Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Don't Undersand
1) Ask in the BuddyPress forums, this is the bbPress one
2) Cause bbPress isn’t a plugin
3) See point 1
4) See point 3
In reply to: BBpress Admin for WordPressPosted 2 years ago #
Yes. But I am pretty busy right now and I can’t update my work. You can do it, the file has no license (it’s public domain).
Yes. But I am pretty busy right now and I can’t update my work. You can do it, the file has no license (it’s public domain).
<?php if( is_bb_admin() ) { ?> class="highlight"<?php } ?>
This is wrong Markus.
(which is deprecated, usebb_is_admin
) returns true if the page is an administrative page. It’s just a wrapper that returns the value of the BB_IS_ADMIN constant.<?php if( is_bb_admin() ) { ?> class="highlight"<?php } ?>
This is wrong Markus.
(which is deprecated, usebb_is_admin
) returns true if the page is an administrative page. It’s just a wrapper that returns the value of the BB_IS_ADMIN constant.In reply to: Installation Issue – bb-config.phpDoes your server have PHP running?
In reply to: Installation Issue – bb-config.phpDoes your server have PHP running?
In reply to: What's the difference between User Roles?what does a key master do that administrator doesn’t?
- Make new Key Masters
- Import and export data
- Recount (bb-do-counts.php)
- Manage options
- Manage themes
- Manage plugins
See file
Zaerl, you must have
, if you are listening to me.
Change the 4 global vars:
$za_highlight_topics = array();
$za_highlight_topic_class = ”;
$za_highlight_forums = array();
$za_highlight_forum_class = ”;
according to your needs. I do not provide support for this plugin.
Zaerl, you must have
, if you are listening to me.
Change the 4 global vars:
$za_highlight_topics = array();
$za_highlight_topic_class = ”;
$za_highlight_forums = array();
$za_highlight_forum_class = ”;
according to your needs. I do not provide support for this plugin.
In reply to: Auto Log Off?2 weeks if the user select the “remember me” button.
2 days otherwise.
The values are hardcoded in the core and I don’t think it’s a good idea to change them.
In reply to: Auto Log Off?2 weeks if the user select the “remember me” button.
2 days otherwise.
The values are hardcoded in the core and I don’t think it’s a good idea to change them.
In reply to: A simple thing… :)Create a readme.txt in top directory.
In reply to: A simple thing… :)Create a readme.txt in top directory.
In reply to: Displaying just one level of subforumI have already answered such question:
You must only change the conditional (the WHERE clause).
In reply to: Displaying just one level of subforumI have already answered such question:
You must only change the conditional (the WHERE clause).
In reply to: Avatar Upload Problem!!It would be great if you tell me the alternative or solution.
Actually I can’t release the source code of my adaptation because of the GPL’s rules but I have modified the original plugin on the fly for you. Keep in mind that I have changed it but I haven’t tested it nor I have run it. So don’t install it in a production server but test if it functions first.
In my bavatars mod every files are stored on the ‘avatars/’ folder. Obviously you need to transfer all existing images in the top directory and then delete all the folders (it can be a very very long operation if you access your server through FTP).
I can write a php snippet that copies the images in the top folder if you want.
In reply to: Avatar Upload Problem!!It would be great if you tell me the alternative or solution.
Actually I can’t release the source code of my adaptation because of the GPL’s rules but I have modified the original plugin on the fly for you. Keep in mind that I have changed it but I haven’t tested it nor I have run it. So don’t install it in a production server but test if it functions first.
In my bavatars mod every files are stored on the ‘avatars/’ folder. Obviously you need to transfer all existing images in the top directory and then delete all the folders (it can be a very very long operation if you access your server through FTP).
I can write a php snippet that copies the images in the top folder if you want.
In reply to: in postsYou can display html tags embedding them in a code section.
In reply to: in postsYou can display html tags embedding them in a code section.
There isn’t. bbPress uses
There isn’t. bbPress uses
In reply to: Avatar Upload Problem!!bavatars creates a bunch of directories that reflect the hash of the user mail. Long story short: bavatars take the picture, then the hash (example: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e) then it stores the image in d/04/001/etc. I think that the author built such a system in order to support a huge number of pictures (too many files in the same directory will slow down the file seek). I don’t like this approach.
In reply to: Avatar Upload Problem!!bavatars creates a bunch of directories that reflect the hash of the user mail. Long story short: bavatars take the picture, then the hash (example: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e) then it stores the image in d/04/001/etc. I think that the author built such a system in order to support a huge number of pictures (too many files in the same directory will slow down the file seek). I don’t like this approach.