zaerl (@zaerl)

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  • @zaerl


    I’m trying to find a solution and I can find it only making questions. Are:

    define('BB_AUTH_KEY', 'something');
    define('BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'something');
    define('BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'something');
    define('BB_NONCE_KEY', 'something');

    from bb-config.php equal to:

    define('AUTH_KEY', 'something');
    define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'something');
    define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'something');
    define('NONCE_KEY', 'something');

    from wp-config.php? Have you specified define('COOKIEPATH', 'the path'); on _both_ files?



    It’s ridiculous if to integrate you have to set your directory permissions to 777. Some hosts won’t even let you do that.

    It’s not “ridiculous.”

    Anyway. Have you installed the WordPress bbPress Integration plugin?



    Double check the values used to access the db (leave them blanck if you use the same db). Also make sure that the forum folder is chmod 777.



    Do bbPress and WordPress share the same database?



    bbPress _must_ not become a WordPress plugin. First of all because a BBS isn’t always associated with a blog and in my case this never happens. bbPress gain the attentions of a lot of people tired of bloatware engine like phpBB or slow engine like vBullettin. I switched to bbPress on all my sites for these reason.

    Seconded a lot of people (as far as I know) chose bbPress because they can access to a WordPress style plugin system. If you have ever written a plugin for WordPress you can edit a bbPress one easily in order to accommodate your needs. But if bbPress will be a plugin of WordPress you will download a plugin… of a plugin? This is kind of confusing IMHO. Obviously I’m not talking about PHP programmers or in general skilled people but of regular users.

    Third I think that the bbPress project deserve its own space. It is a too well done piece of code and for being a mere WordPress plugin.



    Did you activate Askimet? In my forums it filters away 99.9% of spam. I think that allowing the inclusion of <img> is always a bad idea.



    bbPress isn’t a WordPress plugin.



    Are you using “Post Count Plus”? If the answer is “yes” then be sure to set “Where should their USERNAME link to?” to “profile”.



    Are you using <strong><?php post_author_link(); ?></strong> on your post.php template file? I see that you output is: <strong><a href="">Radovan</a></strong> which is not correct.

    Are you using “Post Count Plus”? If the answer is “yes” then be sure to set “Where should their USERNAME link to?” to “profile”.

    In reply to: jquery loading



    It’s not a big deal. You can change the plugin in order to prevent the inclusion of jQuery on those pages that you know that will not need the special treatment. Change line:

    add_action('bb_init', 'jquery_please_initialize');


    // Add here all the template files that need special treatment
    add_action('bb_topic.php', 'jquery_please_initialize');
    add_action('bb_edit-post.php', 'jquery_please_initialize');
    // et cetera



    I have deleted that div as well, it takes a lot of space (I have placed the hot tags section just before the footer). Have a nice day.



    on bb-templates/kakumei/front-page.php delete:

    <div id="hottags" role="main">
    <h2><?php _e('Hot Tags'); ?></h2>
    <p class="frontpageheatmap"><?php bb_tag_heat_map(); ?></p>



    Modify #header and eliminate the background property. Then on bb-templates/kakumei/header.php put your code at line 30. If you don’t want that h1 points to the forum change <?php bb_uri(); ?> with your link.

    This is a HTML/CSS question and not a bbPress one.

    In reply to: Thesis integration?



    I am new to BBPress, and I have to say that compared with BuddyPress installation/integration, which is that simple WordPress plugin, BBPress has a long way to go.

    Whereas, it might surprise you to know, most people (WAY more people) in the world just want WordPress to load a plugin right into their existing theme and off they go.

    bbPress isn’t a WordPress plugin. It uses the WordPress core functions but it’s a separate project. You can’t compare the installation of a WordPress plugin with the installation of bbPress. Also you can’t compare the communities cause the two software are completely different. One is a blog engine. One is a BBS engine.



    300 * 14 = 4,200 forums? You must have a very good SQL server.



    All values under the cookie section of /bb-admin/options-wordpress.php must be changed according to the WordPress values.

    WordPress URL

    Blog URL

    Cookie salt “auth”

    Cookie salt “secure auth”

    Cookie salt “logged in”

    also make sure to:

    1) delete the old cookie before making your tests.

    2) check values of bbPress Integration plugin (/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=bbpress-integration-admin)

    3) change COOKIEPATH according to what the bbPress Integration plugin reports



    I actually love you :)


    this kind of info should be set in the config file

    As far as I know you can define USER_BBDB_NAME, USER_BBDB_USER, USER_BBDB_PASSWORD, and USER_BBDB_HOST in bb-config.php but I don’t know if it is the right way of doing things. There is no documentation.



    Gerikg actually the “label” can be seen only by those users that can actually see the forum. Other users don’t see the label cause… they don’t see the forum. I don’t understand why you want such a feature. An example. Imagine that we have two forums. The first one is called “Zaerl” and the second is called “is a nice guy”. Suppose that we hide the forum “Zaerl” to all users except the Key Master. If the Key Master log in he see:

    1. [H] Zaerl
    2. is a nice guy

    if anyone else log in:

    1. is a nice guy

    this is the right way of doing things. The “label” is only a useful hint for the admin/mod.



    forum_description(array( 'before' => ' '));



    they each had one separate db

    I didn’t know this. Open phpmyadmin and check table bb_meta:





    put on the new values.



    Are the settings:

    define( 'BBDB_NAME', 'bbpress' );
    define( 'BBDB_USER', 'username' );
    define( 'BBDB_PASSWORD', 'password' );
    define( 'BBDB_HOST', 'localhost' );

    equal to WordPress counterparts?



    Oper hidden-forums.php. Line 29:

    $hidden_forums['label']="This is a hidden forum ";



    To go deeper into that code a code that does “forumS” for more than one and “forum” for just one?

    $tf = get_total_forums();
    printf(__ngettext('Viewing %d forum', 'Viewing %d forums', $tf), $tf); isn’t automatically included. The statistics.php file ( does include that file as well.


    require_once( BB_PATH . BB_INC . '' );
    echo '<p>Viewing ', get_total_forums(), 'forums</p>';

    In reply to: jquery loading



    You put on the “jQuery please” tag? :-)

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