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Avatar Upload Problem!!

  • Hi everyone,

    I want to use the avatar upload plugin. I did everything i had to do. but when i click on the Avatar tab in the profile page, i get back to the forum homepage. so i dont see a upload page for the avatar.

    Can you help me please??

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  • mr_pelle


    Try bavatars instead: way better!



    Try bavatars instead: way better!

    I have the same problem!

    bavatars didn’t work either

    please help!

    I have the same problem!

    bavatars didn’t work either

    please help!

    This is not beautiful but it works..

    and with a little bit of tuning (later) i think i can make it look much better.

    Also something cool.

    If you register with a Gravatar (wordpress) image placed on the gravatar site if will autom. pick that image as basic image.

    And if you would like to add some other image on your profile you can simple upload you’re own image and it will overwrite the basic one.

    And if you push “delete” it will autom. go back to the gravatar basic image.

    Very cool.

    No problems for me till now with this plugin.

    I also tried the Avatar upload plugin but that one is broken like …

    (don’t even try to install Avatar upload plugin – pick the Bavatars one)

    This is not beautiful but it works..

    and with a little bit of tuning (later) i think i can make it look much better.

    Also something cool.

    If you register with a Gravatar (wordpress) image placed on the gravatar site if will autom. pick that image as basic image.

    And if you would like to add some other image on your profile you can simple upload you’re own image and it will overwrite the basic one.

    And if you push “delete” it will autom. go back to the gravatar basic image.

    Very cool.

    No problems for me till now with this plugin.

    I also tried the Avatar upload plugin but that one is broken like …

    (don’t even try to install Avatar upload plugin – pick the Bavatars one)

    I’m not concern with avatar in my forum though but i find that interesting and will contribute to good experience of my user. I’ll give it a try.

    I’m not concern with avatar in my forum though but i find that interesting and will contribute to good experience of my user. I’ll give it a try.

    Can somebody tell me why this happens?

    I have downloaded and installed this Bavatars plugin from this site and look at this..

    I don’t know what is happening but i haven’t made those folders (directory’s)


    Can somebody tell me why this happens?

    I have downloaded and installed this Bavatars plugin from this site and look at this..

    I don’t know what is happening but i haven’t made those folders (directory’s)




    bavatars creates a bunch of directories that reflect the hash of the user mail. Long story short: bavatars take the picture, then the hash (example: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e) then it stores the image in d/04/001/etc. I think that the author built such a system in order to support a huge number of pictures (too many files in the same directory will slow down the file seek). I don’t like this approach.



    bavatars creates a bunch of directories that reflect the hash of the user mail. Long story short: bavatars take the picture, then the hash (example: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e) then it stores the image in d/04/001/etc. I think that the author built such a system in order to support a huge number of pictures (too many files in the same directory will slow down the file seek). I don’t like this approach.

    Thanks Zaerl,

    Thanks Zaerl,



    Hi Zaerl,

    I think that the author built such a system in order to support a huge number of pictures (too many files in the same directory will slow down the file seek). I don’t like this approach.

    Then please can you tell me what is the alternative?

    How can we get rid the numbers of folders? because sometimes it creates trouble when we change hosting. It take so much time to download them and then shift to another hosting. I’ve faced this problem.

    It would be great if you tell me the alternative or solution. :)



    Hi Zaerl,

    I think that the author built such a system in order to support a huge number of pictures (too many files in the same directory will slow down the file seek). I don’t like this approach.

    Then please can you tell me what is the alternative?

    How can we get rid the numbers of folders? because sometimes it creates trouble when we change hosting. It take so much time to download them and then shift to another hosting. I’ve faced this problem.

    It would be great if you tell me the alternative or solution. :)

    creative management


    i also want that solution

    creative management


    i also want that solution



    It would be great if you tell me the alternative or solution. :)

    Actually I can’t release the source code of my adaptation because of the GPL’s rules but I have modified the original plugin on the fly for you. Keep in mind that I have changed it but I haven’t tested it nor I have run it. So don’t install it in a production server but test if it functions first.

    In my bavatars mod every files are stored on the ‘avatars/’ folder. Obviously you need to transfer all existing images in the top directory and then delete all the folders (it can be a very very long operation if you access your server through FTP).

    I can write a php snippet that copies the images in the top folder if you want.



    It would be great if you tell me the alternative or solution. :)

    Actually I can’t release the source code of my adaptation because of the GPL’s rules but I have modified the original plugin on the fly for you. Keep in mind that I have changed it but I haven’t tested it nor I have run it. So don’t install it in a production server but test if it functions first.

    In my bavatars mod every files are stored on the ‘avatars/’ folder. Obviously you need to transfer all existing images in the top directory and then delete all the folders (it can be a very very long operation if you access your server through FTP).

    I can write a php snippet that copies the images in the top folder if you want.



    Zaerl thank you so much, you are a really helpful person on bbPress forums.

    Love your spirit.

    I’ll try it, then send you feedback.

    Stay in touch.



    Zaerl thank you so much, you are a really helpful person on bbPress forums.

    Love your spirit.

    I’ll try it, then send you feedback.

    Stay in touch.

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