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Change Breadcrumb url link

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  • @netweb


    Set the forums base slug to the same as your page slug and your custom WP page with shortcodes should take precedence.



    I have the same problem. The forums base slug is ‘forums’ as default and so is my page, but my custom WP page is not taking precedence. The bbpress one is, which is causing problems as I can’t set page options, sidebar etc etc. Any idea’s?



    I can either get the theme/wordpress to allow my page to take precedence, or change the bbpress breadcrumbs ‘root’ to point to my page instead of the bbpress base page.

    Any idea’s how I can do that? Many thanks!



    ditto here in how to tweak the breadcrumbs – e.g., add alt tags for hover; pre-pend the breadcrumb with new link (to the primary site on multisite network); change text from Home to something else (e.g., other page name) … accordingly, thanks in advance for any pointers that can be shared … cheers – chuck scott



    I’m having the same problem. Is there a fix for this yet?



    I found out how to change the breadcrumb url, alt and text myself. You can change the code in bbp-common-template.php (/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-includes/bbp-common-template.php) on line 1889…

    // Add the breadcrumb
            $crumbs[] = '<a href="/forums/">Forums</a>';

    It’s just a normal link tag so you can name it and add alt tag as you wish 🙂

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Garindan.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Garindan.



    Thanks– that worked! I’m worried that it will get over-written when I update the bbpress plugin, but I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. 😉



    Yes it would do, but it’s a simple change. I just keep a changelog of things i’ve changed so they can be restored on updates 🙂



    I have the same problem. I have buddypress.
    This file doesn’t exist anymore … :/

    An other solution ?



    Its now in ‘wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/common/template-tags.php’ on line 2026. bbPress of course not buddypress 🙂



    Thx Garindan 😀 ! I do it like that for the moment. But is not good to modify core :/

    Hope a nice solution will be find to that….

    or a solution for shortcode work with the default page forums ?




    Has this been fixed yet? I would really like to not change my core files.



    Hi guys,

    Has there been any other fix to this problem, as I don’t have direct access to our server I can’t modify core files either. Problem is same as above if the Forum root “forums” shares a name with a page it does not use the page settings but tries to display it like a blog layout. So if you click Forums in the breadcrumb it takes you to a blog archive type page instead of the index page it should. I am using latest version of wordpress 3.6.1, latest version of bbpress 2.4 and use Headway theme 3.5.5. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Link to site is Thanks



    I just found this and have the same problem with my page not taking precedence. Is there a ticket for this?



    Me too 🙁 I’ve also come across this in several other threads with no satisfactory solution either!



    I’m going to try garindan’s fix for now, but I’d also love an easier way to fix this. Seems silly that I can change the slugs in settings but nothing else matches it.



    My theme designer has supplied me with two templates for my forum root/archive and this has resolved my problems. It’s because my theme wasn’t able to handle the recent change regarding buddyPress and bbPress.
    Cheers, Antony



    as garindan post, pls try this file to edit.


    Line 2249


    // Add the breadcrumb
    // $crumbs[] = '<a href="' . esc_url( $root_url ) . '">' . $r['root_text'] . '</a>';

    to this

    // Add the breadcrumb
    // $crumbs[] = '<a href="' . esc_url( $root_url ) . '">' . $r['root_text'] . '</a>';
    $crumbs[] = '<a href="/forum/">Forum</a>';



    Is not good idea to change core code… And when bbpress is updated you lost all your modifies…



    Thank you @pekmez!! That is a perfect fix.

    Note, this code is now on line 2266.




    I just registered with this forum just to say THANKS pekmez!

    I confirm the change worked for me.



    Can’t believe after almost two years this is still a fundamental problem.





    Thanks, Robin, it helps alot



    Robin, your link is very helpful, but doesn’t explain how to change the breadcrumb forum root link.

    For instance, I want to leave the breadcrumb in place, but change the link from the root page to the new forum layout page.

    Forum Root Page: /forum-root
    New Forum Layout Page: /forums

    Can this be done using the theme’s functions.php page?

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