webcreations907 (@webcreations907)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @webcreations907


    Inline image WordPress plugin has a free version.

    Inline Image Upload for BBPress



    Have you tried setting WP_DEBUG to true in wp-config.php to see if there are any errors?



    @robin-w if you remove the no-js in php, then it doesn’t allow the reason for adding it which would be to test if the browser supports javascript/jquery.

    Just an example
    Say you have a slider(JS dependent) that you only want to show if the browser supports js, then adding .no-js .my-slider{display:none;} would hide the slider if the browser didn’t support it, while if the browser supports JS then the no-js would be removed by JS and the slider would be displayed. Because the only way the class was removed was with JS which would verify the browser supports JS.

    So if you remove it with PHP then there is no test and the slider is shown regardless if the browser supports JS or not. Not sure what the percentage of browser users that have it disabled, sure it’s a very very small amount.

    You can see that in theme TwentyTwentyOne in template-functions.php the theme does it the same way I mentioned above in earlier post.

    Just wanted to mention it, hopefully it gets updated shortly and a fix gets out for it.



    That’s good, glad that worked out for you.

    You could also put it in bbpress.php in the plugin itself, then when the fix comes out and the plugin is updated it would get rid of it.

    For others looking for a solution, I tried to edit my post above but couldn’t, when I mentioned functions.php I mean the functions.php file that is within your current active WordPress theme.



    When no-js is used, it’s usually removed using javascript or jquery to check if the browser supports it as some people turn it off in there browser preferences.

    Try adding the below code to your functions.php or code snippet plugin, etc.

    if( !function_exists( 'bbpress_browser_supports_js' ) ){
    	function bbpress_browser_supports_js() {
    		echo '<script>document.body.classList.remove("no-js");</script>';
    	add_action( 'wp_footer', 'bbpress_browser_supports_js' );

    Make sure to clear any caches and check to see if it works for you.



    Thanks, will check those out.

    Working on a project for bbPress, and wanted to check the most used plugins for compatibility, so wanted user input on this.

    Thanks again



    Oh sorry, I was just looking for input on what if any plugins that users like to use with bbPress forums, rather it be adding functionality and features and so on.

    Just trying to find common plugins/etc between users of bbPress.

    Hope that makes sense. πŸ™‚



    You’re doing great @robin-w , you’re in here helping out users all the time. Maybe you should stick a donate link in your sig. πŸ˜‰

    As for the pagination, i think it would be better to ignore the nested replies when paginating don’t even count them in the pagination pages and load 1-2 of the nested replies and ajax the rest of the nested replies when user clicks to view them(like a load more). Something like Reddit how you can click to view more replies when nested.



    <!-- nextpage-> converts to paginated links when using wp_link_pages() WordPress function for pages, posts, etc content, some themes add it some may not. As stated on WordPress wp_link_pages() must be in a loop/used for post content output.

    I don’t think(maybe wrong) that it would be a good idea to use it in topics and replies for bbpress since bbpress has it’s own pagination functionality.

    Thought I’d mention it. πŸ™‚



    Have you tried adding a reply to a topic?

    In reply to: Managing too long URL



    That’s great, isn’t browser compatibility fun? πŸ™‚



    Try adding the below to your theme’s functions.php file.

    function quick_target_blank_link_content($content){
    	$content = str_replace('<a', '<a target="_blank"',$content);
    	return $content;
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_content', 'quick_target_blank_link_content', 60 );
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_reply_content', 'quick_target_blank_link_content', 60 );
    In reply to: Managing too long URL



    Maybe you don’t have those selectors / class names on your theme? Not sure what theme you’re using, but when I test on this forum, in Chrome & Safari adding the above fixes the overflow issue, Firefox didn’t seem to have a issue.

    Try the below, you might have to refresh your browser so it loads the changes.

    .bbp-reply-content a, 
    .bbp-topic-content a{
    	word-wrap: break-word;
    	word-break: break-word;



    That error is probably caused by your Theme’s included plugins, at least that’s what your error message says. You’d have to see what line 45 says in that file if you need that plugin for the theme.

    In reply to: Managing too long URL



    How about the below?

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-content a, 
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-content a{
    	word-wrap: break-word;
    In reply to: Split up my Tags page



    No problem, glad that worked out for you.

    I was trying to update the code in the above to remove the inline styles and !important, but guess I can’t edit replies on here.

    Will provide update code below, if you want to update it.


    .airport-iata-filter-tag-wrap span.active,
    .airport-iata-filter-tag-wrap span:hover{
      border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1);;
      padding:0 10px 10px;
    .airport-iata-filter-tag-wrap span{
      box-shadow:0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
      padding:10px 20px;

    functions.php file

    	function airport_iata_code_filter_buttons(){
    		if(!function_exists('is_page')) return;
    				  var buttons= {};
    				  buttons['a-f'] = 'a b c d e f';
    				  buttons['g-l'] = 'g h i j k l';
    				  buttons['m-s'] = 'm n o p q r s';
    				  buttons['t-z'] = 't u v w x y z';
    				  var get_tag_class = function( tag ){
    				    var tag_class = false;
    				      if(el.indexOf(tag.toLowerCase()) > -1){
    				        tag_class = index;
    				        return false;
    				    return tag_class;
    				  $('#bbp-topic-hot-tags .tag-cloud-link').each(function(){
    				   var tag_class = get_tag_class($(this).text().slice(0,1));
    				    if(tag_class !== false){
    				  $('#bbp-topic-hot-tags').prepend('<div class="airport-iata-filter-tag-wrap"><div class="airport-iata-info">Filter IATA Codes</div></div>');
    				  $('.airport-iata-filter-tag-wrap').append('<span class="airport-iata-filter-all active">All</span>');
    					$('.airport-iata-filter-tag-wrap').append('<span data-airport-iata-filter-key="'+index+'" class="airport-iata-filter-tag-cloud-'+index+'">'+index.toUpperCase()+'</span>');
    				  $(document).on('click', '.airport-iata-filter-tag-wrap span', function(e){
    				    $('.airport-iata-filter-tag-wrap span').removeClass('active');
    				      $('#bbp-topic-hot-tags a.tag-cloud-link').show();
    				      $('#bbp-topic-hot-tags a.tag-cloud-link').hide();
    				      $('#bbp-topic-hot-tags a.tag-cloud-link.airport-iata-filter-tag-cloud-'+$(this).attr('data-airport-iata-filter-key')).show();
    	add_action( 'wp_footer', 'airport_iata_code_filter_buttons', 100);



    They may have quit working on it.

    I did some digging through their code, and came up with something for you to try if you want.

    You’ll add the below code to your theme’s functions.php file, once you add the code and save the file. Reload your WordPress admin area by refreshing the page/browser, then remove the code and re-save the file.

    Go to your discussions page, and try out that button(Apply settings to existing posts) again and see if it works for you.

    	function bbppt_reset_topics_for_posts_meta_fix(){
    		$args = array(
    		    'meta_key' => 'bbpress_discussion_comments_copied',
    		    'post_type' => 'post',
    		    'post_status' => 'any',
    		    'posts_per_page' => -1
    		$posts = get_posts($args);
    			foreach ($posts as $post) {
    				delete_post_meta( $post->ID, 'bbpress_discussion_topic_id');
    			    delete_post_meta( $post->ID, 'bbpress_discussion_comments_copied');
    			    $comments = get_comments( array( 'post_id' => $post->ID, 'order' => 'ASC' ) );
    			    	foreach ($comments as $comment) {
    			    		delete_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID, 'bbppt_imported');
    	add_action( 'admin_init', 'bbppt_reset_topics_for_posts_meta_fix' );
    In reply to: Split up my Tags page



    Hey there,

    I got that code for you so you can add it to your page and give it a try.

    Put the code below in your style.css file of your theme, you can change as needed. It only styles the filter buttons.

    .airport-iata-filter-tag-wrap span.active,
    .airport-iata-filter-tag-wrap span:hover{
      border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1);;
      padding:0 10px 10px;
    .airport-iata-filter-tag-wrap span{
      box-shadow:0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
      padding:10px 20px !important;

    This code below you’ll need to put in your functions.php file of your theme, best if you put in child theme so that you don’t have to replace when you update your theme in the future. The function below is only set to run on that page you have the listed tags on.

    	function airport_iata_code_filter_buttons(){
    		if(!function_exists('is_page')) return;
    				  var buttons= {};
    				  buttons['a-f'] = 'a b c d e f';
    				  buttons['g-l'] = 'g h i j k l';
    				  buttons['m-s'] = 'm n o p q r s';
    				  buttons['t-z'] = 't u v w x y z';
    				  var get_tag_class = function( tag ){
    				    var tag_class = false;
    				      if(el.indexOf(tag.toLowerCase()) > -1){
    				        tag_class = index;
    				        return false;
    				    return tag_class;
    				  $('#bbp-topic-hot-tags .tag-cloud-link').each(function(){
    				   var tag_class = get_tag_class($(this).text().slice(0,1));
    				    if(tag_class !== false){
    				  $('#bbp-topic-hot-tags').prepend('<div class="airport-iata-filter-tag-wrap" style="margin-bottom:20px;"><div class="airport-iata-info">Filter IATA Codes</div></div>');
    				  $('.airport-iata-filter-tag-wrap').append('<span style="cursor:pointer;padding:10px;" class="airport-iata-filter-all active">All</span>');
    					$('.airport-iata-filter-tag-wrap').append('<span data-airport-iata-filter-key="'+index+'" style="cursor:pointer;padding:10px;" class="airport-iata-filter-tag-cloud-'+index+'">'+index.toUpperCase()+'</span>');
    				  $(document).on('click', '.airport-iata-filter-tag-wrap span', function(e){
    				    $('.airport-iata-filter-tag-wrap span').removeClass('active');
    				      $('#bbp-topic-hot-tags a.tag-cloud-link').show();
    				      $('#bbp-topic-hot-tags a.tag-cloud-link').hide();
    				      $('#bbp-topic-hot-tags a.tag-cloud-link.airport-iata-filter-tag-cloud-'+$(this).attr('data-airport-iata-filter-key')).show();
    	add_action( 'wp_footer', 'airport_iata_code_filter_buttons', 100);

    That’s it, should work. Let me know if you have any issues or questions on any of that.





    Did you try asking the developer of that plugin?
    You can post on their support page here:https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/bbpress-post-topics/, other users of that plugin might be able to help if you post on there.

    In reply to: Split up my Tags page



    I created that example, I just used the categories on your page for the example since the buttons are built based of of those.

    I didn’t do really any styling to it since it’s just a example.

    Link Below

    If you like that way that works and want to add it to your site, let me know and can get you some steps on getting that added to your page.


    In reply to: Split up my Tags page



    The way I was referring to would be using jQuery to build the filter buttons and make it filter.

    I’ll see if I can get a example up for you to check out.

    In reply to: Split up my Tags page




    How about just adding filter buttons to your current page so that users on your site aren’t directed to another page, instead the tags are displayed based on “Filter” type buttons they click while on that same page. Kinda like a filtered portfolio type set up.

    Filter buttons at the top of your tag cloud(i.e A-F, G-L,M-S, etc), when user clicks say “A-F”, then all the tags that are within that range are shown, while the rest are hidden. But you’d still be on the same page. Then have a “All” button so they could get back to the default view of all them being shown.

    Just a bbpress user here, just had a idea for you on that so thought I’d mention it.

    In reply to: Freshness is way off



    No problem, glad that’s working out for you so far. πŸ™‚

    You can remove the code when bbpress releases a fix for it, it’s just a temporary solution until it gets worked out.

    In reply to: @mentions



    Oh sorry, no it doesn’t do that, it just emails the user you mention.

    This one https://wordpress.org/plugins/comment-mention/, seems to show the mentions block you’re wanting, but looks like it would need to be changed to work in the bbPress comment editor.

    In reply to: @mentions



    I tried out this plugin a bit ago locally and seemed to work, my email did go into the spam/trash folder; but that could have been because I was testing locally.

    Check your trash/spam folder and see if the mention replies are ending up in there.

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