Will Brownsberger (@will-brownsberger)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @will-brownsberger


    I posted in this thread 15 months ago that W3 did not work with bbpress.

    Have to love the speed though and I thought I’d try again with latest versions:
    WP 3.9
    W3 0.9.4
    bbPress 2.5.3

    My first round of testing, prior to trying it on live site, willbrownsberger.com, was successful — I focused most heavily on whether bbpress replies would trigger refreshes. They do seem to. Occasionally, a very little bit of a lag, enough to make a fast-fingered tester wonder, but it seems to OK.

    So we are using it live now and will report back if we have any real problems.

    For the record, my settings are as follows:
    bbpress — anonymous topics and replies allowed (and that is what I carefully tested)
    w3 total cache as follows:


    Page Cache Enabled
    Minify, not enabled
    Database Cache enabled
    Object Cache not enabled
    Browser Cache not enabled (have settings in .htaccess)
    CDN not enabled
    Reverse Proxy not enabled
    Monitoring not enabled
    File locking not enabled
    Verify Rewrite Rules enabled.

    PAGE CACHE SETTINGS (all not checked except the following)

    Cache front page
    Don’t cache pages for logged in users
    Automatically prime the page cache (default interval 900 seconds, 10 pages)
    Preload the post cache upon publish
    Purge Policy — defaults (front page, post page, blog feed, rss2)
    Default advanced options

    Don’t cache pages for logged in users
    Default advanced options



    Definitely wait for the fix.

    The fix suggested by the author above gets past the security problem. And there is another easy work around — use short code with a forum id set. That works.

    However, there are other problems which more serious, which neither approach fixes. The bbp-topic-form short code just doesn’t necessarily work on a front page — it loses context. The field validation works but does not send the user back to the form. The short code seems to work return properly in a widget, but it really seems to bomb if invoked standalone via php on a front page.

    If you are using it in a widget, you may be fine.



    I’m a state legislator and we use bbpress as a constituent communication vehicle. We publish statements about legislative issue as “topics” so that people can give us feedback. In the course of preparing those statements it is essential to save work in progress as draft.



    Stumbled into a solution for this.

    In this file:

    Comment out lines 34 and 35. Lines 33 through 35 as appearing in the original are shown below. Line 33 contains the comment from the original.

    33	// $url was manually set in wp-login.php to redirect to admin
     34	elseif ( admin_url() === $url )
     35		$url = home_url();

    Hate to edit the core functions, but it works.

    Please note: Running Theme-my-login Version 6.3.8, bbPress Version 2.5.1, WordPress 3.8.



    The redirection settings don’t help.

    Having the same problems.

    Problem also appears here: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-theme-my-login-login-redirect-issue-with-bbpress

    For me, these coding solutions don’t seem to work either:



    Just wish to report that I have confirmed to my satisfaction that W3 Total Cache is not working with BBPress — using latest versions as of this date, January 8, 2013. I installed both in the last week.

    I have an active forum thread going on my website and as I observe it carefully, I can see that new replies are not generating page refresh for the topic. So, an anonymous user coming would not see latest replies. So, either there is an incompatibility or W3 just isn’t working right, which is possible — see this comment on that plugin:

    I am liking BBPress but lost some confidence in W3 total when it brought down my site fully on a minify error yesterday (nice enough to send me an error message but then everything went white and had to uninstall and reinstall to complete the fix). Now realizing that it is incompatible with BBPress, I’m going to have to pull it and try to run without caching for a while and see how it goes.



    Ok, partially solving my own problem, I found that when I comment out the upper pagination link (which is empty because the list is not long), the problem is resolved.

    Commented out:
    user-favorites.php, line 20
    user-replies-created.php, line 20
    user-topics-created.php, line 20

    That is a work around that solves the problem on my site, but perhaps there is a direct fix to the function call that would return nothing instead of empty divs when no pagination is needed. Would implement this fix if anyone can see it easily.



    Just a follow up.

    Here is a different plug in that does a reasonable job:


    After installing it, go to discussion settings and then set it to create a forum topic for each post, copy tags, etc. Then you have an option to apply settings to all existing posts.

    I tried this on a test site and it worked pretty well. It did not do all the bookkeeping of reply counts correctly, but it did create appropriate topics for each post and import the comments and replies to them.

    It is also reversible as it does not delete either the posts or comments — if you deactivate the plug in your posts (which were unchanged anyway) and their comments are intact. You do still have a bunch of new topics in your target forum.



    This is a potentially useful plugin, and makes nice use of WP functions.

    However, I’ve reviewed this code and I don’t believe that it works.

    Unless I’m missing something it doesn’t update the various necessary _bb_press metakeys.

    It just simplistically changes the post types for the posts to “topic” and stores the comments as replies.

    Possible that I’m missing something, but the documentation for the insert post function includes no indication that it will maintain the necessary bbpress fields.

    See https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_insert_post

    Although I haven’t run the code, I don’t actually believe that it will even insert the posts into the selected bbpress forum. It will, however, create the topics which can then be moved around manually.

    Just a lay person’s read.

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