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Error importing Vanilla forum database

  • Justin


    I keep running into the following error when trying to import my Vanilla 2.x forum database. I’m using WordPress 4.9 and bbpress 2.5.14.

    Repair any missing information: Continue
    WordPress database error: [Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes]
    CREATE TABLE GcuHRqrGbbp_converter_translator ( meta_id mediumint(8) unsigned not null auto_increment, value_type varchar(25) null, value_id bigint(20) unsigned not null default '0', meta_key varchar(255) null, meta_value varchar(255) null, PRIMARY KEY (meta_id), KEY value_id (value_id), KEY meta_join (meta_key(191), meta_value(191)) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
    No data to cleanStarting Conversion

    Any ideas on what I need to do to get this error resolved?

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  • Justin


    Anyone have any idea?



    Nobody knows how I can resolve this?

    Robin W


    this thread suggests using version 2.6

    Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000

    try 2.6Rc3




    I tried 2.6Rc3 and it did more, but still getting the same error along with a lot of others:

    Import Finished
    17: No threaded replies to import
    16: No anonymous reply authors to import
    WordPress database error: [Table 'db507177147.Comment' doesn't exist]
    SELECT convert(Comment.CommentID USING "utf8mb4") AS CommentID,convert(Comment.DiscussionID USING "utf8mb4") AS DiscussionID,convert(Comment.InsertIPAddress USING "utf8mb4") AS InsertIPAddress,convert(Comment.InsertUserID USING "utf8mb4") AS InsertUserID,convert(Comment.Body USING "utf8mb4") AS Body,convert(Comment.DateInserted USING "utf8mb4") AS DateInserted,convert(Comment.DateUpdated USING "utf8mb4") AS DateUpdated FROM Comment AS Comment WHERE Format != "Deleted" LIMIT 0, 100
    15: No replies to import
    14: No favorites to import
    13: No topic subscriptions to import
    WordPress database error: [Table 'db507177147.TagDiscussion' doesn't exist]
    SELECT convert(TagDiscussion.DiscussionID USING "utf8mb4") AS DiscussionID,convert(TagDiscussion.TagID USING "utf8mb4") AS TagID,convert(Tag.Name USING "utf8mb4") AS Name FROM TagDiscussion AS TagDiscussion INNER JOIN Tag AS Tag USING (tagid) LIMIT 0, 100
    12: No topic tags to import
    11: No closed topics to close
    Continuing Import
    Import Stopped (by User)
    10: No super stickies to stick
    9: No stickies to stick
    8: No anonymous topic authors to import
    WordPress database error: [Table 'db507177147.Discussion' doesn't exist]
    SELECT convert(Discussion.DiscussionID USING "utf8mb4") AS DiscussionID,convert(Discussion.CountComments USING "utf8mb4") AS CountComments,convert(Discussion.CategoryID USING "utf8mb4") AS CategoryID,convert(Discussion.InsertUserID USING "utf8mb4") AS InsertUserID,convert(Discussion.Name USING "utf8mb4") AS Name,convert(Discussion.Body USING "utf8mb4") AS Body,convert(Discussion.closed USING "utf8mb4") AS closed,convert(Discussion.InsertIPAddress USING "utf8mb4") AS InsertIPAddress,convert(Discussion.Announce USING "utf8mb4") AS Announce,convert(Discussion.DateInserted USING "utf8mb4") AS DateInserted,convert(Discussion.DateUpdated USING "utf8mb4") AS DateUpdated,convert(Discussion.DateLastComment USING "utf8mb4") AS DateLastComment FROM Discussion AS Discussion WHERE Format != "Deleted" LIMIT 0, 100
    7: No topics to import
    6: No forum subscriptions to import
    5: No forum parents to import
    WordPress database error: [Table 'db507177147.Category' doesn't exist]
    SELECT convert(Category.CategoryID USING "utf8mb4") AS CategoryID,convert(Category.ParentCategoryID USING "utf8mb4") AS ParentCategoryID,convert(Category.CountDiscussions USING "utf8mb4") AS CountDiscussions,convert(Category.CountComments USING "utf8mb4") AS CountComments,convert(Category.Name USING "utf8mb4") AS Name,convert(Category.Description USING "utf8mb4") AS Description,convert(Category.Sort USING "utf8mb4") AS Sort,convert(Category.DateInserted USING "utf8mb4") AS DateInserted,convert(Category.DateUpdated USING "utf8mb4") AS DateUpdated FROM Category AS Category WHERE Category.CategoryID > 0 LIMIT 0, 100
    4: No forums to import
    3: No passwords to clear
    WordPress database error: [Table 'db507177147.User' doesn't exist]
    SELECT convert(User.UserID USING "utf8mb4") AS UserID,convert(User.Password USING "utf8mb4") AS Password,convert(User.Name USING "utf8mb4") AS Name,convert(User.Email USING "utf8mb4") AS Email,convert(User.DateInserted USING "utf8mb4") AS DateInserted FROM User AS User WHERE Deleted !=1 LIMIT 0, 100
    2: No users to import
    1: Skipping sync-table clean-up
    WordPress database error: [Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes]
    CREATE TABLE GcuHRqrGbbp_converter_translator ( meta_id mediumint(8) unsigned not null auto_increment, value_type varchar(25) null, value_id bigint(20) unsigned not null default '0', meta_key varchar(191) null, meta_value varchar(191) null, PRIMARY KEY (meta_id), KEY value_id (value_id), KEY meta_join (meta_key(191), meta_value(191)) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci
    Starting Import
    Ready to go.

    Any suggestions? Is my database not allowing writes? I am using 1and1 as my web and database host.

    Robin W


    I am by no means a converter/import expert, this is not my area, but as no one else had responded thought I’d try and assist !

    is ‘db507177147’ related to the source or destination?

    looks from the errors as though it is the source?

    try looking at the vanilla forum and see if you do have tables called


    then come back



    I think ‘db507177147’ is related to the source, as that is the name of my source database.

    However, there are no tables in my source database named ‘db507177147.Discussion’ or ‘db507177147.User’.

    There are tables named ‘GDN_Discussion’ and ‘GDN_User’ in my source database.

    Is there any more info I can get you that may help?

    Robin W


    so table prefix needs to be set to ‘GDN_’ – what have you got it set to?



    so table prefix needs to be set to ‘GDN_’

    That did it! I didn’t have anything set for table prefix. Thanks so much for the help!

    Robin W


    great – glad you are fixed !!

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