpress in the belief that they would work until one day my site broke, and I was in panic for 8 hours when I had least time to fix it.

    When WordPress announced auto upgrade, I was very suspicious that anyone could release software confident that it would not screw up any of the several thousand plugins based on how it worked!

    So the following for those bitten, and others who do not want to be bitten going forward !

    If you are not happy for your site to be down for 24+ hours then :

    1. Turn off wordpress auto update !
    2. Create a test site
    yes that takes time, but the comfort of not doing stuff live is fantastic !
    3. Don’t do upgrades of wordpress/plugins for the first week (UNLESS they are deemed critical), let others find the faults – yes I know that is bad to say, and if no one upgraded we’d never make progress, and I write plugins that I need people to upgrade to, etc. etc., but many people’s site’s aren’t critical, and if your is, don’t be leading the charge !
    4. Check the support forum for the upgrade
    for wordpress
    or your plugins support page
    you’ll soon find out if there are issues
    5. Upgrade your test site first, the spend some time checking all the critical bits
    6. When you’re happy that your test site works, then make the move in live

    I really feel for those who have been sent into panic, but maybe the above will help for next time



    I was having issues with mine and it was a conflict with my theme from Tielabs….here was the issue Problem … “its caused by “Exclude Pages in results” option in Tiepanel > Archives settings .. just deactivated till the new version be available”

    Hope that helps in some way!

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